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Top 10 Battle From Precure - Part 2

Given that Precure is about girls fighting the forces of evil and that the franchise now holds over 800 episodes and dozens of movies, it is a franchise with plenty of smackdowns.

By Craig ArnottPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
The Cures Stand Ready for Battle

Previously we have listed some of the best fights in the Precure franchise. With our choices of places 10-6 already covered, it is time to now look at our choices for places 5-1. The battles we have chosen are battles with a single Cure taking centre stage during the fight, as group battles are worthy of their own list.

5. Cure Black vs Cure White

Best of friends forced to fight
  • Series: Futari Wa Precure & Futari Wa Precure Max Heart
  • Movie: "Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart the Movie 2: Friends of the Snow-Laden Sky"

This was a battle to end the debate between the fans of the original Cure duo Cure Black and Cure White, which would win a battle, Cure Black with her strength or Cure White with her agility. Granted, the entire battle was due to Freezen and Frozen mentally controlling the pair one at a time, but it still gave fans something they wanted to see. It was also pretty painful to watch, as this was a duo that knew they were stronger together and were true best friends at the core. So, it is not just a fight the hurts the heroines physically, but it also hurts them emotionally. The tragic part is, once you think it is over and Cure White is freed from the mind control, Freezen and Frozen then take control of Cure Black. It is a battle that is still amazing to watch, and we completely get why they saved this confrontation for a movie.

4. Cure Flora vs Close

  • Series: Go! Princess Precure
  • Episode: #50 - "To Our Dreams in the Far Distance! Go! Princess PreCure!"

A battle that started the Go! Princess Precure series, was a battle that ended the series also. Cure Flora faced off against Close on her first day as a Precure, so when the heroines thought they had secured victory against Dyspiar, Close returned and was set to finish what his former master had started. Cure Flora saw this as her own personal battle, and gave us a final battle to end a pretty amazing series. The battle felt like a levelled up version of the pairs first battle, but this time the stakes were higher and Cure Flora accepted that she had to end the battle once and for all. Remembering the strength she got from her comrades, classmates and loved ones, Cure Flora gave a grand finale and ended her series in the right way. We personally love this battle and it embodies for us all the progression and hard work we had witnessed Cure Flora put into through the series. It is a final battle that can never be missed out of a list discussing the best battles in Precure.

3. Cure Selene vs Garououga

  • Series: Star Twinkle Precure
  • Episode: #41 - "Moon, Shining: Madoka's One Step!"

When you have a young woman from a distinguished and noble family, she feels a sense of duty to uphold her family’s wishes and expectations. But for Madoka, her time as Cure Selene unlocked her own ambitions to discover her own future instead. During this battle against Garououga she showed how fast, agile and quick thinking she was on her feet, but this was not enough to beat Garououga. When she accepted in her heart that she wouldn’t be letting her family down by following her own path, she unlocks her ultimate power and gives audiences perhaps the best fight in all of Star Twinkle Precure. We also love any heroine sporting a bow and arrow for her primary attack. We also loved the tension you feel in this battle, as this is her up against one of the strongest of Dark Net’s forces and it really shows how Cure Selene was truly underutilised in the rest of her series.

2. Cure Beauty vs Joker

  • Series: Smile Precure!
  • Episode: #43 - "Reika's Path! I will Study Overseas!!"

Considering we just mentioned heroines using bows and arrows, you cannot be surprised Cure Beauty vs Joker has made this list. But this one earns higher on the list as Cure Beauty was easily the strongest and smartest fighter on her team. But this battle accumulated all the experience she earned through the series and allowed her to best Joker once and for all. Joker noticed Cure Beauty as a threat early on, so when he set out to take her down in this battle he first attacked her mind. But being reminded by her friends of her heart’s desire took her to the next level and made her perhaps one of the strongest Precure of all time. When you add to that her intellect, you get a heroine ready for anything. We still watch this battle and get goose bumps as she drive forward and makes Joker look more of a clown in battle than he ever intended. We also love how she uses the ice she has created in this battle and the double sword fight it something rarely seen in a magical girl themed franchise. So we won’t object to more of this in the future.

1. Cure Moonlight vs Dark Precure

  • Series: Heartcatch Precure!
  • Episode: #47 - "Please Say It's a Lie! The True Identity of Professor Sabaku!!"

Okay, did you see anyone else at the top of this list other than Cure Moonlight vs Dark Precure? But choosing which battle was difficult. We ended up selecting the pairs final battle, as this was when Cure Moonlight truly overloaded in power. It is the climax of a series of battles that make it all worth it. It isn’t just a physical fight for Cure Moonlight either, this fight is to prove that the strength she has gotten from being part of a team has now made it so she could overcome her past and forgive herself for her loss. What really turns the tide of the battle is when it is revealed, to literally no one’s surprise, that General Sabaku was Cure Moonlight’s missing father and this nearly broke her. Especially when you add to this it was revealed that Dark Precure was made from a piece of Cure Moonlight and made them sisters. But given a reminder from Cure Blossom of how she looks up to Cure Moonight, this spurs her on and she takes it up a level giving us one the most dynamic fight from Precure. We personally love the moment she grabs Dark Precure’s wrist and flip kicks her from either side. But the moment we see Cure Moonlight landing the final hit needed to finally end the pairs rivalry, you know the fallout from this battle is going to have an effect moving towards the finale of the series.

What about you? Which fights stood out for you in the franchise? Did your favourite make our list?


About the Creator

Craig Arnott

A guy who was raised on comic books, sci-fi and the love of superheroes, thanks for that dad. I am also studying Film Production and Cinematography giving new insight into the craft.

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