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What to Expect in the Season Finale of Legion

There's an impending fight between David and his foe coming up in the season's final episode.

By Allie Z.Published 7 years ago 4 min read

With next week's episode of Legion being the season finale, the episode should finally bring to a close David Haller's battle with the Shadow King. It was only recently revealed that the Shadow King was the figure behind those evil yellow eyes we'd seen so often. The Shadow King had plagued David's mind for years, making him think he was crazy. Luckily for David, with the help of Oliver and Cary, they were able to trap the Shadow King inside a corner of David's mind.

The Shadow King appears to be trapped but it won't be for long. The ending of "Chapter 7" teased the Shadow King breaking free, so we know there's an impending fight between David and his foe coming up in the season finale.

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'Legion' [Credit: Fox]

Another pivotal scene that we can expect to see take place in the finale is Summerland's confrontation with Division. Somehow, Division-3 was able to infiltrate Summerland and completely surround the facility. Unfortunately for Division-3, David is raring for a fight and he's not wasting any time laying waste to Division's soldiers. Check out David's human tree in the image below.

Aside from David's impending battle with the Shadow King and Division-3, next week's season finale of Legion will more than likely be host to a number of other notable scenes involving the supporting cast. That said, here are five scenes we can expect to play out in the season finale of #Legion.

Melanie Reunites With Oliver

'Legion' [Credit: Fox]

In "Chapter 7," Oliver returned to the real world, but he wasn't the same. He had no recollection of what happened, nor did he recognize his own wife; Oliver had lost his memory.

When Melanie finds him, she merely greets him and doesn't try to help him regain his memory, which seems kind of odd. Melanie had been actively trying to pull Oliver from his comatose state inside the astral plane, but now that he's here she hasn't attempted to help him learn what he's forgotten. It seems like she doesn't want to reconcile with him. It's possible that she's allowing Oliver to discover everything on his own so he doesn't feel pressured into this reality he's unfamiliar with.

Oliver has been trapped within the astral plane for who knows how many years and his mind has withered due that time spent away. That said, there's a good chance that telling Oliver everything all at once might cause him enough trauma to send him back into the astral plane, so Melanie is keeping her knowledge of the past secret for the time being.

'Legion' [Credit: Fox]

Regardless, Oliver appears to be taking a shine to Melanie despite not having his memory of their past together. With Oliver's curious nature attracting him to Melanie, it's only a matter of time before they get reacquainted.

Professor X Comes to Visit

'Legion' [Credit: Fox]

#ProfessorX being a possible character on Legion recently came to light in "Chapter 7." When David spoke with the other personality within his mind, he came to the realization that he is the son of a mutant — a strong, psychic mutant. David doesn't know his father's name at the moment, but those of us familiar with the comics know David's father is Professor Charles Xavier.

We haven't seen Professor X on Legion yet but the season finale would be the ideal time to introduce such an iconic character. Along with all the teases in the first seven episodes, it's only logical for Professor X to show up now, especially with Division-3 surrounding Summerland. Not to mention that brief cameo in "Chapter 7," if we can even call that flash of Professor X a cameo.

Cary and Kerry Reconcile

'Legion' [Credit: Fox]

Another duo that needs some time to reconcile are the Carys. When Kerry (Amber Midthunder) returned from the mental prison within David's mind, she was upset with Cary (Bill Irwin). Kerry felt like she was left behind to fend for herself when it was not Cary's choice to leave her there. Cary was attempting to free everyone and Kerry was an unfortunate victim of the nightmares within David's mind. As a result, Kerry felt abandoned and has now turned away from Cary.

Cary and Kerry are going to have to reconcile eventually, as they share a body and Kerry needs Cary to survive. Technically, Cary is the host since Kerry's survival is dependent on his. But to the same affect, Cary's fate is tied to Kerry; if she dies, he dies. That said, the season finale will either conclude with the Careys reuniting peacefully or both dead.

Syd and David Get Romantic

As unlikely as it seems, there's yet another couple who needs some time to rekindle their relationship: Syd and David. They haven't had any quality time together since the Shadow King took over David's mind, but now that David has some level of control he's going to be able to expel the Shadow King from his mind.

When he's completed said task, David and Syd will be able to return to the the astral plane, where they can comfortably touch each other without being concerned that Syd's mutant abilities will affect them. To be clear, Syd's mutant ability forces her mind to switch bodies with any person she comes into physical contact with, so she's never really able to touch anyone. However, on the astral plane her mutant powers don't work ,which gives her the ability to touch people and be intimate with whomever she chooses. At the moment, that's David.

David Falls Into a Coma

In another set of events, David might wind up in a coma like he did in the comics. David's comic counterpart also tangled with the Shadow King but the battle left David comatose. That being said, the version of David Haller on Legion could meet a similar fate. David falling into a coma would also be a perfect cliffhanger ending for David to return in Season 2, which was recently greenlit by #Fox.

Those were just some of the scenes that'll probably unfold in next week's season finale of Legion. Although, we should expect a majority of the episode to follow David's concluding battle with the Shadow King. This fight should be one of the more entertaining segments to watch, since it will determine who gains complete control over David's body.


About the Creator

Allie Z.

I cover most entertainment related topics and am venturing into journalism.

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