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Octavia Butler's Kindred is coming. Here are the questions I have/ had concerning the novel turned tv series, and the answers to those questions

By Jay,when I writePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Tina Thorpe/FX

-the photo above is the first look photo (that I got from Variety)

Octavia E. Butler's Kindred was one of the only books in high school I could be not only bothered to read fully (I became real "anti being forced to read a specific book" in hs), but actually quite enjoyed. It's one of my favorite books of all time.

And it might just become my favorite TV series.

I will be honest and say that when I first heard the news, I did not believe it/it did not stick with me. I thought someone was making it up or just saying they hope it would become a show. Then, I heard multiple people say, "No, this is really happening," and was...perplexed and not completely on board. Yeah, the pilot was picked up in 2021 & will be released this year. Here are some thoughts that popped in my mind:

1. Yes, the book is amazing...but why should it have a show?

What I meant was, just because a book is fantastic doesn't mean it should have a show. And just because it talks about race and/or is a classic does not mean it should be a show.

2. I hope they don''t ruin it

I meant a few different things by this. As a reader and lover of this novel, I am allowed to feel some type of way. Not all adaptations are great. I'm not one to be against movie or show adaptations (or plays or whatever) actually. I think that I've seen enough great ones to be hopeful. But, this is one I hold dear to my heart.

It's by a Black author with slavery as a subject/theme & has a plantation as a I really am nervous. I've seen too many mess ups in this area.

3. Let me see who is making the series

for 2 reasons

1. I am very interested in who makes our movies and shows and whatnot. I definitely am more interested in the writers, directors and just everyone outside of the cast a tad more than the actors, but in this series

2. I wanted to see if it would be by a Black person (director and/or writer(s)).

Here's the team:

showrunner, writer: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (playwrite) (plays: Appropriate and An Octoroon, Gloria etc.) (Watchmen alum)

I was really happy seeing that he would be the head y'know? I know it's in good hands.

executive producer: Courtney Lee-Mitchell (recieved rights to the novel in 2018)

Darren Aronofsky (filmmaker) (movie: Requiem for a Dream)-

I loved this because that movie was...something else. I still quickly scroll away when someone used Lux Aeterna in a video. The movie was just the right amount of serious and interesting that I would hope this show would be.

writer: Joe Weisberg (writer) (FX show: The Americans)

writer, producer: Joel Fields (television writer & producer) (FX show: The Americans)

Ari Handel

Ernestine Walker

Merrilee Heifetz

director & executive producer of the pilot: Janicza Bravo (filmmaker) (movie: Zola)


Dana: Mallori Johnson (WeCrashed-2022)(The Other Zoey-2022) (she's a newcomer)

She's new and landed this major role. I'm guessing she's amazing and I can't wait to see her skills.

Kevin: Micah Stock (Netflix: Bonding)

4. ooooh who is releasing it & when?

This kind of goes with #3 but, I meant this question for 2 reasons

1. Do I have this subscription or will I need to start a 7-day free trial or bum off of someone's?

2. where is it going because that may determine if it'd get cancelled too soon or be...not so good.

3. Don't forget don't forget don't for---oh you won't

Answers to those questions:

It will be on FX/Hulu & in December 2022. But, there are 8 episodes, so it looks like no one will have to feel disappointed that it was randomly cancelled or anything like that.

Quick update:DECEMBER 13th is the premiere

What are they changing?

Apparently they will explore the relationship between Dana and Kevin more and it seems to have more sex than the book. They will also explore the characters and settings more than the book did (taking its time for you to get to know everyone and everything).

"In this period, I think [Butler] was still quite coy, and the readership was considered coy," Jacobs-Jenkins says, "In the original book, sex is almost never alluded to. The marriage between Kevin and Dana actually feels quite chaste in a lot of ways."-

This could be a good and bad thing. It would be nice to see more of certain characters and really get a feel for things. I don't want them forgetting any details, but I don't want unnecessary stuff. If they include something then I want it to feel honest to the material and make sense. No sex just for sex or no random characters for added drama...maybe...I mean, sometimes added characters do help...but I couldn't see anything helping the novel.

Anyway, I am incredibily excited. I hope you tune in too. Just like you tuned in for this story. Thank you for that. Peace.

sources outside of Wikipedia because I googled names:


About the Creator

Jay,when I write



23, Black, queer, yup

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