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Why I love "How I Met Your Mother"

And why it's the greatest sitcom ever in my opinion.

By Daniel GarciaPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

It's been almost a decade since this show ended, I still remember watching it as a little kid and even at that time, I loved it. But I was young, so I didn't really understand why other than the fact that I found it funny. So earlier this year I decided why not? let me re watch my favorite sitcom. I was a bit skeptical going in, maybe it wouldn't be as good as I remembered it to be, or maybe it doesn't hold up. I re watched and boy, was I wrong. This show is my favorite Sitcom ever even to this day. It's not like most Sitcoms, it's not all jokes and laughs all the time, and while Sitcoms are mainly about that, what I loved about this one is that it wasn't afraid to have heartfelt and emotional moments in it that made the viewer feel something. For example, 'Friends' and 'That 70's show' or 'Two and a Half Men' are very entertaining and fun to watch, but the thing is they're mainly for laughs, when I watch those Sitcoms, I watch them to get a good laugh, however when I watch 'How I Met Your Mother' I watch it because I want to feel something, I want to feel some emotion, I want to be moved. How I Met Your Mother just hits me in the feels so many times.

The death of Marshall's father

I will do a brief summary on all my favorite and most emotional moments from the show. One of them is the moment Lilly informs Marshall that his dad has passed away. This moment right here... I can't even explain how much it just makes me tear up. I remember when I first saw this scene as a kid, I got emotional. Almost a decade later and it still brings me to tears. I wish more sitcoms touched subjects like this, losing a loved one is something we will all go through at some stage in our live's, It's hard to think about or to even briefly mention, much like Marshall quoted "I'm not ready for this." is how we all feel about that situation, we aren't ready, losing a loved one is possibly the hardest thing a person will ever go through, Marshall's reaction is a very realistic one. I love how before this moment, Marshall was happy and excited, then suddenly Lilly hits him with the news, it's how most of us get some news like this, we go about our day and then suddenly it just hits us, life is so unexpected that way. It's a very touching moment and puts me in the feels, the episode right after this one is also a great one.

The Pocket Dial scene is another touching and emotional moment, I mean Marshall's anger and sadness was so real, all he wanted was to hear his father's final true words to him, but instead he got a pocket dial. Well, he actually did get some final words from his father and they were "I love you" that to me was just so heartwarming and so lovely. For Marshall to hear not only his father, but his hero's last words to be "I love you" I think is enough to make a grown man cry. Truly a sad yet beautiful moment in the series, you can tell how much Marshall's father meant to him.

"Cause if you were gonna be some lame suburban dad, why couldn't you have been that for me?!"

Oh man, I don't think I can talk about this moment without almost shedding a tear or two, but It's a moment that hits me on such a personal level, my own father didn't walk out on me at a young age, but rather my own mother. I was at the young age 10 when my mom walked out on me, and this scene right here... I just feel Barney's anger so much, he just wanted his father in his life and it pains him, but he hides it all the time, much like I do. He clearly held so much anger for years, he wanted the childhood of his half-brother, living with a happy family, with his father, seeing someone else live that life hurt him and angered him, and it was completely valid and understandable, at least to me. Barney was often seemed as some emotionless and uncaring person, but this showed that he wasn't really that, it showed is soft side, the side he tends to hide, and I loved it.


Barney's Never-Ending Second.

This is a moment that is so real, it feels like we've all been through this, a Never-Ending Second, when something terrible in our live's happen and time suddenly freezes, and you just snap back into reality, and you just act like everything's okay, but it's not. That is exactly what happened to Barney, he fell in love with Robin, and the moment he found out they wouldn't be together, his heart broke. He broke up with Nora to be with Robin, but Robin didn't break up with Kevin. I loved this scene because it showed how Barney truly did have feelings deep down inside, he wasn't just a heartless guy, this is one of my favorite scenes in all of Television because of how real that feeling they captured is. I really felt for Barney right here, no matter how many times I re watch this scene, it never fails to get to me. It's a truly heartbreaking scene.


"It's just, Every day I think I believe a little less and a little less and a little less. And that sucks..."

Now, I realize how personal I'm getting in this post, and I apologize for that. but man, this show is just so personal to me. The little moments like this scene right here, they just get to me. This exact quote from Ted is how I have been feeling a lot lately and how I feel every person does at some point in their live's, we all go through those times in life where we lose hope and stop believing, Ted saw all his friends with their Wives and making a life of their own and that saddened him, it made him realize how older he was getting and how he felt like he still hadn't accomplished anything. I'm only 19 at the moment, but even then I could feel what he said so much, I feel like life is passing me by and I'm getting older every day, and every day I just believe less and less. Ted was often hated by many viewers, but he's honestly one of my favorite characters in all of fiction because of how much I relate to him. Life in all honesty didn't treat him so well, he felt really alone (I'll get to more on this in a bit) all his friends where doing different things with their live's, moving on and everything, while he felt as if something was always missing. I really loved Ted's character, growing up Barney was always my favorite, but after re watching the entire series, I have to say Ted became my favorite.

"Look Around Ted, You're all alone."

Now out of all the moments I talked about in this article, this one right here is my favorite moment from the entire series by far, it's the one that hits me the hardest. Throughout the entire episode, everything going on is all Ted's imagination. None of it is real, he's hanging out with his friends at the bar, they argue, they laugh, they joke around, all of that good stuff, and then reality strikes him, he realizes how alone he is. He imagined all of that to remind him of the good old days, but things are different now, Marshall and Lilly have a child, Barney and Robin are about to get married, and he's all alone at the bar still. This scene never fails to make me tear up just a bit, the older I get, the more I relate to it and the more it touches my soul. That feeling of seeing all your friends living their live's, and you are all by yourself is a heartbreaking one. While I absolutely love the moment right after where Ted runs to Tracy's apartment and gives that beautiful speech to her, the moment I always think about and has stuck with me forever is the moment right before that, Ted alone at the bar with a single ticket to "Robots vs Wrestlers" because the rest of his friends are busy doing more important things with their live's. This moment will forever make me emotional and move me in ways I can't even explain.


Overall, I love "How I Met Your Mother" because of how real it is in so many moments and how much it has impacted my life. Now I know how awful that Finale was, but I often try not to think about it and consider the alternate one the actual Finale in my eyes. That moment when Ted and Tracy meet is so heart warming, Tracy really was perfect for Ted. I honestly will never understand the decision from the writers to kill her off and just make him end up with Robin after all, but like I said, I personally like to think the alternate Finale is the real one. I've recently Re-Watched "Friends" "That 70's show" and am currently still Re-Watching "Two and a Half Men" and while those shows give me a good laugh, they just don't have that thing this one did, it's more than just a regular sitcom to me, it's a show that will really make you think about life. Sure, it's not as funny as those three I just mentioned, but I love it more because it didn't just make me laugh, it made me cry and in a way changed my life.


About the Creator

Daniel Garcia

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