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My Review of "The Beekeeper"

A fun popcorn action movie. This is how you make a badass movie.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

The Beekeeper is one of the first big action blockbuster movies to come out in theatres in 2024. It is definitely a movie going experience. If you've been keeping up with Jason Statham movies then you kind of know what you're getting yourself into when you check this movie out. It doesn't disappoint and he delivers his signature character he brings in all of his movies.

The movie starts off with a beekeeper, Adam Clay, and an older lady that happens to allow him to rent out a small shack on her property. The two seem to get along with each other and are on good terms with one another. This movie quickly goes through the motions to give Adam justification to go full on violent.

The older lady is a technologically illiterate person so a company sets her up to be defrauded. It's one of those telephone scams you hear about all the time on the news. The older lady falls for it hook line and sinker. This mortifies the older lady to the point that she kills herself.

Adam comes back to find the body and miraculously the older lady's daughter, Verona, is there too. Verona so happens to work for the FBI as well and she helps us as viewers understand how powerful everyone is around her.

We find out that Adam is part of a super secret organization that have an obsession with bees. They're all basically killers trying to protect the world as it's their hive. Adam happens to be a retired secret agent but he still retains all of his skills as an ultimate killer.

Meanwhile, the people responsible for defrauding her mother are headed by a humongous criminal organization and they have the ego to think that nobody can stop their dastardly dealings. Well they never heard of Adam Clay and they soon will.

This is when the movie really goes to 100 really fast. You see Adam cleaning house and you have to cheer for him because he's fighting for defenseless senior citizens. There's always a healthy campy vibe to all of the crazy violence that occurs in this movie. They also constantly make a point for Adam to use guns as little as possible. Most of the combat is hand to hand. These action sequences aren't for the faint of heart. This is probably what captivated me the most about this movie.

Each of the story sequences are quite ridiculous and I had a sense that this movie knew what it was and just wanted to make a wacky action movie. That is what this is. If you can shut off your brain and just enjoy the badass portions of the movie then you will have a grand old time. You can't seriously go to this movie expecting a masterpiece in storytelling. It delivers what it promises.

There's not a lot of comedy but you will cheer for some of the torturous scenes that happen in this movie. Each villain gets what they deserve in a cartoonish kind of way. Everything is pretty much black and white where the good guys are obviously good and the bad guys are obviously bad. They do it in a very cartoonish manner. It's sort of like watching professional wrestling on TV. They know what buttons to push to get you to side with the good guys and hate the bad guys. In a way I love this simplicity because with so much happening around the world sometimes it's nice to curl up to something mindless and have fun.

Overall, I had a ton of fun watching this movie. Yes it's not the most outstanding movie out there but it does a really good job at doing what it's supposed to. Action fans should rejoice because they stick to the principles of a badass story; obvious good guys, obvious bad guys and a badass hero that is utterly unstoppable. I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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