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Media is Still Lying To Us About Johnny Depp

Thanks, but we know what we're hearing and seeing.

By GabiPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

Despite livestreams and facts being presented in real time, media and a certain group online are using social media to spread fake information pertaining to the Johnny Depp's defamation trial, currently taking place in Fairfax Virginia. Now, am I shocked at all by this? Honestly, no.

You see, what we’re seeing taking place here is an example of mass media trying to have us question everything we are seeing and hearing. Even though so many are sitting at their screens watching the trial, that somehow hasn’t halted the attempts to make us doubt what we already know.

For example, a Twitter account called *checks notes* The Geek Buzz – yeah, I don’t know who they are either – wrote an article about how Dirty Dancing’s Jennifer Grey spoke up about her “troubled” relationship with Johnny Depp. Well, you see, the issue with that is, it’s not true, but of course, it didn't take long for it to start making the rounds anyway.

Another piece of misinformation that is being spread is about the finger incident. People seem to be taking Johnny’s text where he writes “I cut my finger” a little too literal and aren’t understanding that it’s just the way he phrased it.

In recordings from the night of the incident, we can here Johnny’s doctor, Dr. Kipper say that she shattered his bone (5:55 of video). We can also hear an irate Amber apologising for what happened (3:57 of video).

There is also this piece of audio where we can hear Johnny asking “did I throw the vodka bottle?” and Amber continuously ignores the question.

There is also the fact that Amber changed her story 3 times about the events of that night. First saying he broke it by punching a wall. Then there was the story of how he was smashing a plastic phone on a table. Then in the U.K. she stated that she didn’t know what happened that night?


We also know that Amber’s sister, Whitney, admitted to a friend whom she was staying with, that Amber did in fact cut his finger.

We also heard how she yelled at, and belittled star of Wandavision, Paul Bettany's son while on vacation with Heard and Depp. Causing the then 15 year old to burst into tears.

Another lie? The dog pooped the bed. Survey says…nope. How do we know? Well, in a sentence I never thought I’d write, the poo was tested and it came back with human DNA.

So, either her 4-pound Yorkshire terrier is half human, or an actual human pooped on that bed and left it for the house keeper to clean up the next day, while her and her pals went to Coachella. I’m leaning more towards the latter. Oh, and she told Johnny’s estate manager that she left the surprise as a prank.

We also now know for a fact that Amber did not donate her divorce settlement to the charities she had said she did.

Now this is in now way new, mind you. Media has always tried to make the public question their own logic by publishing stories that completely flip the script on a situation to fit the narrative they want you to believe.

They want you to think that it was Johnny not allowing her to leave when it wasn’t the case at all, and in fact the opposite.

We have heard in countless recordings that Amber gets upset because Johnny leaves the room or house when there is an argument and sees it as him not fighting for their marriage. She blames him for the violence by saying that him leaving “perpetuates” it.

We also know that she tried to get Johnny to break the temporary restraining order, by setting up a meeting through their talent agent.

So small note to those trying to make us question our own logic, try as hard as you want to diminish Johnny's supporters to nothing more than bots, paid for pr or crazed fangirls who are unable to look past a crush, it won’t work. Especially since we have all heard this.


About the Creator


Always tired.

@gabelisabetta on Instagram

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