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Scorned Pt. 8

The Derek Morgan Chronicles Fan Fiction*

By Cynthia FieldsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Scorned Pt. 8
Photo by Kristina Tamašauskaitė on Unsplash

Potomac General Hospital – Morning

Dr. Franklin pushed the door open and entered the room. He was glad that his patient was not alone; he wasn’t sure what his state of mind would be this morning. The day before didn’t go well and he had insisted on being alone. So, to see his mother sitting next to him was a positive sign.

“Good Morning, Agent Morgan, Mrs. Rossi.”

“Good Morning Doctor.” Fran responded.

Derek watched as the doctor came closer stopping at the foot of his bed.

“I need to do a little exam to see where we are, okay?”


“I’m going to ask Mrs. Rossi to step out for a few minutes...”

“No, please...let her stay...I need her to stay.”

“Very well.”

Fran stood and wrapped her hand around Derek’s hand.

Dr. Franklin slowly pulled the blanket back exposing Derek’s feet and legs. The doctor glanced quickly into his patient’s face then back to his feet. Lightly he touched the bottom of Derek’s left foot then glancing at him, he waited for a response; there was none. Then repeating the same with his right foot, he again saw no acknowledgment from Derek that he had been touched.

“Do you feel my touch?”


“Try wiggling your toes for me.” The doctor waited for several seconds. “Okay, one more time.”

“I’m trying; I’m...trying.”

Slowly the doctor lowered the blanket his face confirmed his suspicions. The odds weren’t good for his patient.


“I’ve ordered some test for later this morning. I’ll know more then.”

“What does this mean? Am I going to be paralyzed? Tell me something Doc!”

“It’s still early and I’ll know more after I see your test results later this afternoon.”

The doctor turned and left leaving Derek and Fran to process it all. Neither said a word for what felt like an hour. She could see the emotions playing on his face; the fear and anger and confusion.


“Yes Baby?”

“We’re going to get through this, right? Please tell me we’re going to get through this.”

Fran had no words of assurance and no promises for her son. All she could do was ask God for one more favor.

Andale’s Coffee House –

Dave knew that Penelope would want to pick up coffee and head back to the hospital but he had other plans, so against her protest the two of them grabbed a booth near the front door in clear sight of the hospital; that too was Dave’s plan to help him to keep her there for a while.

Penelope wasn’t in the mood for coffee and even the cheese danish was not a sufficient bribe to convince her to stay. She loved Dave and she knew he was just trying to be that father that Penelope needed right now, but she needed to be with Derek, by his side just in case he needed her.

“I know what you’re’ thinking, Kitten. He’s fine Fran will call, or the doctors will call if something happens.”

“I know, I just...Dave this is my fault...”

“Why, because you finally found the nerve to admit your feelings for Derek?”

“I should have never gotten involved with Sam.”

“Sam knew you loved Derek; hell, everybody knew you loved Derek! Don’t take this on, Penelope, or it will destroy you...and Derek.”

Dave watched Penelope push the steaming mug away and frown at the pastry in front of her. She was so focused on her thoughts that she missed his slight smirk and knowing nod.


“So what?” Penelope looked up at her friend.

“Does he know?”


“Does Derek know about the baby?”

Potomac General –

Fran paced the floor of Derek’s room; the staff had just returned him from radiology where more test had been ordered. The doctor was expected to be back in an hour to give them the news. Fran sent her husband a text to let him know to be back by then. She had a gut feeling that her son would need to see Penelope.

Andale’s –

Penelope’s jaw dropped as she stared across the table.

“What are you talking about? Derek and I just officially became a couple the night before Sam shot him.”

“Official, being the operative word.” Dave smiled again.

“H-how did you know?” She hung her head.

“I’m a profiler, remember? You are a caffeine addict, yet you pushed the coffee away and I’m guessing that the thought of eating that danish is making you sick to your stomach.”

“I hate profilers!” She moaned.

“Let me guess; that little bun was created about six weeks ago when none of us could reach you or Morgan.”

“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” Her face was beat red now.

“When we did finally reach you two, your face was the same shade of red it is now and you both thought that if you came in separately that none of us would suspect anything; am I right?” He continued.

“I told you, I hate...”

“Yeah, yeah you hate profilers. Well, if you’re going to sleep with a profiler you might want to tell that profiler to put a little more thought into his alibi or else come clean to the rest of us!”

He was laughing hysterically now. He stopped remorsefully as she began to cry.

“Oh kitten, I’m sorry; really...I didn’t mean to...”

"I cheated on Sam! I was supposed to be with Sam and just happened. It was supposed to be our secret!”

“Well the secret’s out.” Dave handed her a napkin. “So, does he know?”

“No, I was going to tell him the night he was shot. Now I’m afraid to tell him.”

“He needs to know. It may be the only thing that gets him through this.”

Potomac General – Afternoon -

Penelope and Dave quietly entered Derek’s room. The nurses had given him something for pain which quickly put him to sleep. The news from the doctor wasn’t good and Derek had grown solemn after the doctor’s visit. Fran was glad to see them; if Penelope couldn’t reason with her son, no one could. Fran and Dave left the room to allow Penelope time with Derek.

So now, here she sat wondering what the next days and weeks would look like and what it would mean for her and Derek. There was so much she needed to tell him, but it would have to wait for another time...if there was another time.

“Hey.” He whispered slowly opening his eyes.

“Hey.” Penelope placed her hand on his arm. “Bad huh?”

“Yeah, pretty bad.”

Derek closed his eyes still fighting the pain and the medication.

“Penelope, can you just talk to me?”

“Yeah...about what?”

“I don’t care, just talk.”

Penelope searched desperately for the words not wanting to keep him waiting.

“Okay...this is the first time I don’t have anything to say.”

He didn’t respond. He seemed so lost; so far away.

“Just know that I’m here, okay Derek? I’m here.”

“I know...I know you are.”

“I love you Derek; I love you.”

“I love you too.” be continued

*Disclaimer: The Derek Morgan Chronicles is fan fiction based on the CBS Crime drama, Criminal Minds. We do not own Criminal Minds or its characters.

fan fiction

About the Creator

Cynthia Fields

I adore words and I love what happens when we grab them, sleep with them, holler and scream and laugh at them! I love what happens when we throw them in the air and watch them fall magically from our minds onto paper!

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