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Why JavaScript? Top Reasons to Choose It as Your First Programming Language

If you're considering diving into the world of programming and aren't sure which language to start with, I'd highly recommend JavaScript. Here are some compelling reasons why you should opt for it.

By Danis WerisonPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Dual Power

JavaScript isn't just a one-trick pony. Whether you're dabbling in front-end design or venturing into the back-end server-side of things, JavaScript's got you covered. The best part? You don't need to switch languages when you're in the mood to experiment with server-side apps. Unlike Java, C, and other programming languages, these are designed for server side, not for web front end. But for JavaScript, it can handle them both, although some performance is sacrificed on server-side applications.

Ubiquitous Environment

Imagine you're an enthusiastic newbie eager to dip your toes into the world of programming. You've heard of several languages, and you're trying to figure out where to start.

Option 1: C++: You decide to give C++ a try. First, you need to pick a suitable compiler, say GCC or Visual Studio. Then, you need to install it, set up the environment variables, write your first "Hello, World!" program, compile it, and then finally run the executable to see your output. A few steps, right?

Option 2: Python: Python seems promising. You download the interpreter, install it, maybe fiddle with PATH settings if things aren't set up automatically, write your script, and then run it using the command line or an IDE. A bit simpler than C++, but still some setup involved.

Option 3: JavaScript: On a whim, you decide to try JavaScript. You open your already-installed web browser, press Ctrl + Shift + J or Cmd + Option + J (on a Mac) to open the console, and type:

console.log("Hello, World!");

Voilà! Your message instantly appears. No downloads, no installations, no configurations. Your development environment was there all along, waiting in your web browser.

This is the beauty of JavaScript's ubiquitous environment. Almost every device with a modern web browser becomes a potential playground for your code. For a beginner, this simplicity and immediacy in getting started can make the world of difference, making the first steps into programming feel more like a gentle stroll than a mountain hike.

Dynamic Typing

JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, meaning variables don't need a predefined type. This can make the language more forgiving and easier to get started with for newcomers.

What is Dynamic Typing? In JavaScript, you don't have to declare a variable's type. The type is determined at runtime, based on the value it holds. This allows for more flexibility, especially when writing quick scripts or prototypes.

Example in JavaScript:

However, in statically-typed languages like Java, the variable's type must be declared when the variable is created. The type cannot change later, and the program will not compile if you try to assign a different type to the variable.

Example in Java:

With dynamic typing, beginners are less likely to face type-related errors, making the initial experience smoother. Beginners also can focus on understanding programming logic, control structures, and algorithm design.

Diverse Libraries and Frameworks

As beginners progress, they'll find an array of libraries (like jQuery) and frameworks (like React or Angular) available. These tools can simplify complex tasks and allow for more sophisticated applications without starting from scratch.

Rich Online Resources and Broad Community Support

JavaScript has dominated web-based front-end development for a long time. And because of its popularity, there's a goldmine of resources out there for anyone looking to dive in. Websites like MDN Web Docs provide extensive documentation, and there are countless tutorials, videos, and courses available for free. You can easily find them whenever you want to learn:). But it's not just about the resources, JavaScript also has a vast community of developers at all skill levels. This means beginners can easily seek help, join forums, and participate in local or online coding groups specific to JavaScript.

Good Pay

Every company, be it a startup or a big tech giant, wants their website to be snazzy and interactive. And who do they call? Yep, JavaScript developers. With its hand in everything from those fancy front-end visuals to powerful back-end tasks with Node.js, the demand for JavaScript pros is skyrocketing. Add in all the cool frameworks and libraries popping up, and suddenly, everyone's looking for a JS guru. So, if you've got solid skills in JavaScript, your wallet's gonna feel the love. Cha-ching!


In the vast universe of programming, JavaScript shines brilliantly as the North Star for both budding coders and tech veterans. Its multifaceted capabilities, from the ease of setting up to its omnipresent environment, make it a joy to work with. The bountiful resources and a thriving community only add to its appeal. If you're charting a course into the digital realm, let JavaScript be your guiding light. Dive in, and don't hesitate, you'll find what an amazing programming language it is:)

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About the Creator

Danis Werison

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