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'Spider-Man: No Way Home' - An Exclusive Spoiler Free Review

It's Finally Here!

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

So, Spider-Man: No Way Home officially released in the UK a whole two days earlier than the confirmed release date of December 17th, and as December 15th was my 30th birthday (**cries inside**) it was the absolute perfect excuse to get my tickets booked for the movie ASAP.

It was always my plan to do a review of the movie, however, I want to make it clear right now that there will be absolutely no spoilers included. The reason for this is because it just isn’t fair. The MCU to date has been responsible for completely changing the world of movies and there are just some things that need to be experienced in the cinema or watching the movie for the first time, so if you have come looking for spoilers then I’m afraid you may be disappointed, at this point anyway. Once the movie has been for out for a few days, we will be doing breakdowns of everything so definitely come back, but for now I just want to talk about the movie itself.

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So, first things first, the main question most of my friends and family have asked since seeing the movie is – did it live up to hype? The answer to this is easily the most enthusiastic yes, I’ve ever given in my life. This movie isn’t just a regular Spider-Man/MCU movie, it is something more. It completely transcends anything we’ve ever seen before, in my opinion, and for me it even outdid Endgame. Now I know a lot of people are going to be reading that last sentence and thinking how something can outdo Endgame. The only answer I can give to that is; watch the movie.

From all the promotional work and trailers leading up to the release, we obviously knew a lot of information beforehand, or at least we thought we did. We knew characters from previous Spider-Man eras were going to be included, those being Lizard, Sandman, Doc Ock, Green Goblin and Electro, all played by the same actors who brought them to the big screen before, however, the main question many fans, including myself, had was just how that would work exactly. Without spoiling anything, I can confirm there is an explanation given for how they end up in Holland’s Spider-Man timeline and it’s actually pretty satisfactory.

One element of the new movie I was extremely excited for was the return of Alfred Molina as Doc Ock. This was because Spider-Man 2 is one of my favorite superhero movies of all time. I was the perfect age for it and Molina’s performance was perfect. However, I was afraid his return here would ruin his character arc from Spider-Man 2, mainly because of how his character arc ends. He gets the perfect redemption arc and so I felt his inclusion in No Way Home would negatively effect this and change it, however, now that I have seen the movie, I can confirm my fears were completely unfounded. If, like me, you also had these thoughts, I can assure you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

With so many formidable actors included in this movie, another fear I had was there was just going to be too much going on that it would be hard to make a story work effectively, however, again I was dead wrong. Every single actor featured within the movie brings their A-game and more, without negatively impacting the story or their co-stars. There’s only one point in the movie I personally feel a star outshines everyone else. The only clue I will give, without spoiling anything, is that it involves Willem Dafoe. Now, obviously not everyone is going to agree with that assessment, but when you see the movie, you will likely at least understand why I say this.

The MCU has become synonymous for having the ability to make people laugh, cry, and scream with joy or shock all within the confines of one movie. No easy feat, but this movie takes that to the extreme. I have seen thousands of movies in the cinema, but until No Way Home, I had never been to an opening day release and had never experienced those audience reactions you see on YouTube or Tik Tok. That all changed December 15th. Every single person sitting in that cinema screamed, laughed, cried and cheered together and at the end we all clapped for the spectacle we had just witnessed.

It’s obviously very hard to write a review of something and be vague at the same time and I will write other pieces discussing elements in more detail after more people have had the chance to see the movie. For now, I refuse to be someone who spoils this experience for fans, so to finish off, all I want to assure you all is that the movie is amazing. Holland and all the cast do a phenomenal job and the movie is pretty much perfection. I personally give it 5 out of 5. Just go see it and experience it for yourself.

As a final note, make sure you stay to the very, very end as you will also get an unexpected surprise for what is next for the MCU.

Until next time!

READ MORE: Tom Holland Reveals Hilarious Reason He Botched His Star Wars Audition

Written by Jordan McGlinchey

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