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Jurassic Park - A Movie Review

Because I was so young, I actually believed that the dinosaurs in the film were real!

By Marielle SabbagPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Can you believe that we are going to Jurassic Park? We’re going to see the dinosaurs!

Evolving onto the screen in 1993, Jurassic Park is based on the book written by Michael Crichton. A team of paleontologists are offered to travel to Jurassic Park. The island inhabits real dinosaurs. At first, it is an island of unbelievable dreams until they wind up in endless nightmares.

Jurassic Park has never lost its nostalgic energy. I know the first time that I watched it I must have been on the edge of my seat as the t-rex escaped from her paddock. That is one of the best scenes in film history. Jurassic Park is an engrossing film about a precarious adventure to safety.

The entire cast of Jurassic Park is phenomenal. Since the release of this film, they have all become known for their roles. Each character goes through a similar ordeal with dinosaurs, only to learn a different lesson about themselves.

Allan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) make a great couple. While Allan is entrusted in a protective position that he never intended to become, Ellie is given the enormous decree to test her abilities. She ignores the way her role as a woman is reflected among male eyes. Dern was magnificent in the part, running from dangers and keeping everyone together.

Jeff Goldblum’s swooning performance as Ian Malcolm is memorable, along with his great comebacks. The late Richard Attenborough successfully brought John Hammond to the big screen, showing up his gigantic smile when he brings the paleontologist to his park.

A number of incredible actors appeared in Jurassic Park. Bob Peck, Martin Ferraro, BD Wong, Joseph Mazello, Ariana Richards, Samuel L. Jackson were all incredible. Expect an appearance by Newman, I mean, Wayne Knight. Knight’s performance impresses me the most. While he was still playing a stereotypical slob, Jurassic Park gave him a chance to expand upon and perform as a character with a darker edge.

One aspect with which they had done a better job is the entire subplot with the kids. Other than being there to occasionally get in the way, run away from the dinosaurs, and make audiences worry over their well-being because they’re kids, Lex and Tim aren’t given much time to develop as characters. In interviews, Richardson claims that all she had to do for her audition was scream. I would have liked to see their characters expanded more instead of ending up in the background like most of how their dialogue is fed.

Because I was so young, I actually believed that the dinosaurs in the film were real. In contrast to how the Jurassic Park films are being made now, the gigantic animatronics of the dinosaurs are lifelike compared to the noticeable CGI effects. Special effects are incredible. For the sound of that T-Rex roaring, it was a compilation of elephants, tigers and penguin noises! Who would have thought!

Stephen Spielberg is a dedicated director who worked to the core to make Jurassic Park a standout. Every time I watch this film, as soon as the credits roll I feel like I am in a movie theater bursting with applause from the epic conclusions. The remarkable theme music by John Williams is one of the greatest scores in movie history, thus I have hummed it to myself on multiple occasions.

What an experience it would have been if I were in the theater for the very first screening of this movie. A line of sequels have been released following the film, but they will never stand out compared to this amazing classic. Jurassic Park is forever a masterpiece.


About the Creator

Marielle Sabbag

Writing has been my passion since I was 11 years old. I love creating stories from fiction, poetry, fanfiction. I enjoy writing movie reviews. I would love to become a creative writing teacher and leave the world inspiring minds.

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