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20 mysterious places in the world

That Scientists are not able to put a hand on.

By Jeanette MPublished 8 days ago 6 min read
20 mysterious places in the world
Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

In this article, I reveal 20 of the most mysterious places that scientists still can't explain. Enjoy the article, friends!

Barac Plateau, Kazakhstan

In the heart of Kazakhstan's enigmatic Barac Plateau lies a realm shrouded in mystery—a place where time seemingly stands still, known ominously as the "place of no return." This name comes from local legends about people who went there and never returned or came back with strange stories of time glitches and UFO sightings. The exact reasons why people go there and never return remain a puzzle that has eluded even the keenest scientific minds. This spooky plateau, which used to be an island in the Aral Sea, has strange occurrences like people turning blue after staying overnight and mysterious new graves appearing without explanation. Would you visit if offered millions, knowing coming back isn't guaranteed?

Colosso Dell'Apennino, Italy

This isn't just any statue; it's a centuries-old mystery crafted by Flemish sculptor Giambologna near Florence, Italy. The massive stone sculpture looks like a living embodiment of the Apennine Mountains. Inside this colossal figure, there's a whole world to discover: three levels, each with its own theme and purpose, like the coolest hide-and-seek game ever. This sculpture breathes out smoke, has slits in its eyes and ears for eavesdropping, and even sweats and cries through a network of water pipes. How they achieved this masterpiece remains a mystery, leaving us to wonder what other secrets are locked inside this giant's body.

Skellig Michael, Ireland

Picture a mysterious island rising like two peaks from a vast ocean—that's Skellig Michael. This island holds the secrets of Ireland's ancient spirit and creativity, named after the Archangel Michael. It once cradled a Gaelic monastery from the 6th century. Christian monks lived in stone beehive huts, but in the 13th century, they left, turning Skellig Michael into a sacred pilgrimage spot. Climbing its 618 steep and uneven steps is like unlocking a hidden treasure. Besides its rich history, it's a bird paradise, home to the world's second-largest gannet colony. Star Wars fans will recognize it as a filming site for "The Force Awakens." The big question remains: How did ancient monks build a monastery on such a remote and tough rock?

The Bermuda Triangle

This triangular region in the North Atlantic Ocean, marked by Florida, Bermuda, and the Greater Antilles, is famous for the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes. Even rescue missions seem to get swallowed by the mystery. Theories range from supernatural forces to natural environmental factors, but none have fully explained the Bermuda Triangle's secrets. If you ever find yourself sailing or flying in that part of the ocean, keep your eyes open—you might just stumble upon the secret behind the Bermuda Triangle.

The Pyramid of Cuicuilco, Mexico City

In the heart of Mexico City lies the often-overlooked circular ruin of the Pyramid of Cuicuilco. This ancient structure is at the center of what is thought to be the oldest city in the Valley of Mexico. Unlike the usual pointed pyramids, this one is round. Cuicuilco started as a farming village around 1200 BC, but its civilization was possibly destroyed by volcanic activity. Today, the pyramid stands protected as an archaeological site and nature reserve. It's a fascinating yet dangerous place to visit, with snakes and other hazards.

Al Naslaa Rock Formation, Saudi Arabia

This mind-blowing site has baffled scientists for years. How do you explain a massive block of sandstone sliced perfectly down the middle, as if by a giant laser? These two halves sit perfectly balanced on small pedestals, adorned with ancient petroglyphs. Located in the Tayma Oasis, the rock's precise split and the origin of the petroglyphs remain unexplained. Ideas range from natural causes like erosion to theories about human or extraterrestrial involvement. Which explanation do you find more convincing?

Barabar Caves, India

Imagine caves as old as time itself. The Barabar Caves in India date back to ancient times and were a special place for religious practitioners. These aren't just regular caves—they're like magic rooms carved out of tough rocks. The techniques used to carve them remain a mystery, as do the drawings and signs on the walls. The Ajivikas, who lived there, practiced extreme asceticism and vanished without a trace, leaving behind a puzzle that scientists are still trying to solve.

Cano Cristales, Colombia

Known as the Liquid Rainbow or the River of Five Colors, Cano Cristales showcases a mesmerizing palette of colors—yellow, green, blue, black, and vibrant red. This natural wonder is due to the plant species Macarenia clavigera, which thrives on the rock lining the riverbed. The colors change with sunlight and water levels, creating a dynamic and ever-changing canvas. Unique to this river, Cano Cristales is a nature hotspot where the Andes Mountains meet the Amazon and Orinoco basins, making it home to unique plants and animals.

Kawah Ijen Lake, Indonesia

Kawah Ijen is a lake inside a volcano, notable for being the world's largest acidic lake with a pH as low as 0.5, similar to car battery acid. The lake's eerie turquoise color comes from dissolved metals and volcanic fluids. At night, a magical blue fire burns around the lake, caused by sulfur gases from the volcano. This phenomenon is unique to Kawah Ijen and is a spectacular sight.

The Lost City of the Kalahari, Africa

Hidden beneath the Kalahari Desert lies a mystery dating back to the late 1800s. Explorer Guillermo Farini claimed to have discovered an ancient city in the desert, describing it as a pile of stones with intricate blocks and possibly a temple or tomb. Despite many expeditions, no one has confirmed Farini's discovery. Some scientists suggest that what people see as a city might actually be natural rock formations. The lost city of the Kalahari remains an unsolved mystery.

Eternal Flame Falls, New York

In New York's Eternal Flame Falls, fire and water coexist in a magical display. A small flame burns behind a waterfall, fed by natural gases, mostly methane. This ancient gas source remains a scientific puzzle. The falls are also surrounded by legends and stories of time tricks, ghost sightings, and other strange happenings, adding to its mystical allure.

Hessdalen Lights, Norway

In the quiet town of Hessdalen, Norway, mysterious lights randomly appear in the night sky. These lights, sometimes as large as cars, have puzzled scientists for years. Theories range from cosmic rays to ionized gases, but none have been proven. The Hessdalen lights remain an unexplained celestial show.

Devil's Kettle, Minnesota

In Minnesota's Judge CR Magney State Park, the Brule River splits at a rocky outcrop. One side flows down a regular waterfall, but the other side vanishes into a deep hole, never to be seen again. Despite numerous experiments, the destination of the water remains unknown, making Devil's Kettle a natural mystery.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

In Northern Lithuania, the Hill of Crosses is covered in thousands of crosses and religious symbols. The origins of this practice are unknown, but it has grown over centuries to become a significant pilgrimage site. Despite attempts to remove it, the hill stands as a symbol of deep devotion, protected by the spirits of those resting there.

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

Beneath the mountains near Naica, Mexico, lies the Cave of Crystals, discovered accidentally by miners in 2000. This cave features enormous crystals, some nearly 39 feet long, created by mineral-rich waters. The massive size of these crystals remains a mystery, even though scientists understand their formation process.

Derinkuyu, Turkey

In Turkey, the underground city of Derinkuyu is a marvel of ancient engineering. This 18-level complex, carved into hillsides after volcanic eruptions, could house up to 20,000 people. It served as a refuge during invasions, with an array of chambers, kitchens, dwellings, and more. How ancient Anatolian dwellers created such a vast underground city remains a mystery.

Qin Shi Huang's Tomb, China

In 1974, Chinese farmers discovered the Terracotta Army, created to protect Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife. While we know why the army was made, the exact location of the emperor's tomb and its treasures remain a mystery. Ancient documents describe the tomb as a luxurious underground palace, but its secrets are still being uncovered.

Patom Crater, Russia

In Siberia, the Patom Crater rises 131 feet, resembling a giant bird's nest with an egg inside. Initially thought to be a meteorite impact site, the absence of meteorite fragments puzzled researchers. Despite investigations, the origin of the crater remains a mystery, surrounded by strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena.

Nazca Lines, Peru

Spanning 170 square miles of arid Peruvian land, the Nazca Lines are enormous geoglyphs depicting animals and people. Created around 500 BCE, these drawings are visible only from above. The purpose behind these intricate designs remains unknown, making the Nazca Lines one of the world's great mysteries.

Double Tree of Casorzo, Italy

In Casorzo, Italy, the Double Tree of Casorzo defies nature. A cherry tree grows atop a mulberry tree, both thriving against scientific odds


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Jeanette M

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