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"Standing In the Hall of Fame"

The world will ALWAYS remember your name

By Maya Papaya Published 4 years ago • 6 min read

Where do you even begin with a man who became the role model of our generation and not just through his roles on a screen. He was larger than life and more than just a performer.

Up until his last breath he showed his true strength and courage. In the face of many trying to be hateful and hurtful to him because it was easy to type behind a screen, he was in front of the world: silent, unshakable, caring, and hurting.

There is no way to know how much he was in pain or to the extent of the damage that could have been kept at bay had he not exerted himself as much as he did.

He had every right as an actor and as a human being to step down and not do as much for the sake of his health. And what did he do instead?

He pushed forward, acted in multiple movies, made appearances in many interviews, and continued to care for every kid that ever looked up to him.

From his heart-warming and inspirational role in 42 as Jackie Robinson

to the legendary first-ever live animation appearance as Black Panther

Chadwick Boseman carried himself with the grace of a king.

There was a reason all his roles transcended just that of a minority being shown as a staple of entertainment. It far exceeded his ability as an actor. It far exceeded the magnitude of the role in which he was put.

None of his roles ever encompassed the magnitude of his effect as a human being.

He carried all those roles because of the man he was, not because of what he had to emulate and portray. He was evident in each and every one. Each story had a piece of him that no one could hope to recapture.

He was loved by fans not because of his performance, his looks, or the characters he portrayed (though that did not hurt), but because of the man he was.

It begs the question how not many knew much about him. His life was in the public eye and yet no one even suspected that he could have cancer.

His life was on film and yet we knew very little about his day to day other than what he revealed of his projects.

Does that not strike a cord in all of us?

This man is as much a mystery to us as he was at the start of his career. Sure we knew what he was willing to divulge but that was it.

It is not so crazy that a star would want their life to be private. That is not the point I am driving home in this.

Rather I am bringing up the point that we really did not know him. For all that we thought we had a look into of his life. We had no interest past that in many ways because each person is entitled to a life of privacy.

However, there is such a distance in death for some.

How could we really hope to know the pain of the family, the close friends, those that had been directly affected by him in their lives. It is safe to say he touched a nation, but that was all through the use of technology.

The truth is we never got to know the whole person or the relationships he had. We do not know the struggles towards the end for those that knew him. We do not know what they have to mourn, to remember.

And yet somehow we all expect a fast response and answer as if it is that easy.

We forget that we are easy to respond, to show our hurt because the pain doesn't cut as deep. Oh believe me the wounds are deep. We lost a great man.

A legend in his own right and one that will not be forgotten so long as we have a say in it.

But we forget the pain of those who were with him through all of this, who knew him, worked with him, saw him in his hurts, in his struggles.

No life was lived without it and we did not know his. He chose to live his whole life as an example and one that we can fondly see through those of his movies.

He was a leader, a protector, a good counsel, an all-around good man.

May he be remembered fondly as such. . .

A GOOD man.

I firmly believe that the steps to 'greatness' do not come without first being honest and good. He was the perfect example of that.

The marvel universe is huge and one in which many fans have dedicated countless hours, money, and devotion to.

Yet we cannot comprehend the loss of those that worked with him, lived with him, laughed with him, struggled with him.

Let them have their time.

I know social media is a place in which many expect a response right now. I know for me it is hard to hear some news like that and be able to make a video honoring them in only a matter of hours, even for the sake of being a fan.

I know that may seem bizarre but it takes time for the news of death to hit.

This can't be.

Maybe they are not really gone?

That has to be fake!

Then you see that it is and all the emotions that come crashing down as you realize the only thing that you have left of a person you have looked up to for so long is the movies in which they had been in.

Then you see the onslaught of love from not only fans but those that knew him personally. You see the type of person they were. See the impact.

And you just start crying.

You start to regret not really knowing this person and then come to the realization that you never really did. I sometimes feel guilty with that knowledge.

How could I have claimed to look up to someone that I did not even really know? All any of us know is what is in social media and what does that prove.

Great I know how to use Google.

This is not meant to be a dig or slight on anyone. This is just a remembrance from a girl who is one in a billion people on this earth that was slightly touched by this individual.

And I didn't even really know him.

How great of an impact does that show?

May we not forget the acute impact of the actors that have passed on in this year and those previous. Remember what their legacy as a person was and to those whom you have cherished on-screen and in your daily life: do not forget.

Remember by living on with them and their teachings in mind.


About the Creator

Maya Papaya

A creative at heart but a squirrel for a brain. Making the actual completion of anything is yet to be determined 😂

I am a content creator, writer, and world traveler (still getting to the last part)

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