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My Review of "Terminator: Dark Fate"

I really wanted to like this movie but the inconsistency of their rules don't make sense.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Terminator: Dark Fate is the latest Terminator sequel that had come out in 2019. As much as people didn't like Terminator: Genisys, I actually think that movie was better than this one. At least the rules of the story were consistent and I didn't question so much of the movie. This one was very odd and I'll tell you why.

It starts off the storyline right after Terminator 2: Judgement Day. John Connor who is basically what the Terminator franchise has been based on was actually killed by the terminator after the events of Terminator 2. They mentioned that there were multiple terminators that came from the future to come after John. This whole premise seemed really lazy to me but the whole terminator time travel thing is kind of goofy in a way too.

The end of Terminator 2 pretty much caused a huge change to the timeline. Skynet never gets created but instead there's some other company that takes Skynet's role as future world wreckers. This new system sends an advanced terminator to kill a new person, her name is Dani Ramos.

To protect Dani, the human resistance sends a cyborg by the name of Grace. She's basically like a terminator but instead she needs food I guess? It's funny because they make her seem like she's got everything the terminator has except she's got the weakness of being able to get hurt and has to replenish her energy despite having some special energy source at the very end of the movie. I don't know, like I said in the beginning all of the rules aren't consistent.

This terminator from the future seems to be pretty much as invincible as T2000 from Terminator 2. I don't really see why he is isolated to a metal skeleton despite the fact that the rest of him can turn liquid and turn into anything. It's really weird and they don't really explain how things work. As a viewer you just go with it and play along.

The problem is that a number of the things that happen in this movie are inconsistent in order to keep the movie going. For example, they have this explosion where both Dani and Grace are blown from. Dani who is only human is able to walk out of the wreckage whereas the terminator cyborg Grace is knocked out cold. Why did she get knocked out cold? Only to have her captured by the authorities. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense for her to be knocked out cold when a mere human without a super exoskeleton can handle it.

There's even a scene in the beginning of the movie where they talk about how much grace weighs because she's a cyborg with electrodes and whatnot in her. Then closer to the end of the movie doctors are able to push and lift her as if she's a regular human being. That's the big problem with this movie too.

It wouldn't be bad if it was a one off but this is throughout the movie. It takes so many super beings and whatnots to take down this terminator from the future and yet there's only one. In the beginning of the movie you already mentioned that they sent more than one terminator to kill John Connor why would they only send one terminator to kill Dani? Who's going to save her when the other terminators come after her? This one was practically invincible!

After watching this movie I started to wonder if they had a proof reader for the script. There are so many holes and problems within the story that I wasn't able to enjoy myself despite the crazy action. Even some of the action was gratuitous. There's no reason for some of the killings that the terminator commits. He could easily walk among some of the security as he looks like security in the first place but instead he goes on and kills them for no reason.

The action is sometimes unwatchable because there are a lot of really dark scenes in this movie. At times all you're seeing is some bluish hues and depending on moving shadows to understand where the characters are. It's really hard to see the action in these conditions. Hollywood really has to reimagine how they do fight scenes in the dark.

They also take awkward pauses in the gratuitous killing to make jokes throughout the movie. It really felt like some teenager had written this movie at times where some of the characters would be overly dramatic about their opinion on something and then completely switch to the opposite opinion in the next scene.

I can tell they even knew that some of their story wouldn't make sense to the audience so they took time to have the characters try to explain things to the audience as simple as possible. The way they do it is almost like some sort of public service announcement or something.

Overall, I had to watch this movie in installments because I was dying of boredom at times. I don't even know why I finished watching this movie as it was so bad. Here I am reliving the grief that I had to endure by writing a review for it. I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The two comes from some of the well lit action sequences. I would not suggest this movie to anyone. It is one of the few movies that I would say is hot garbage.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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