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The Legacy of Robbie Coltrane

This incredible legend died may the angels welcome him at Heaven's Gates.

By Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Dearly departed great actor Robbie Coltrane died at age 72. The sad actor died it's unclear if he was sick or not. I will deeply saddened by this because I loved Rubeus Hagrid. He was the most gentle giant, the best casting in the Harry Potter series was when they casted Robbie Coltrane.

I can remember when the Harry Potter Series became a Movie Adaption. The First time I saw Hagrid I fell in love with his character. He was so sweet so darling.

You could tell that Robbie Coltrane drew his inspiration as Hagrid from his true personality.

I don't want to write about how Robbie died I want to write about the legacy he left behind.

His Legacy will be forever to me as his portrayal of Hagrid in our favorite series.

My mom told me that Robbie Coltrane died, and it just wasn't registering to me.

"All of the good actors, and actresses are dropping like flies."

Everyone is paying tribute to this great man. I guess in a way this is my tribute to the actor and his portrayal as Hagrid.

I wonder though when we die to see everyone paying tribute and saying you will be well missed? If so they Robbie Coltrane would be the first to see how much of an impact he made on the world solely on this part.

They say as an actor you draw inspiration to make the best portrayal of your casting. I think Robbie drew from his inspiration as a father his unconditional love, and gave others a sense of home when he portrayed this part.

When I first saw Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone of the character obvious the secondary character Hagrid drew me in. He was Harry's true father figure.

So when Robbie Coltrane died felt like Hagrid did to.

As the internet buzzes about Robbie, I feel devastated about this. I think this weekend I will be having a Harry Potter Marathon in Memory of this amazing actor.

Does everyone remember in the first movie Hagrid paying Hedwig's Theme. Pure Talent.

This kind of pure talent you will never see ever. I don't think I will ever see a actor like Robbie in the movies take such an impact on me ever again the way he did this.

It is said that he was sick for two years. This amazing actor has changed the world and will be a great legacy for many years or even centuries to come.

With his kind words makes me want to change the world like Robbie has. I hope to be that lucky.

I wanted to cry when I saw the tweet that Emma Watson wrote about him, “Robbie, if I ever get to be so kind as you were to me on a film set I promise I’ll do it in your name and memory,” she continued. “Know how much I adore and admire you. I’ll really miss your sweetness, your nicknames, your warmth, your laughs and your hugs. You made us a family. Know you were that to us.”

She concluded, “There was no better Hagrid. You made it a joy to be Hermione."

It's just so sad, that this man died. Makes anyone remember that we are all mortal. You will be missed, but never forgotten.

RIP Robbie Coltrane you will be missed and remembered by me forever and always. Anytime I watch Harry Potter I will always keep you in my heart. Anytime I read the Harry Potter series which has been a while you will be person I will picture in my head when I read about Hagrid when his scenes come up.

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About the Creator

Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)

LouLou maintains a boundary between her professional endeavors and personal life. She wears many hats as an author, blogger, and content creator. In various projects, each one a testament to her dedication and passion for storytelling.

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  • U.Rdiya2 years ago

    Hagrid is a memorable, loving character! He'll live in our hearts forever!!!

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