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Let's talk about these upcoming video game movies (and why they are needed or not)

It's either the best or worst time to be a fan of these franchises.

By Ian HutchisonPublished 3 years ago 22 min read
Let the past die

It has been a universal thing since the ever so nostalgic decade of the 90s, that video game movies are generally.... well.... not very good. Actually, let me be straightforward here. Not a single video game film, before the release of Sonic the Hedgehog and Detective Pikachu, has been able to crack a tomato rating of 60% or over. Things don't look much better on IMDB either. Yet while most of these sites should be taken with a grain of salt compared to the reactions of the average moviegoer or avid gamer. Those reactions haven't exactly been the most positive either. It's practically a historic (almost) trope that video game films are never destined to be good. You cannot make a good video game movie.

Or can you?

I'm sure a majority of people will argue that Hollywood has made far too many attempts at this and has failed almost every time. Some will argue that video games are not the best form of medium to tell stories that appeal to the wide masses (although recent years have proven otherwise). Some fans of franchises, that have been adapted before, have argued that the people behind these adaptations are not fans of the source material, to begin with. To start this article off the right way here.

"clears throat"


Yes, no one thinks about that time now because the market has been filled with films and the birth of the cinematic universe. Most of which have been critically acclaimed and featuring characters that people had no interest in or could never picture a movie (let alone a TV show) centered around them. Say do you remember the Captain America movie from 1990?

The budget is shown prominently here.

I'm willing to bet that maybe only 20 people do? Unless you regularly watch Red Letter Media. Without going heavy-handed into details about the film. It was intended to be released to capitalize on the success of Batman 89. This was after Marvel Comics threw caution to the wind in an attempt to not file for bankruptcy. Simply by licensing out a majority of their "A list" characters to other film studios. In short, the film was meant to be released in theaters in the spring of 1990. Well, it didn't even make it to theaters. Rather it went straight to home video and the results were.... horrendous to put it bluntly. Instead of the small-town kid from Brooklyn aspiring to fight for his country and be a soldier. It featured a guy in his early 30's, faking sick and stealing other people's cars that were trying to help him. One of them being the love interest of the film. Talk about heroic right?

Now you might say to yourself "Okay chief, that's one example. At the time we had Richard Donner's Superman movies released two decades apart. The first two being great." You are correct there. However, that was the exception to the general rule. Sure, you had the first two Superman movies along with the first two Burton Batman films (some would argue against Returns but I have a soft spot for it). You also had the Crow, Spawn, the Mask, and I would even go so far as to say the first TMNT movie. Yet people forget, and for good reason. Movies like Steel staring Shaq, Rodger Corman's Fantastic 4, Supergirl, and Howard the Duck (though it does have a massive cult following). Also considering that a Wonder Woman movie went through several script rewrites for decades. Most films ended up getting scrapped altogether such as a George Miller Justice League film and a James Cameron Spiderman feature. Things improved after the year 2000 with movies like the first Blade and the first two X men movies but let's be real. We also had Affleck's Daredevil and the Ghostrider movies. 2005 was the start of the turning point thanks to Batman Begins and then things really took off after The Dark Knight and Ironman both released in the year 2008. Making San Diego Comic-Con a sellout event to this day. Hell, Ironman began the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe, which really took off and took the film industry by the balls with the release of the Avengers in 2012. Something that every company tried to start their own. Most of which failed to a degree.

I digress

The reason why I mention all of this history of comic book movies is to drive the point home. Comic books had a stigma that followed them for a while that very few films in the genre can reach a level of quality. Oh sure, you'll hear people talk about how much they enjoyed Judge Dredd, Tankgirl, or The Punisher movie from 1994. Most of these films found a niche audience for the most part. The same goes for video game movies. It is generally a universal consensus that Mortal Kombat is one of the best, right next to the first Silent Hill movie. Some people actually love the Warcraft movie (shutters) and these people are huge fans of the games. It's important to remember here that none of these films are wildly regarded as good. I personally haven't seen the Paul WS Anderson Mortal Kombat movie in years. I seriously doubt that it holds up as well as I remember it. Some of these films do have a cult following behind them thanks to the success of the internet. Namely the Super Mario Bros movie (yes this is very much a thing now). Yet with how video game movies have been over the years. No matter what case you want to make for them. They could potentially turn around.

With all this being said. Let's look at some of the recently announced video game adaptations in development or about to be released. Each one hand-picked based on the level of hype from myself. Starting with...

Mortal Kombat

Director: Simon McQuiod

Release: April 23, 2021

Studio: New Line Cinema

Now I should mention that this isn't at the top of the list because it's being released the soonest of the rest. No, rather this one seems like it has the most passion behind it. While it does have first-time director Simon McQuoid at the helm. Which is something that could really go either great or disastrous. James Wan, from Saw and the Conjuring fame, is producing this film. Thus making sure that every crew member, down to the key grip, is a fan and has respect for the lore. I want to clarify this for you. Every person working on this film is a fan and respects the lore of the franchise.

Take a second to absorb that info you just read. Now come back to this. Let me ask you something. What other IP has been given that level of love before?! Exclude the comic book and superhero films. Exclude any mainstream big-budget phenomenon such as Star Wars or Lord of the rings. That is something extremely rare. Let alone back when the first movie was made over two decades ago. Usually that level of dedication you only see from a fan film and never a Hollywood product. This is essentially the big wigs saying "alright fans, let us see if your way works or not". This rarely happens with video games or even anime. Granted the first Silent Hill movie was written by a huge fan of the series and while I enjoyed the movie. It's not exactly something that hit well with many people. Although, It is a film that I personally think deserves a second viewing. The point being is that the passion is behind this project and based on the little footage and stills I have seen. This may be the one to change the tide. I already know it's going to be better than the 1990s film and I damn sure know it'll be a masterpiece compared to Annihilation. Some may argue that fighting games will never make for good films. Just look at the efforts from Street Fighter and Tekken. I'd argue that Mortal Kombat translated better for the big screen, even if it wasn't the best translation.

Now cue the awesome theme.

Resident Evil

Just imagine a museum turned police station in place of the green screen here.

Director: Johannes Roberts

Release: November 24, 2021

Studio: Constantin Films

So this film may be the longest form of text out of this entire article. Considering I've been a huge fan of the Resident Evil franchise, dating all the way back to playing the original on Playstation in 1996. This series, much like Silent Hill, was an awakening for me. I have followed the series throughout. Renting the second game as a kid. Buying the SD Perry novels in middle school and even being one of the first people to buy the fourth entry on launch day from EB games. I have delved deep into the lore of this series. So much so that I have written out the pilot for a Netflix series adaptation (and no it doesn't feature the Wesker Sisters). With all of this being said. I am NOT a fan of the film series from Paul WS Anderson. The series deserves better.

Us cosplayers bow to the greatness of Alice

Now many people would agree with my stance. Hence why this series is being rebooted. Though you would be surprised at just how much these films are beloved. Call it a nostalgia trip or call it a genuine love. I know this from experience. For months on end, I worked a job at a major retailer. This was during the covid pandemic. So I was "essential" and thus It was mandatory for me to wear a mask on every shift. So I managed to find an Umbrella Corporation mask and wore it every shift. I would get at least 3 compliments a day on it, easily. Loved the attention no doubt. However, most of the compliments were to the beat of

"I love your mask dude. Those movies ROCK! I love Mila Jovovich."

Had I worn a STARS mask? It would have been an entirely different thing and I probably wouldn't have received as much praise. Though really this goes to show you that these films are much more beloved than fans and the general public (probably) realize. Frankly, I find the films to be a mess of trying to be a META action series combined with social commentary on how corporations are evil. What the hell do I mean by this? For every scene that Alice does a crazy over-the-top action sequence. They follow it up with a scene with four or five of the characters having a heart to heart. Or they are discussing how bad Umbrella is and how they can stop it. To the point that it completely slows down everything and shifts the tone. Yet, some would say that they nailed the aesthetic of the characters down in terms of looks. Sure, I'd say so. Do you know what else they got right about the characters from the games? Absolutely nothing! Every character in this film takes a backseat to the wonderful golden child known as Alice. Jill Valentine, my favorite of the series, has been reduced to a character that is defined by smoking cigs, shooting guns well, and looking ready. That's it! Chris and Claire are in the background most of the time. Blink and you'll miss them. The list goes on.

Thankfully with this reboot. We are getting the series back to its horror roots. Not just that but also it will focus on the characters from the games. No Alice and no red queen. I've been waiting for them to properly bring Chris, Jill, Claire, and Leon to light. It seems like it will actually happen now. Though some have taken issue in regards to some of the casting choices. Some have doomed the film a failure outright based on the decisions. While I am on the fence about some of the choices in the film. Namely the actors playing Leon Kennedy and Jill Valentine. Don't really hate their body of work either. So I get why some people would maybe have an issue with it as it is not aesthetically the right choice. I would rather have the personality and spirit of the character. Otherwise, it's just cosplay on screen.

Chris and Claire are pretty on point. Jill and Leon aren't too far off

And if we want to talk about being faithful to the games. Take a look at these set photos and tell me that they aren't.

Never thought I'd live to see the day.

More rooms

Again, already more promising than anything that came out of the Anderson films. However, like I've said before. Aesthetic isn't everything. You have to have the best execution in all areas. This leads me to my number one concern with the reboot. It is being directed by none other than the "great" Johannes Roberts.


So yeah, haven't really seen any of his other films and I do plan to watch the movie shown above. Though when your highest IMDB rating is a 5.6 and it is mostly user-based. It's a bit concerning, to say the least. Hopefully, I am wrong here and his reboot is stellar. It is concerning to me that James Wan left this project to focus on the Mortal Kombat adaptation. Though Roberts is a huge fan of the source material. Along with Chris Redfield actor Robbie Amell. The rest of the cast has shown some interest in the project. Others have kept pretty quiet on the whole thing. Not a huge fan of the director wanting to make the film a blend of the first two games. Which, judging by the character list for the movie. We will be missing out on some important and key moments. Stuff like Marvin's involvement in helping Claire and Leon or Barry Burton being.... well awesome. We are still getting a far more faithful and (hopefully) better adaptation than what we have had in the past.

Although it has to be said that the director's comments regarding his vision are interesting, to say the least. Enough to bring my optimism up. Though not without caution.

I’m a huge John Carpenter fan and I really took to that. The way he tells these claustrophobic siege movies and I took movies like Assault on Precinct 13 and The Fog and these disparate group of characters coming together under siege, and I took that as my filmic inspiration.

That came directly from the director. I too am also a huge John Carpenter fan. I love his filmography. Though how you're going to adapt the first two games into one cohesive 100-minute story will remain to be seen.

Fingers crossed

Metal Gear Solid

The theme instantly plays in my head.

Director: Jordan Vogt-Roberts

Release: TBA

Studio: Arad Productions

Similar to The Last of Us and Uncharted. No other franchise has had such a demand to be brought to the big screen than Metal Gear Solid. Hideo Kojima's biggest work in his career. It's a series of games that practically mirrors a film thanks to its level of storytelling. Which has also served as criticism from some considering it has some cutscenes that extend past 25 minutes.

Regardless of that, this is another franchise that I have loved since I played the original in 1998. Though, unlike Resident Evil. I've always felt that Metal Gear Solid wouldn't work on the big screen. Which I am pretty sure I am in the minority. Not because of their already cinematic style. Not because of the homage to films like Escape From New York. Not even because of the length (well partially). To put it simply. It has to do with one simple reason.

Metal Gear Solid has some very silly and bizarre story elements and I mean weird.


This is only scratching the surface of all the weird things you come across in this series. Metal Gear Solid is a stealth-action game where you play as a special forces spy and fight against Ninjas, Vampires, and individuals with comic book level powers. Granted the storytelling is taken seriously enough to rival any film out there. Let's not pretend that there aren't some ridiculous scenarios that occur.

Don't get me wrong here either. I love the storytelling in Metal Gear Solid and the bizarre elements that occur. Though I dont know how they would honestly translate to film.

Then I saw the concept art.

Im stiiillllll in a dream. SNAKE EATER!!

Gift of the silver tongue

"beep beep"

I mean WOW!! That's barely scratching the surface too. All of this art comes from the director's Twitter account to boot. So I already know he's a huge fan of the series. If that's not enough. Having heard who they cast to play Solid Snake, I grow sold by this project by the minute. Looks like Oscar Issac will be playing the role of Solid Snake.

Perfection (or close to it)

Not everyone is convinced he can pull the role off. Frankly, I cant see why you would think that but to each their own. Also, he is a huge fan of the series himself. While he doesn't have the voice of David Hayter

If that's not enough! The thing that really touched me is what the director himself had to say about tackling this project.

The interview is a bit long. Though just hearing about his passion for the series since he was a kid. He genuinely seems like a fan, based on everything that has been said in this interview. It doesn't feel like pandering in the slightest. He truly loves this series. Plus when you watch his previous film Kong Skull Island. You can tell his influence from the series based on the cinematography alone. Along with how scenes play out. We now live in a time where directors and other artists are inspired by video games. What a time to be alive.

With all of these elements coming together. Its brought up my enthusiasm for the project more. Made a believer out of me. Really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Let's just hope the studio doesn't interfere too much. If at all.


Director: Eli Roth

Release: TBA

Studio: Lionsgate

Calling all vault hunters!!! You may or may not like this film potentially.

So this marks the first choice on this list where I have an overwhelmingly mixed reaction to this film. This goes together with my feelings on the game series in general. Don't love them but I certainly don't hate them. I don't even dislike the series. It's one of those "take it or leave it" kind of a relationship. I played a good amount of the first game with some buddies accompanied by some drinks. Along with some of the second game. So while I am not exactly a huge fan of the series. I understand what makes it enjoyable. Though chances are that someone reading this is a huge fan of the series. With that being said. I understand that the appeal of these games is less about the plot and more about the co-op with friends along with the exploration. Though there are some problems that have arisen with this film that would have fans immediately tuning out.

For one thing, is the director. Look, it's not a problem with me really. As a long-time horror film guy I love Eli Roth's work. I've considered him a breath of fresh air in the genre. Considering his influences are deep in video nasties. Also, his Death Wish remake is a solid flick. Though the real question here is...

Can he do comedy well?

Based on the movie Cabin Fever alone. There is a good chance he can. However, it's not exactly the same kind of humor you would find with Borderlands. A film like this should be a good mix of Deadpool with some Rick and Morty thrown in. So with that being said, its hard to say if he is actually going to capture the spirit and tone of the games. Though I am ready to be surprised. Though when we look at the cast.


Interesting choices to say the least. Not bad really but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Though Jack Black as Claptrap will be great.

Looks as if the film's plot for the game will differ from the games. Which may or may not be a dealbreaker for some. Honestly, I am just hoping for an entertaining film. Plus considering it will be an R-rated adaptation. Might be worth it.

Filming has begun


Its a no from me

Director: Ruben Fleischer

Release: February 11, 2022

Studio: Columbia Pictures

Oh boy! Alright here's the deal. Uncharted is a series that I've personally enjoyed on the Playstation quite a bit. Actually, two is easily one of the best single-player action games ever. Though If I am to be honest. I never thought that Uncharted should be adapted into a film. This goes by my stance on adaptations in general, at least for films. The way I see it is, if you could adapt something word for word, scene for scene, and shot for shot exactly like its source material? Then why would someone, who has never read the book or played the game do so if the adaptation did its job. Perfectly adapted the source material. That casual movie viewer would have no incentive to go play the game if the movie adapted everything perfectly. That is the case with Uncharted (see also The Last of Us). It is a series that already mimics films like Raiders of the Lost Ark and Romancing the Stone. It's a game that already feels like a film. If you really wanted to indulge yourself with an Uncharted film. You could just watch the Nathan Fillion short film by Director Allan Ungar. I highly recommend it too.

Despite my reactions to the film. Hollywood seems to be dead set on adapting this series for the big screen and the fans are behind them. One of the few times that actually happens.

They were behind them until Tom Holland was cast as Nathan Drake.

Truthfully here, I was against the casting of him from the start. Nathan Drake is a guy in his early to mid-30s. The idea to cast Tom Holland in the role sets the movie back pretty damn far. The guy is in his early 20s and is in the phase of his career where he is playing high school roles. Well, just one known right now. Pretty sure you know which one too.

Tom is just far too young to play the role. Unless they were going to make this a prequel to the first game. Which turns out, that is exactly what it's going to be. The movie will be set sometime before the first game. Revolving around Nathan Drake starting out his journey. With that in mind , we will also have a young Sully played by none other than Mark Walberg...

Eh... alright I guess. I still remember Max Payne

So much like the borderlands movie. This is one that I can take or leave. I honestly don't think that an uncharted movie needs to happen. Though I am not opposed to it completely either. Will just have to wait and see how it ends up playing out.

Also, who knows maybe Marky Mark can get some redemption from his previous video game adaptation. One can only hope.


Director: Peter Sollett

Release: TBA 2022

Studio: Warner Bros

Not the least bit surprised by this. Considering the popularity of the series in general and the studios wanting to capitalize on the popularity. Unless you have been living in a vault for the past decade, with no internet. You can't escape the reality that Minecraft has become a phenomenon of sorts. So it shouldn't really come as a surprise from anyone that WB would want to bring this franchise to the big screen. I mean, look how well it turned out for Angry Birds. That's me being partially sarcastic here.

What has kind of taken me by surprise from this is how long the movie has been in development hell. It's not exactly to the level of the Live-Action Akira. Though this film has already gone through director changes since the project was originally announced back in 2014. Not sure exactly how many rewrites have been conducted. What is known is that the film was original helmed by Shawn Levy (Night at the Museum, Stranger Things). Who left the project due to having disagreements with the Minecraft developers. Whom they deemed the story to not fit right with the game. Something that Is well known with a game like this is its gripping narrative (again I hope you can sense the sarcasm in my text). So Shawn left the project. Enter Rob McElhenney, known as Mac on the show Its Always Sunny In Philidelphia.

I greatly approve!

Long story short. Rob ended up leaving the project, despite being very enthusiastic about signing on, due to creative differences with the developers of Minecraft. I'm noticing a pattern here.

Rob's idea on the surface for the movie sounded interesting. His film would focus on and I quote "people taking agency over their experience in this digital landscape". So I can only picture maybe three or four different characters that we would follow in the film, each building different sizable homes, and territories. All possibly learning how to work together in the end maybe. Not sure in the long run.

All that is known now is that Rob is off the project and it is now in the hands of Peter Sollett. Known for films like Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. Hopefully, he and the developers will get along from here.

With that being said. Minecraft is one of those properties that you can spin almost any family-friendly narrative to it and it'll work. So long as you focus on what made the game popular in the first place. People spending up to a year creating impressive as hell landscapes.

Might have been two years.

Mega Man

Director: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman

Release: TBA

Studio: Chernin Entertainment

No, I am not joking with this. Not even in the slightest. Since it was announced in 2018. Capcom is very much looking to bring Mega Man to the big screen. Along with duo Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman being extremely enthusiastic about the project. If you were to ask me back then what I had thought about this project. I would have told you that it is flat-out ridiculous and a movie like this can only be really great or absolutely terrible.

Though what I have learned. Coming from someone who had originally thought the idea of a Sonic live-action movie was the worst thing ever. Then actually seeing how it turned out and seeing that these things can work well. If approached right. So this is one of those projects that can drastically turn out different than what we are expecting. Also from my understanding. Some of the fanbase gets pretty passionate about the series. Just look at the works of DJ Cutman and The Megas.

So really there isn't much to comment on about this. It's far too early into development to speculate. I hope to see a good movie. Obviously, you cant approach a Mega Man movie with an R rating in mind. Though there is some potential for a great family-0oriented action film. No one ever thought Ant-Man would make for a good film and look where we are now.

Although some fans have made attempts. The reactions are mixed at best.

3.4 rating on IMDB

Either way, I love me some fan film dedication. Regardless of how silly it is.

Duke Nukem

Director: TBA

Release: TBA

Studio: Platnum Dunes

Remember how I was talking about movies that could or could not work based on their source material. I think it's a running theme at this point. No other film fits that criteria than the upcoming, John Cena starring, Duke Nukem film. News about this movie has been rather quiet. The only thing that is known is that John Cena has officially signed on and hopes to bring the character to justice. Also, it's being helmed by Michael Bays Production company Platnum Dunes. This may be the match made in heaven that this property needs. Though there is a bigger issue here.

Honestly, I cannot for the life of me see a film like this working in modern time. Duke Nukem is very much a product of his time. While Deadpool worked perfectly in a meme-obsessed culture. Hence why Paramount is looking to adapt this. Duke Nukem is a politically incorrect, meta-action hero from the 90s. Played as a send-up to the action heroes and characters from the 80s. I am no stranger to the notion that 90s nostalgia is huge in the modern-day. However, with many things going on in the world and how various movements have risen up in the past decade. If you make this movie it seems like a lose-lose situation overall. Either you stay true to the source material and people take issue with it. Or you water it down and fans take issue with it. There may be a way to make it so over the top and entertaining while still retaining what is true to the character. To the point where it is such a parody in and of itself. Thats the only way I could see a film like this working today. Otherwise, its best left leaving Duke in the history books.

Progressive right?...

One thing that I will touch upon. Based on the info provided so far with this film. John Cena taking the helm as the character. Might be one of the best casting choices in forever. Something that fans and gamers have outcried as a terrible decision. Still buying into his previous wrestling persona and treating that as a drawback to him playing this role.

It's time to kickass and rise above the hate

Look, as a long-time wrestling fan and someone who was prominently watching when John was in his prime. I didn't enjoy his wrestling character as much as you didn't. The "Hustle Loyalty and Respect" thing wore tiresome for me. Even if he wasn't my intended audience. Though things change and he was representing a persona at the end of the day. On a scripted TV show. Recently seeing the new Suicide Squad trailer with him playing Peacemaker has really shown that he can play the polar opposite to his wrestling character. Similar to Dave Bautista as Drax, if you give him the right role. He will knock it out of the park. Plus look at some old photos when he was under the wrestling gimmick of Prototype and tell me that you dont get Duke Nukem vibes?

Just put a pair of shades on that face.

Regardless I don't see this movie working out ultimately due to the time we are in. Though I am curious to see if it will actually be pulled of, and how.


At the time of writing this piece. It's still entirely unsure if any of the films mentioned above will end up being good or not (Mortal Kombat has a great chance). Based on a recent track record, albeit a small one, if films like Detective Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog have found success. Along with how Comic book movies have made a turnaround in the past decade to becoming the money makers. Video game movies may slowly be reaching that plateau. Maybe not as huge but close enough. Only time will tell what happens.

It's also important to note that there are plenty of films that I have left off of this list for a myriad of reasons. So I may have to revisit this subject down the road. Until then stay tuned for part two of this when I look into a bunch of the upcoming video game series arriving on streaming platforms.



About the Creator

Ian Hutchison

Ian Hutchison is a 36-year-old entrepreneur from Sacramento California. In his spare time he enjoys movies, video games, comics, wrestling, music, and traveling. He aims to be a prominant contributer to vocal.

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    Ian HutchisonWritten by Ian Hutchison

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