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Review of 'Seasons of the Storm'

Such an amazing take on the tale of Jack Frost and Greek Mythology filled with compelling characters and interesting dynamics.

By Cyn's WorkshopPublished 4 years ago 3 min read


For fans of Maggie Stiefvater and Laini Taylor, a perfect storm lies ahead in this riveting fantasy duology opener from award-winning author Elle Cosimano.

One cold, crisp night, Jack Sommers was faced with a choice--live forever according to the ancient, magical rules of Gaia, or die.

Jack chose to live, and in exchange, he became a Winter--an immortal physical embodiment of the season on Earth. Every year, he must hunt the Season who comes before him. Summer kills Spring. Autumn kills Summer. Winter kills Autumn. And Spring kills Winter.

Jack and Fleur, a Winter and a Spring, fall for each other against all odds. To be together, they'll have to escape the cycle that's been forcing them apart. But their creator won't let them go without a fight.


Amazing novel. Seasons of the Storm by Elle Cosimano is a compelling retelling on the tale of Jack Frost, tying his legacy to Greek Mythology fantastically and intriguingly.

Excellent Storytelling

Splitting between Jack of Winter and Fleur of Spring, the passage of time is captured beautifully. As the immortal physical embodiments of the seasons of Earth, when the seasons come to an end, they are caught in the vicious cycle of being killed by the season that comes after, entering hibernation.

However, for Jack and Fleur, they want more than to be prisoners caught in the vicious cycle. They want to be free, and to do that they have to escape and find a way to survive outside of their prison. Together with Julio of Summer and Amber of Autumn, they hatch a plan to escape and survive off the grid.

The story is fantastic. By incorporating Greek Mythology, Cosimano creates interesting tension and dynamics. Gaia and Chronos make interesting antagonists to Jack and his companions and it offers something new and unique. It is a fresh way to bring to life Greek mythology and interpret it by combining it with the tale of Jack Frost.

Great Characters

Action-packed, the story follows the tension as Jack and his friends escape and travel the globe in the hopes of bringing out the end of Chronos’s tyranny.

As for Jack and his friends, they are so well developed. Fleur comes along the way from who she was at the beginning of the novel. As the embodiment of Spring, she has such a powerful connection to the Earth and with it comes so much power. Evolving from meek to fearsome, she tells the boys that she does not need them to save her and instead saves them. Fleur comes into herself brilliantly, becoming this fearsome and thoughtful character. The same can be said for Amer and Julio. While the reader never gets to see their point of view, the story still reveals their evolution through their narrative and dynamics.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Seasons of the Storm was an incredible read. Moving at such a great pace, the character development and dynamics will entrap the reader in this new take on Jack Frost.


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About the Author

Cynthia Bujnicki graduated from Emerson College with a BA in Writing, Literature and Publishing. She has always loved to read since she was a child. A contributing writer for YA Fantasy Addicts, she is also the Editor-in-Chief for Cyn's Workshop. She lives in sunny South Florida with her husband and son and their two cats, Mr. J the Kitten and Nyx.


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Cyn's Workshop

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