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Ten Documentaries on Netflix

That Seniors Will Love

By Jessica PoisterPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Ten Documentaries on Netflix
Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

When I worked in activities in a senior living facility one of the hardest parts of the job was picking new documentaries month after month. After a while, it started to seem like they had seen all of them. Here are some fun fresh easy ideas for documentaries that will appeal to a senior audience making both you and your residents happy. All of these documentaries are movies instead of series and all are less than two hours.

1. Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo

The Apollo program was a major part of American history and put the first humans on the moon. This documentary doesn't focus on the astronauts that landed on the moon. Instead, it goes into the lives of the ordinary heroes that made up team Apollo and made that historic moment possible.

2. Attacking the Devil: Sir Harold Evans and the Last Nazi War Crime

At first glance, this may seem like a war documentary. This is a documentary about the investigation of a drug and the havoc it wreaked in the fifties and sixties. Thalidomide was originally used for anxiety, trouble sleeping, and morning sickness. It was thought to be safe during pregnancy resulting in the deformity of thousands of children in the 50s and 60s.

3. Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb

Who doesn't love to know secrets known only to a few? This is a documentary on the opening of a tomb that had been sealed for over 4,400 years. While this is a fascinating documentary it is not for everyone. If you have residents that have trouble with reading captions this one may not be the best choice. It includes native Egyptians speaking Egyptian with English captions.

4. Becoming

This is a heart-warming documentary catching Michelle Obama behind the scenes as she does a book tour for her novel "Becoming." A must-see for fans of our former first lady. This is an enjoyable and inspiring documentary that will leave your residents talking about it.

5 Behind the Curve

Conspiracy theories hold a certain fascination for most people. This documentary does a deep dive into one of the most mind-boggling conspiracies out there. The idea that the earth is flat. This documentary interviews a variety of flat-earthers giving residents a peek into another world.

6. Last Breath

Sometimes you watch a documentary to learn something and sometimes you sit at the edge of your seat because of the daring feats of the people on screen. This documentary is the second variety. This true tale of a commercial diver trapped on the ocean floor with no help will leave residents wondering how he can possibly escape.

7. My Octopus Teacher

When I think of documentaries the words Oscar Nominee aren't usually ones I associate with it. My Octopus Teacher was nominated for Best Documentary at the 2021 Oscars. That makes it a definite must-watch for residents.

8. Untamed Romania

With Covid keeping everyone a little cooped up in their rooms sometimes it's nice to bring the outdoors in. This documentary is on the untamed wildernesses of Romania and the wild creatures that inhabit it.

9. The Game Changers

One thing I've learned from working with the elderly is dreaming and improving yourself is a thing that never stops happening. This documentary follows a UFC fighter as he interviews athletes and top performers in a search for a diet that reaches optimal health for humans.

10. Dancing with the Birds

Some birds chirp, some tweet, and some screech. What they all have in common is the fact that humans find them fascinating to watch. Your bird-loving residents will line up to watch this documentary on the intimate details of the lives of birds.

Finding documentaries that residents love is part luck and part advertising. Even the best documentary will go unwatched if your residents don't know what it's about or why they should watch it. So remember to speak loudly and often about any documentary you do pick. Your residents will appreciate it.


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