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Stealing Through Series

Living Vicariously Through Fictional Thieves

By Candice CainPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Money Heist

Let's face it: The majority of people in the world are law-abiding citizens. We have jobs and families and routines. We abide by the law and respect rules. We do what we are "supposed to do" in our daily lives. However, we can find an escape through watching law-breaking series.

There are many series out there that follow "normal" people as they turn into thieves. Viewers are able to live out their deepest, darkest, greediest fantasies by rooting for the bad guys. Some of these series are done so well, viewers don't feel any guilt in rooting for the "bad guys.' As a matter of fact, they become out anti-heroes as we cheer them on.

Are you looking for something that you can lose yourself in and stray into the dark side? Take a look at these law-breaking series.


This Spanish-made thriller about a team of criminals that tackles the virtually impossible robbery of the Spanish Treasury in the first two seasons is a worldwide sensation. Known as Money Heist in the USA, the show started as La Casa de Papel in Europe. Filmed in Spain, the show has taken the world by storm.

And if you're not watching it, you are certainly missing out.

Viewers are sucked into the well-planned heist where the perpetrators don't want to hurt anyone-- Just walk away with billions of dollars. The ideas come from a team of thirteen writers and six directors. The show is so cleverly done, it makes you wonder if their heist schemes would actually work.

The series has everything that a blockbuster film has: death-defying stunts, incredible actors, sensual love stories, subplots you get lost in, breathtaking sets, intricate plots... But rather than lasting two hours, it lasts four seasons (with the fifth in production). Four gloriously exhausting seasons that makes you want more.

Viewers barely notice the dubbing (although Denver's laugh gets annoying at times) from Spanish to English. A good portion of episodes are done in voiceover, where the Professor (Alvaro Morte) explains reasons for the heist. It's brilliantly written.

I never thought that I would ever enjoy a foreign program as much as I enjoy Money Heist. I have recommended it to many friends and family members, and now I'm recommending it to you. The next time you are looking for a binge-worthy series, make sure you check out Money Heist on Netflix. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.

Viva la revolución!

GOOD GIRLS (Netflix)

Three seemingly average moms are each faced with daunting debt, and take it upon themselves to come up with the money by robbing a grocery store. Instead of making off with $30,000, they end up with half a million dollars and find themselves neck-deep in a money-laundering scheme run by a gang.

Jessica Chastain and Matthew Lillard are the leading married couple, and there is an absolutely fantastic supporting cast. The chemistry between all of the characters is wonderful, and every episode leaves you wanting more. The stories are relatable, and make viewers ask themselves what they would actually do if they were able to pull off a crime without any suspicion on them. Everything about this show feels real.

THE BOYS (Amazon)

This is a disturbing show to say the least. A group of superheroes aren't exactly who they appear to be. They do whatever the want, whenever they want, because they have powers and can get away with it. Viewers can really see how bad the "superheroes" are, and want them taken down.

That's where Butcher and his gang come in. This ragtag group of former criminals and fugitives work together to expose The Seven and Vaught (the superhero people) for what they really are: Super Villains. This show is GRAPHIC. It's genuinely the most graphic show I've written about in this essay. There is tons of gore, sex, bad language and more. But, my goodness, it's a guilty pleasure.


About the Creator

Candice Cain

Candice Cain is the owner of Gemelli Films, where she is the main writer/director of many films and series. She has a BA in Dramatic Literature with minors in English, Theatre and Creative Writing from The George Washington University.

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