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10 Geniuses Who Were Shockingly Horrible People

Dark Side of Renowned Minds

By Ally AllanyPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
10 Geniuses Who Were Shockingly Horrible People
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Throughout history, certain individuals have risen to fame for their exceptional intellect and contributions to various fields. They are celebrated as geniuses, leaving a lasting impact on the world. However, beneath the surface of their accomplishments lies a darker side that often remains obscured. In this article, we delve into the lives of ten brilliant minds who, despite their genius, displayed shocking and morally reprehensible behavior.

Bobby Fischer - Chess Prodigy with a Dark Heart

Bobby Fischer, renowned for his brilliance in chess and his captivating victory against Russian grandmasters, catapulted the game into the mainstream. Yet, his influence on the chess world was marred by his overt anti-Semitism and hateful remarks towards the United States, the country he once called home. Despite his exceptional chess skills, Fischer's dark persona cast a shadow over his legacy.

Virginia Woolf - Literary Genius with Class Snobbery

Virginia Woolf's name is synonymous with literary excellence, as she made significant contributions to the world of literature. However, her elitism and class snobbery are unsettling. Woolf believed that education and intellectual pursuits should be exclusive to the wealthy leisure class, and her disdainful comments about her servants reveal a troubling aspect of her character.

Richard Dawkins - A Turbulent Online Presence

Richard Dawkins, celebrated for his scientific contributions and theory of social memes, is also known for his controversial behavior online. Rather than using his knowledge to educate and engage positively, Dawkins has engaged in online comment trolling and has been insensitive to the experiences of others, notably when addressing issues of sexism.

Aristotle - Ancient Philosopher with Sexist Views

Aristotle, one of the most renowned ancient philosophers, left behind a legacy of profound philosophical concepts. However, his views on women were deeply sexist, considering them inferior to men and advocating for their subservience. This regressive attitude towards women stands in stark contrast to the principles of equality and respect for all.

Isaac Newton - Feuding Genius with Grudge-bearing

Isaac Newton's contributions to science and physics are monumental, but his life was marked by an ongoing feud with Robert Hooke. Newton's grudge against Hooke led him to suppress Hooke's work and engage in slander, leaving a stain on his otherwise remarkable scientific achievements.

Thomas Edison - Inventor with Dark Tactics

Thomas Edison's innovative mind brought about significant technological advancements, but his ruthless tactics during the "war of currents" with Nikola Tesla were appalling. Resorting to animal cruelty to discredit Tesla's alternating current system tarnished Edison's reputation.

Nikola Tesla - Visionary with Troubling Views on Eugenics

Nikola Tesla's brilliance in science and technology remains unparalleled, yet his support for eugenics raises serious concerns. His belief in selective breeding to improve the human race highlights a dark side to his visionary mind.

John Lennon - Peace Advocate with a Violent Past

John Lennon, the iconic face of the peace-loving '60s and the hippie movement, had a troubling history of domestic violence. Despite his musical genius, his violent behavior towards women should not be overlooked or excused.

James Cameron - Acclaimed Filmmaker with a Legendary Ego

James Cameron, a renowned filmmaker, achieved immense success with groundbreaking films. However, his ego and mistreatment of colleagues, including actresses, have tarnished his reputation as a genius in the film industry.

Henry Ford - Automotive Innovator with a Dark Legacy

Henry Ford's revolutionary contributions to the automobile industry are undeniable. However, his virulent anti-Semitism and the fact that he inspired Hitler himself reveals a horrifying aspect of his character.


The lives of these ten geniuses serve as a reminder that brilliance does not necessarily equate to moral goodness. Their dark and morally reprehensible actions are a stark contrast to their exceptional contributions to various fields. As we celebrate their accomplishments, we must also acknowledge and learn from their flaws, striving to promote a world that values intelligence and compassion in equal measure.


About the Creator

Ally Allany

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