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JK Rowling Fanfictiom

By K.C. O'Brien

By K.C. O'Brien Published 3 years ago 5 min read

Plenty of people know that I have a strong love for Harry Potter. A love so strong that can actually be considered to be a mild obsession. The more that I've read and re-read the series, the more curious I became about exactly how such an amazing story could become so wildly popular. I wondered how it began. Initially, I learned that the author, J.K Rowling, actually came up with this story as a single mother and was going through some pretty hard times throughout her life. It tugged at my heart, to say the least, and undoubtedly made me love her writing even more. However, given that I am obsessed, my thirst for information regarding this magical world that has held me so captivated for so many years drove me to further research. I wanted to learn as much as I absolutely could about this author. It would surprise her fans and loyal readers to know exactly what I've found out. J.K Rowling did not, in fact, create this story while sitting in a coffee shop with her young child. In fact, the story is much more extraordinary than even I had expected.

Did you know that J.K Rowling discovered the Wizarding World by complete accident when she was caught up in the hustle and bustle of a passing crowd rushing through King’s Cross Station? She was accidentally shoved onto platform 9 ¾ and, not realizing what had happened, she boarded the train nearest her.

She arrived at an enormous and devastatingly beautiful castle, amongst countless children wearing long black robes and brandishing sticks that they referred to as “wands”. A man who stood an impossible 10 ½ ft tall ushered away the youngest of the children where they boarded small boats that moved all on their own. Afraid to ask what was happening and where she was, she followed the large man and the children into the boats and soon arrived at the castle. The children stared as it was unexpected to have an adult dressed in muggle clothing arrive among them, yet say nothing to any of them.They may have been first years but even they took notice of this odd occurrence. After many moments of awkward silence among she and the children, J.K Rowling became suddenly and uncontrollably rigid. Unable to move, she wondered internally just what had happened and cursed herself for not having sought help upon entering this strange new place. She heard a stern yet worried woman’s voice ask “How could this happen, Albus? A muggle in our world? This has never happened before.” A muggle? What on Earth was a muggle? Suddenly, she heard a man’s voice. A steady, wise and calm man’s voice had just spoken, “I’m sure that this may cause our world a certain stress. We may have no choice but to deliver her to Cornelius, however, I wonder the effects that Azkaban would have on a muggle…perhaps I’ll suggest alternative measures. It isn’t our practice to be cruel to the innocent and I’m sure this was a most unfortunate accident…” J.K Rowling listened to the exchange between the two people, silently, internally panicking. Throughout the duration of the conversation she caught words like ‘Voldemort’ and 'memory charm’ and 'magic’. After what seemed to her like a lifetime, J.K Rowling was saw a third person enter. A man with long black hair. She heard the other two greet him as “Severus” and then suddenly a small bottle floated toward her and parted her lips. An odd liquid with a slight grass flavor was poured into her mouth, despite no one actively feeding it to her. Almost immediately, everything went black and silent.

J.K Rowling was discussed heavily among The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and several others. Her identity was researched in order to find out just exactly the type of muggle that had stumbled into their midst. They discovered that she was a very gifted muggle writer and upon realizing that her superb writing talent could expose their world, yet fearing the effects that a memory charm would have on the mind of such a gifted muggle and then thrusting her back into her own world, the Minister then decided against wiping her memory and instead sent her to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries where they attempted to simply convince her that she was mentally ill, that she had and will continue to imagine all of it. However, she was not convinced and instead sought out writing utensils and spare bits of bath tissue, and began to document everything she had learned. From the insane and unbelievable story of an infant boy defeating some large and powerful evil, to that same boy's adventures throughout his time at the castle that she had now learned was called “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, and the remarkable triumph of the boy and his friends taking down the same evil as before. Once she was sure she had properly remembered and written down everything, she found an owl, after learning that this was the way post traveled in this odd world, and sent the entire story to her former journalism instructor who, in turn, saw it as a million dollar fictional story that should be shared with the world. Despite managing to relay all of the information she had collected, her own desperation would undoubtedly play against her in her quest to inform the muggles and gain her freedom as she had mistakenly neglected to include her plea for help when sending off her owl. The journalism instructor never knew what had become of his former pupil, only that her writing came with an air that suggested she was a bit “off kilter”, though genius, nonetheless. He then contacted a publishing agency that began to print copies to be distributed by the hundred thousands all over the entire world. The entire story of Harry Potter and his adventures, the telling of an entire, extraordinary world within a world was so outlandish that the muggle world only viewed it as nothing more than a fictional story to be marketed to the public for the sole purpose of entertainment.

J.K Rowling has since been revered as a legendary author all while remaining in her bedroom at St. Mungo’s. A ministry appointed decoy has been posing as the face of J.K Rowling under the guise of simply an amazingly talented muggle author by use of the polyjuice potion with the realization that the muggle world did not believe in the existence of their magical world and intending to ensure they continue to believe as such. It's kind of funny how an accident can turn into a billion dollar industry and legendary tale that would be shared for generations to come...isn't it?

fan fiction

About the Creator

K.C. O'Brien

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