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Who has he stolen his ideas from?...

By Katarzyna SpellbindPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Steve Jobs: who has he stolen his ideas from?

…and copyrights…another spam from the Newtonian’s waning era…

If we do a thorough investigation of our understanding of some biological, neuropsychological, biochemical, and nano scientific discoveries, we start to doubt whether or not the “inventions” we have patents for (or are accepting monetary rewards for) paint us as a gang of thieves.

Soon after the secondary navigational system of bats, dolphins, and whales—echolocation—was explained by scientists, radar was “invented.” Or was it copied? What was patented works on exactly the same natural principles.

Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio…where were they copied from? What about the Fibonacci algorithm?

Airplanes, motors, computers…even computers? Yes, for sure. The Aboriginals at the time of the arrival of the unfortunate Captain Cook were using much more advanced IT than we have now.

If you study Aboriginal culture and philosophy deeply, you will learn that their primary life forces started with the interaction of 0 and 1 (rings a bell?) and everything that happened after was a result of it.

“0,” or a circle, was assigned to women or people who consider themselves women. As you know from mathematics (specifically geometry), a circle is an object that does not have an endpoint, and as the undefined number pi (π) it has been messed up in its calculation. Thus, women's tasks were less describable, less defined. These tasks were mostly assigned to connect to Father Sky, Mother Earth, the Moon, the Stars, and other realities or entities to find the path (whereas we shamans or witches of different kinds are always going on journeys to other realities in all cases where Google cannot provide a proper answer). Women were associated with the state of being. They were passive, but it was they who had access to secret knowledge.

“1” was for men and people considering themselves men. They were associated with doing, but their doing was in accordance with instructions Googled by the woman in the above or the below (as we know that there is no difference; see fractals). Men were living in the material world of reality number 1, which was the reality of danger, so they were responsible for the safety of women on top of other “doings” such as hunting and controlling bushfires, etc. They were associated with the Sun, the day, action, and bravery…

Man and woman, light and dark, good and bad, Yin and Yang, night and day: the polarities that create dramas, and drama is fuel for growth and for burning karma. That is, until we arrive at coincidentia oppositorum, alchemy, enlightenment, the Holy Grail, God, the Oneness, Nirvana, or whatever you call it.

So, going back to Steve Jobs. Everybody knows that he explored other dimensions by using psychedelics. Was his spirit animal or spirit guides giving him clues? Did he expand his conscious–subconscious connection to dig out his top ideas? Did his neurons fire on that level, the level of a genius? He adopted another quote from the well-known genius Leonardo da Vinci: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” He used this as a leading concept for all design and technology solutions. So… going deeper and deeper into investigation, who should own a copyright for Apple’s technology?

Another dexterous thief was Albert Einstein. Everybody knows his quotes on the conscious and subconscious (he called them the second, intuitive) minds. He considered them as a Servant and a King, respectively. He knew that no one could make any discovery with the Servant, which could only be used as a tool to prove the King’s concepts and ideas. Therein lies the proof. Many of Einstein’s theories were just proved recently as during the time they were born to the King, the Servant was not yet equipped with proper tools due to a lack of sufficient development in mathematics.

I attended a high school with a maths and science profile. When we students were not behaving well, our teacher gave us extra work; a number of problems to solve from our much-hated book by the Russian mathematician Antonov. When we came across a tough brain-teaser that no one could break, even with the help of the only “psychedelics” available to us at the time (behind the Iron Curtain during the hippie era), a very, very strong and long steeped tea, our last chance was our classmate, Grazyna. She was able to solve the most complicated problems while sleeping. All she had to do was absorb all the data before going to bed, fall asleep, and in the morning the solution was ready. It worked in 90% of cases, which begged the question, to whom she was talking to during her sleep? Pythagoras? Sphinxes?

Anyhow, Grazyna liked the Other Side so much that at least once a week she tried to commit suicide. We kept eyes on her constantly, so that when she was absent for a while, we delegated someone to go to her home and check on her. In case we could not wake her up we used two different kinds of reanimation: 1) To put two fingers into her throat to induce vomiting, and if that did not work, 2) Quickly go to shop to buy Alpaga, the cheapest wine we could get, and force her to drink it. We would apply two fingers again and a positive result was guaranteed.

At the same time that Grazyna developed her love for the Other Side, the great movie “Harold and Maude” was released. Harold was a 19-year-old boy who faked suicide to get his cold-hearted mother’s attention. Unfortunately, she knew all his tricks and even the most impressive bloody scenarios were not able to provoke a slightest reaction. So, finally, he found a 79-year-old lady as a companion. They met at a cemetery since they both loved to attend random funerals.

Speaking of the Other Side, it is somewhere from where no one wants to come back. Most people who have visited it testify that the only thing that pushed them to return were their earthly duties. Once, I remember performing a past life regression on a client. Usually when I “transport” clients from one scene of their “previous life” to another, I make up a story to help keep them in a state of bliss necessary to retrieve information. In her case, I used an amazingly fluffy white cloud on which two playful cherubins were tearing out the feathers from each other's wings and using them to tickle her on the tummy as a vessel. When there was a time for another vision from her previous life, I issued proper instructions to redirect her from the cloud back down, but she refused to obey me. I repeated the instruction again and again, but she said that she still is not there. So, I asked her; where she was, and she answered, “I am still playing with angels. I don’t want to go anywhere else.”

I digress. Let’s go back to the main topic, on the delinquency of scientists, writers, musicians, and so on.

A long time ago, I was attending a lecture by a researcher from the Jungian Institute in Switzerland. The scholar informed us that he was working with a number of American scientists who investigated the behaviour of microbes. His task was to help them (scholars, not microbes) to overcome the point of stagnation by teaching them lucid dreaming to see the solution or the next step of research in a dream. By the way, he said that microbes behave like they exist and they do not exist at the same time. Something like particles in quantum physics?

In the Newtonian Era in Poland, we referred to the “existing-non-existing” phenomena as the “Russian Circus.” The difference was that the objects of disappearance were not in nano sizes but quite normal-sized, like a bottle of alcohol or a wallet…

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Katarzyna Spellbind

Revolutionist...5th dimensional being. Gratitudonist. Creator of visual art, IT projects, outstanding leftovers’ cuisines. Extraordinary healer transforming any sickness in blooming vital energy, bilingual writer, tribal life admirer…INFJ

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