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She-Hulk Review: "Ribbit and Rip It"

Another superhero makes his presence felt, and a tense ending sets up a highly anticipated finale

By Clyde E. DawkinsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

So when we last left Jennifer Walters, her love life took another hit. As it turned out, Josh Miller, Jen's wedding hook-up turned potential love interest, was drinking that Intelligencia kool-aid. However, life, as it often does, moves on, as does Jen's profession, and regarding the latter, Jen is shown with her new client: Eugene Patilio, aka "Leap-Frog." Eugene's complaint involved accusing Luke Jacobson, designer of the superheros, of making a faulty supersuit, as it caught on fire during one of his missions. Upon hearing Luke's name, Jen had one problem: Luke makes suits for her as well; in fact, he was in the process of making a gown for the Southern California Law Awards gala.

Jen wanted out of this case, but had to do it because Eugene's father dishes out a few pennies to the firm. So Jen was sent to get Luke to admit he made a faulty suit, which went about as well trusting the Baltimore Ravens to actually hold a lead this season. So they ended up going to court, and Luke's attorney was none other than...

What the (Dare)devil?!

So, Matt Murdock represented Luke, and ended up winning the case. How, you ask? Apparently, Eugene (the genius that he is) used jet fuel for the suit, which went against Luke's instructions, meaning that the burns he suffered were his own fault. After the case, Jen and Murdock have a heart-to-heart talk, and it's followed by the former being contacted by Todd Phelps (yeah, I know), who needed his representation--as he bought a Wakandan Vibranium spear at an auction, but the Wakandans want it back. What follows is Todd harassing Jen after a very cringey and immensely fake "Wakanda Forever" decree before Jen is contacted by Eugene, who stated that he was being attacked.

Jen appears, Hulks out, and actually fights Daredevil, while learning that Matt is the costumed superhero. She learns something else: Eugene's the actual bad guy; he abducted Luke and demanded that he make more supersuits for him. He even has goons, which actually leads to an interesting discussion on the difference between henchmen and goons. Murdock had it right: henchmen truly believe in the cause, goons are in it for the money.

The pair successfully save Eugene, which puts Jen back in Luke's good graces, and she gets her gown. In addition, Jen and Murdock hook up after their mission. Everything is wrapped up in a neat little package, which Jen (via one of her legendary and humorous fourth wall breaks) is quick to notice, as it happened with quite a bit of time left in the episode. Nikki appears and helps Jen get ready and prepared for the gala, and it's followed by Jen making her glamorous entrance in her gown and her She-Hulk persona. At the event, Jen's one of several women (including Mallory Book) who receive an award for Female Lawyer of the Year. After the winners are subjected to a series of tone-deaf questions, the event in interrupted by an Intelligencia broadcast that demeans, defames, and even shames She-Hulk. A furious She-Hulk smashes the screen and clutches one of the Intelligencia members, only to be stopped by agents from the Department of Damage Control.

Jen sensed a twist, and boy did we get one. Those final moments were the best part of that episode, because we see Jen at her angriest. But this is more than gamma radiation, more than being 6'7", green, and hella strong. It was hurt. It was heartbreak. It was a betrayal against her that Jen found out in a public forum. This ending was a big one, and it definitely sets up what should be one hell of a finale. This show is amazing as hell; I've loved every facet of this show, which has become the highlight of my Thursday for eight weeks now.

Episode 8, "Ribbit and Rip It," was released on Disney+ on October 6, 2022, and is the second episode to feature Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil. Cox has played the superhero on numerous Marvel programs, and will do it again on two more programs, Spider-Man: Freshman Year and Daredevil: Born Again, both set to premiere in 2024.

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About the Creator

Clyde E. Dawkins

I am an avid fan of sports and wrestling, and I've been a fan of female villains since the age of eight. Also into film and TV, especially Simpsons and Family Guy.

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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  • Don Money2 years ago

    I enjoyed reading. Great recap of the show with excellent insight!

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