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My Review of "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season One"

This was a fun law comedy with a superpower twist.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season One has just wrapped up. There were quite a lot of expectations from all sorts of groups for this show. Not one of those expectations the same. No matter what your opinion is of this show, most of the show did remind me of the comic that I used to read years back.

The season starts off introducing Jennifer (AKA She-Hulk). She's a great lawyer that is often disregarded because of her diminutive stature. All is going well for her but that's all going to end when she goes on a cousin bonding trip with her cousin Bruce (AKA Hulk).

The two have a great time until they get into some sort of car accident and due to Bruce's blood being transfused into her she becomes She-Hulk. Only thing is she's able to control her anger way easier than Bruce. She's been doing it all her life as she's been disregarded all of her life as previously stated.

Although she loves the benefits of being She-Hulk, Jennifer would rather be just her usual self and doesn't intend to be exposed for quite some time. Being a TV show you know that's not going to happen. She obviously gets outed as this green monster but she's always in control. Not quite an easy thing to hide once it's out in the open.

With her identity revealed she realizes that she has to balance her professional, personal and love life with this new persona. It's a terrible balance and that's why this works as a sitcom. She's constantly put into wild situations and being in the MCU there are callbacks of certain moments with certain supervillains.

It's funny how she has to defend these supervillains and she does it pretty well. Add a really cooky fun law practice and you have a wild time. You wouldn't think it would work and I guess it doesn't work for some but for me it works pretty well. She often breaks the fourth wall just as Ally McBeal or shows like the Office would. To me this makes sense as it's a sitcom of the same sort but with superpowers.

They continually throw cringey and awkward moments at her like nobody's business and it's utterly hilarious. There is so much potential with this show but I did have to complain that the season was a bit too short. They never really go anywhere with this season and the way that they ended it was quite disappointing.

There are moments in the middle of the season that could have went off for a full longer story arc but I think they knew that they didn't have enough episodes to make it work. Nothing really fell through. It's a shame too because each of the episodes are only thirty minutes long as well. It's such a short series that deserves more time and episodes.

Each of the characters are so endearing and amicable as well. I even grew to love all the bad guys as well. I loved how all of the lawyers at the law office hate each other but they will have each other's backs. It's so wholesome even though they're painted as cold and feelingless.

Overall, I really liked this series. It gave me a ton of laughs and a lot fun. That's all I can ask for with a show like this. It kind of lost me with the last episode but I know where they were going with it. I just wished that their potential storylines just fell through rather than having ex-machina situations to resolve everything. I have to give this season a 7.5 out of 10. Here's hoping that they don't cancel this show because there is so much potential to this show. Please continue making them


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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