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Why is Shopify the best platform for an eCommerce website?

Wondering why Shopify tops it all? Here's what Shopify Developers have to say...

By Tech WishesPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Why is Shopify the best platform for an eCommerce website?
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

E-commerce websites provide your business with a broad customer base. They give users the option to transact online using portable devices easily. Modern cart-generating software has taken the place of the outdated method of creating eCommerce portals. These web programming tools deliver a variety of attributes and capabilities. A few of its advantages are less time, development effort, physical server cost, and staff cost.

The majority of businesses consider Shopify to be the best e-commerce platform out of the many available ones. And as most Shopify Developers would add, Shopify is undoubtedly well-known throughout the world, and for the reasons are justified.

What makes Shopify the best eCommerce platform?

Shopify, being one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, has the strictest standards while still providing all you need for your online business. More than 1,000,000 enterprises selling goods online are enabled by the platform. Additionally, it offers useful features that enable your eCommerce website to perform at a high level and genuinely elevate it.

As a web development company in Kolkata, our Shopify Developers can give a myriad of reasons why Shopify is their favourite. However, here are the top ones…

6 Features that make Shopify the best

Simplified Backend

Shopify's backend is among the simplest to use. Even a web-store administrator can quickly pick it up and learn how to use it, without the help of Shopify developers. With several capabilities, such as store-wide search and keyword shortcuts (the ability to search using keywords), utilizing the Shopify backend is incredibly simple for the user.

The Shopify backend also features a report area, which offers essential statistics to assess the sales and traffic of the store. This enables the store owner to examine website performance and analytics without involving any outside parties.


One of the most important aspects that affect a customer's retention in a store is the speed at which a page loads. If a page doesn't load quickly enough, a consumer will leave in just three seconds, claims Radware.

By utilizing CDN, Shopify makes sure the page loads as quickly as possible. It helps to speed up website loading by putting files like photos, CSS, JS, and other types of data on CDN. However, Shopify page speed optimization can be a little tricky for non-coders, and might as well hire the best Shopify Developers you can get your hands on.

Read Also: Shopify Page Speed Optimization

Shopify is App-rich

Each platform needs add-ons or plugins to increase its capabilities. Shopify Developers refer to them as "Apps." These apps give a store some additional features like product reviews, social media sharing, and others.

You can use one of the many thousands of applications available to improve the usability and functionality of your store. Each program is designed for simple configuration, implementation, and integration, which contributes to its popularity.

Hosting Solution

A new online business comes with a lot of challenges, and web hosting is one of those. The situation with startups, they have a few limitations, like free time, and hosting an eCommerce website requires some amount of technical support. Shopify, on the other hand, is a hosted solution that is cloud-based, so you don't need to bother about servers or databases.

The store can be logged in without setup, anywhere anytime, using your login information and internet connection. And other crucial aspects, like the payment gateways, work pretty straightforward, making management easy.

Tools for Marketing

Every eCommerce business owner has a separate marketing budget; as a web development company in Kolkata, India, we know how the process goes. However, Shopify is a boon in that field with its integrated marketing tools. These tools make editing and managing meta information, unique URLs, and other optimization objectives a piece of the cake. You can also make pages indexable or non-indexable, and redirect them if required. It also gives you the option to customize the store to suit your tastes.

Further, it merges with the social media mammoths, including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, opening up new opportunities for brand awareness and product visibility.

Need help with integrating marketing tools? You can hire the best Shopify Developers here…

Read Also: Why hire Shopify Experts for your eCommerce business?

Free 14-Day Trial

Shopify's free trial lasts about 14 days, and one can explore all its features by this. All got to do is register for an account by giving your contact information and responding to a few inquiries regarding your project. You will receive a 14-day free trial of Shopify after creating your account, during which you may try out all of its features.

You can alter the dashboard settings, storefront design, language support, product filter, and store setup, and add the product. You can also create product variations, and collections, and link them. Only posting your domain live is prohibited during the free trial, but Shopify offers its default principal domain in the form of "".

How does this help? Well, you get a hands-on experience with Shopify and can decide whether to rely on this platform for your business.

Now that we are at the end of this article, you’ve got the point, Shopify is the best eCommerce platform in 2022. Need Shopify Developers on board? Get in touch with TechWishes, a web development company in Kolkata, India, helping 100+ D2C to scale better. We are the preferred Shopify Partners.


About the Creator

Tech Wishes

Tech Wishes | Web Development Company in India

Delivering D2C Shopify Brands the partnership that helps them scale! We are the preferred Shopify Partners for some of the biggest names in D2C India.

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