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My Review of "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special"

Is this going to be like the Star Wars Christmas specials we remember way back when?

By Brian AnonymousPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special has recently started streaming exclusively on Disney Plus in 2022. Just in time for the holidays. I wasn't sure what to make of this because I remember the super cheesy Star Wars TV show back in the day. Perhaps Disney was going to phone it in for some content on their streaming platform. Then again James Gunn was in charge of it so there has to be something to it.

It all starts out with a cartoon dramatization of what had happened in the past with Quill and Yondu. Quill was a young boy and Yondu was being Yondu. I guess Quill was kind of homesick and was wondering if they could have a Christmas out there in space and Yondu took a big crap over the idea. They say that's why he doesn't really celebrate Christmas anymore.

Incidentally I thought it was weird that they'd call it a holiday special when they clearly make it out to be a Christmas special throughout the show. Not a big deal but just a little bit weird.

Anyways, Drax and Mantis were the ones overhearing this sad story and they thought it would be nice to finally give Quill the Christmas he wanted. Mantis also has an ulterior motive for this adventure but you'll have to find out by watching the special.

In order to achieve this ultimate Christmas day for Quill they decide that they'll go to Earth and kidnap Kevin Bacon to give to Quill. I know that sounds utterly ridiculous but it kind of makes sense? Quill has been talking to them about Kevin Bacon movies of the 80's forever and they thought that Quill looks up to him.

The hilarity is that Kevin Bacon is actually in this special and he plays himself. I didn't think it would get this zany but it really goes to the next level of Guardians of the Galaxy weirdness.

Mantis and Drax actually work pretty well together. We don't often see them in starring roles so it's nice to learn a little bit more of their personalities. Well.. what's to know about Drax? He's kind of simple minded, but his quirks work rather well in this show.

There are a lot of other weird things that happen in this show that are pretty darn funny. I think any fan of the Guardians series will have a great time with this show because the characters already feel like family. We're also pretty aware of what to expect from this kind of outing as well.

This is a pretty short special. It's about the runtime of a TV show but they packed a lot of goodness in there. Maybe Disney Plus is doing this for every holiday since they did the Werewolves by Night for Halloween. I'm pretty on board with it as long as they keep the quality of the fun up.

Like the Werewolves special there aren't a ton of special effects. It's a pretty barebones show but they had an extensive cast. There are quite a lot of stars in this special and you don't really get that with any run of the mill TV show. Disney knows how to pull their weight when it comes to cameos.

Overall, I had a great time with this one. I started out pessimistic then I became curious and ultimately came out satisfied. There's a lot to like about this special and if you're already a fan it's kind of a must watch. There are a few fun things they add to the Guardians world so this special isn't a one off waste of time. I have to give this special a 7 out of 10. Enjoy it for what it is.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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