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POKEMON - Detective Pikachu - MovRev part 6

This is Movie Reviu with the Film "POKEMON - Detective Pikachu"

By pasin corauPublished about a year ago 9 min read
POKEMON Detective Pikachu - Movie Trailer

Hey listen Hey spike you bring you now

he is liver Good night good news

you all okay yes who have not slept

Here, let's dock first let's Pikachu

Who doesn't know the cartoon character

who became iconic from the cartoon cell

Pokemon So this time I will

ngetren to you, especially lovers of

Pokemon world who are a little nostalgic

he although the film itself is still

fairly new yes Well the story itself

This is adapted from a game and

the same title Carter Pikachu's voice

played by Ryan Reynolds whose

his career skyrocketed because of his role as

Deadpool nah As for the character

main character Tim Goodman is played by

Justin Smith Yen also played in the film

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Soul

Before you continue, pull your blanket

tightly prepare the snacks and

happy watching

this story begins when chaos

occurs at a research centre

Pokemon one of the experimental Pokemon

namely n escaped from the laboratory and

a car was seen trying to escape

which was attacked and thrown off

the bridge on the other side is seen the team and

Jack appears to be watching the q-bond

Pokemon that uses a mask

skull mask and always holding a bone

Jack also suggested the team to catch

Kibon because it seems to match

his lonely personality the team

team initially disagreed with him since

but he did it anyway but the team

failed and was instead chased by q-bond

wandered always only the failed

capturing Cirebon the team also received

a call from the police about his father

had an accident He also had to go

Kotaraya City where humans and Pokemon



I hope it was designed when they arrived

there the team met Lieutenant

Yoshida, his father's partner in the police.

asked for the key to his father's apartment

father's apartment key because he wanted to take care of some

When arriving at the apartment, the team

first opened his father's locker

well in front of okay This he met with

a Pokemon sidak who was with

the owner of the same property is a

Pokemon reporter named Lusi

Stephens Brush tells the team that

her father's death is related to the

the case she was working on when the team

entered her father's room she found

a canister containing purple gas He

then accidentally released it and

it turns out that the gas infected a Pokemon

named Ipong around the apartment and

turning them into aggressive timals

unaware of the Pokemon's changes

continued the search to his father's room

well there he found the bed

and a birthday card that was never

birthday card that was never sent to

so the team imagined when

he refused to live with his father

because he wanted to be with his grandparents

well while daydreaming a noisy voice

heard from his father's study

that was the first moment of the meeting

team with a Pikachu he always

use but detective well that makes

surprised again, this Pikachu can

talk let's understand I trust you

the team was very surprised but not yet

in accordance with Ipang's Pikachu

aggressive infected earlier entered

into the workspace and attacked the team

well the confused little lonely one tried to

to find a way to portray the team

managed to organise one lpong but

It wasn't long before another Ipong

came into the room

finally they escaped through the sewer

through the sewer into the crowd

saving everyone from the danger that was

coming but the Ipongs suddenly

back to normal, the rice team too

Trying to explain about Pikachu who

can talk

Hi but no one believed that the

Pikachu can talk and finally

they tried to talk to Pikachu

turns out Pikachu can only answer the team

then realised that he was the only one

who can listen to Pikachu talk

after that the team and Pikachu chatted

long enough the team finally knew the calcification

this is his father's Pokemon

they then went to a cafe

to talk well in this cafe sifikasi

explained himself who had amnesia or

memory loss and he also tells

his intention to find the team's father

named Heri goodman sing also

explained that when Cu Ca lo his father

already died but the Pikachu doesn't

believe they then argued long

but finally agreed to work together

investigate the next day three

were already busy rifling through Heri's files

to look for clues to the gas bottle that

opened by the team the night before

turned out to have the same scent as

Ipong when he became aggressive, the team

then got the idea to meet

journalists who were acquainted at the


came to his father's apartment, namely

Lusi when the team at a news agency

system saw the journalist again

scolded by his superiors set

handed over the gas bottle that infected

the Ipong but the journalist turns out to

had several similar bottles that he

obtained from the location of the informants that day

the team and Pikachu then

went to the journalist's place to

find a similar bottle well there

they met a Pokemon

named Mister Meme who seems to

recognised Pikachu Oh then they

caught him for interrogation here

when MMI was interrogated this interrogation

went tough because here streaming

can only communicate using

mime but the system had the idea to

integrate in the same way

so that they can connect better

He said that it turned out to be successful

and they managed to get information

the distribution of gas bottles called ART

and it turns out that the location

at a Pokemon Nella fight club

Scorpio blue sold yuscha well until

near the Pikachu must

fight against search If you want to

get the information you are looking for

Well the Pikachu also accepts this

challenge without knowing that the owner

this charger uses er to make

Pokemon become much more aggressive and powerful


Another problem arises when Pikachu

can't use the power of electricity

because he is forgetting

You're in a state of chaos

after the owner of the liquid substance accidentally

broke a bottle of water in a large

which made it scattered throughout the

Well the team also utilised

this chaos to extract information

solar from the owner of the charizard then the team

and Pikachu use the

Minecraft kemon that evolves into a

geradus to escape from the Club here so

that the feeling of flowers but the

police arrived first and

arrest them while at the police station

and met up with Lieutenant Yoshida and

trying to convince him that Heri's

father is still alive, they argue for a

until finally Yoshida had to

play the video footage of the car accident

experienced by his team's father this video

made him become desperate, he

blamed himself for

his childhood choice of refusing to

stay with his father but Pikachu

reassures the team that it's not his fault

when in his despair the system and

Pikachu is picked up by his subordinate

Howard, a tropical pilot who

devoted to their Pokemon

is taken to word's residence and when

meeting Howard the team that Pikachu finally

learnt that Heri's case was a

a special request from the animal itself and

the perpetrator who spread

is white word Roger clifford on the other hand

the fact about the death of the team's father was

revealed Howard managed to prove

that today there are still alive nah n Pokemon

who escaped from the research centre from

the beginning of the film apparently brought Syahrini

after learning the facts about his father

the team also held a meeting with

journalist, namely the Lusi well here

his boss this cycle is Roger

clifford so he has more access

to dig up information about the child anyway

the drug then Lusi's team of Pikachu and

Saya dak then conducted an investigation at

the research centre they

managed to sneak into the facility

while the footage also revealed

the origin of Umar's share which was apparently

extracted from the DNA of a rare mythical Pokemon.

Another recording also revealed that

Heri is the person hired by the live party

to capture nah here the process

the investigation did not go smoothly

there the team and Nose were chased by the same

Pokemon released by Roger

I dak that stress also caused

Sonik's explosion to deflate and

help them

family t-shirt Well just realised

suddenly the entire valley around Lex

moving apparently the entire valley is

giant rathore pump because but in

finally they managed to escape

after falling into the river only here

sifikasi was injured guys he surprised him

here when Pikachu was seriously injured Pokemon

blazer came to help after

then they helped the team and Pikachu

to see miutu to be healed.



I love you Key when it comes to touching

then shows a flashback reminding

to the team where Pikachu

saved him well in the middle of the flashback

flashback the quality team was caught by Roger

who apparently replaced them earlier

Here the team tries to save n

but Pikachu who also saw the flashback

flashback feels guilty for thinking

he betrayed the team's day then

trying to realise Cut but failed

Here, this Pikachu accidentally

stinging the team and making

his guilt even greater they

finally separated so that the story when

back to Raya City the main festival

was being held and Lusi tried to

sabotage the tape broadcast to

leaking about Roger's crimes on the other hand

on the other hand when Pikachu was separated and

walking through the location of the bridge

accident of his father's team he found

evidence in the form of a Pokemon shuriken

greninja and found evidence that

they were attacked by the greninja

Pikachu then realised that

miutu was trying to protect

in the accident and Howard

covering up that fact while the

the team who tried to meet Howard

was surprised to learn that he was the real mastermind

the real mastermind then Howard

managed to transfer his consciousness to

miutu's body and it turned out to be

his goal since the beginning of this hower

transfer the consciousness of all citizens of Raya

City into the body of Pokemon and Ardi gas

the entire festival balloon is the key to

plan Pokemon who inhale the gas

will go crazy and finger the container to realise

human beings well when all of your fellow citizens

is almost lost and has migrated to

This Pokemon Pikachu comes to

face Howard in the body n here

the battle between miutu and Pikachu was

inevitable while the team that

trapped in Howard's room managed to

find the real Roger and realise

if what they had been facing all this time was

a Pokemon on the motorway that

doctor here Pikachu and the team

both cornered, but the situation

turned around when Pikachu launched

his ultimate attack, namely the

strong electricity here Roger the

original also helped the team defeat

at the toll but when the team and Roger walked

left the room Howard Dito returned

and attacked them both here the team

managed to overcome it using the serum

Ar serum while Howard was focusing on

Pikachu didn't realise that the team

secretly took his neural transmission

which made him return to his original body

then Mio tuh who has mastered

her consciousness back to end a

chaos caused by Mr

This power is by returning

Each person to their own body

Hi white acne last part of this story was closed with a sweet ending

like most Hollywood films

films, here How gets

his reward while Lusi gets

her dream of becoming a news anchor

Picked up by ama and surprised the team

finally met the father who

it turns out that all this time it was trapped in

Pikachu guys who turned out to be

his new deliberately kept

his body just in case


Hi. Well that's in the storyline of the film

Detective Pikachu I personally really like

really like the film, especially the

graphics really spoil the eyes

but yes, there are still many Pokemon that

we haven't been able to see in this film but

at least it can entertain us and

a little nostalgia from the world of

trees that are served in the film

This live-action film subscribers hope you

like the same video Hendi said goodbye

See you in the next video

Happy nice dream and far


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pasin corau

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