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"Jennifer's body" character analysis... opinion piece (i'm bout tah crack dis whole fucking case)

By KaikamahinenaniPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
"I am a God"

Full disclaimer behind this point are many spoilers for the movie "Jennifer's body". If you have not yet watched it , this may ruin you first experience because this article is opinion based. This is fair warning:

The Essence of the Film:

If you've ever seen the film "Jennifer's body" then you'd know that it's a shocking horror comedy that follows a hot demon possessed succubus named Jennifer, whom a lot of people either strongly dislike or love. Some say they didn't really understand the film. Resulting in the film getting multiple bad reviews. Many people questioned what was Jennifer's motive? What was the reason the band was even introduced? Why was Anita still friends with Jennifer for so long? Well, in order for you to fully answer these questions you have to really dig deep into the character Jennifer, since the film for the most part is centered around her.

In a way Jennifer isn't the main character. Some would argue that she is the main reason why shit hits the fan though. Yet honestly it's the band that just mysteriously comes in for a few moments in the beginning. Which makes it seem like there was no point in even putting so much attention onto the band and their song. Then what does the character represent if she's not the reason "shit hits the fan"?

What Jennifer represents:

Who Jennifer represents comes from her actions. Her attributes such as her sense of humor,witty remarks, her rudeness, and her shallowness. Are some of the things that stand out about the character. Outwardly she represents the typical pretty popular girl facade, and she represents the dangers that come along with that. Like how this facade praises the male ego and dehumanizes women.This is why other girls in her school feel insecure because being valuable to a man in a straight dominant world means everything to someone without a sense of worth.

Jennifer is a complex character inside a complicated situation. And afterall this is a complex movie. Meaning Diablo Cody, film writer, wants us to look deeper and realize that Jennifer doesn't just represent something outwardly but also inwardly. What she represents on the outside is a mask covering up what she represents on the inside.

The character is covering up her own ugly truth about herself. I have concluded this because in the scene near the end of the film Needy says you're insecure... Jennifer scoffs and and then shots the question down as a joke saying:

Using insults towards others as a means to cope with her own demons

Digging Deeper:

As if to say she has the belief that by displaying confidence about her looks and accomplishments no one will question whether or not she actually likes herself or is valuable. It's almost like she using confidence to have power over a situation, and that power makes her feel a little bit better about herself. Calling Anita out saying that she's the "Needy" one, and that she's a "Lesnicki". Takes the attention off of her neediness and the fact that she seems to be attracted to Anita, her best friend.

Now that we've pin-pointed the character Jennifer and figured out what she represents not only on the outside, physically perfect, but the inside. I hope you can now see clearly what she represents inwardly; she is an insecure ,needy , internalized biphobic girl, who has false confidence, and is just an overall sad person. So much sadness that it feeds into her shallowness which manifests itself into an ugly angry internalized hate, about not only her sexuality, but everything about her personality. So those ugly things she says about other people aren't really towards them. But towards her own ego, in an effort to make herself feel better. Since these effects are all physical, phony, and yet again just pure shallow they don't make her feel any better than the person she insults. Because deep down she knows. None of these things matter since she has no actual power.

Jennifer attempting to put back on the mask after she lost the only thing that defined her; her beauty

In fact she only keeps up with the facade in order to cope with the fact that no one will see her as just her, or take her seriously as a woman and not an object. They will always be blinded by her beauty, unintentionally focusing her to believe that being beautiful is her worth and her power. Anita is the only one who sees behind her beauty. Therefore Is the only person Jennifer can be real with. Which explains why she's so okay with sharing the fact that she is a man eater, it also explains why Anita is like simi chill about it and doesn't go to the police.

Jennifer and Anita(Needy)'s relationship taking a turn

However the issue with this is Jennifer now has an attraction towards Anita . Jennifer feels confused about the relationship because of this, and about her feelings. Like I said earlier Jennifer has somehow connected her worth and power with the fact that she's pretty, she has a lot of accomplishments because she's pretty,gets a lot of attention because she's pretty, and guys( from all different kinds of cliques) like her because she's pretty. So these feelings she has towards Anita has Jennifer questioning her worth. And making it hard for Jennifer to ever be fully satisfied with anything she does anymore.

What Anita represents:

Nevertheless relationships aren't one sided. Jennifer and Anita's connection is strong, and it wasn't because of a sandbox bond so don't believe that lie. Anita represents the nerdy, needy, band geek. Well at least that's what her mask is. She is actually really beautiful. Not to focus on outward things only, but actually she isn't ugly on the outside. This reflects her inside also because Anita is a " see-thru kind of person". She doesn't hide or use facades, it's other people who give her labels and masks. Just like Her wearing glasses because she can't see, she isn't going to put on contacts for other people.

Or in the beginning they call her a "kicker" and claim she's crazy is an example of a label people give her. Her sense of style being considered "lame" is another prime example that she doesn't try to suit someone else. Anita just continues to be herself despite what others think, or even what Jennifer says. So Anita is the complete opposite of Jennifer in every way possible. But Anita still respects Jennifer fully despite any rude thing Jennifer has done to her. When you focus of Anita to understand how they stayed friends, you began to realize it can't be because Jennifer's hot or Anita wants to be her. But rather that there's something that she understands about Jennifer that the viewers, and even other character's in the film, don't know. In order to understand why Anita puts up with Jennifer we have to see the world how Anita does.

Digging deeper:

First and foremost Anita loves helping and being there for Jennifer, in a way that seems like she doesn't just help because it's right, but because it heals her knowing she’s okay. Why would she be so worried if she’s okay? Maybe something happened in the past that was really horrible. And maybe that event brought Anita and Jennifer closer together;further strengthening their bond. This is why her nickname Needy suits well. Though it comes off as offensive because it sounds like Jennifer is saying that Anita is poor or in need of something like fashion or looks, except maybe it is an undisclosed way of saying that she is close, helpful, and that Jennifer needs her, and not the other way around. Why else would she show up at her house after her body was sacrificed to a cult band. Fundamentally it seems like Jennifer subconsciously thinks that Anita mellows her out and brings her down to earth. Maybe Jennifer also just really feels safe with her. She knows that if she ever needs help Anita will be there. Why would Jennifer feel like that, if she's so shallow, why would she find value in having Anita's friendship? Does she really love and care for Needy or is she just using her , or does she really secretly want and need help? Anita see's that she wants help, she knows about her facade, and she knows because of that facade Jennifer isn't going to come right out and say " I need help". Sadly there is a point where Jennifer crosses the line, and Anita is forced to question their friendship. And has to decide to put her foot down. Leaving behind all the memories her and Jennifer have made together; now shattered and turned morbid.

Back to Jennifer:

Since Jennifer is so shallow naturally, after she was sacrificed, her reaction to being possessed leaves her temporarily happy, because why was she chosen? How was she so special? Which leads her to believe that being a succubus demon possessed pretty bitch is her new sinister worth. In one of the deleted scenes Jennifer admits that when she brutally murders she doesn't have a motive, though she says she enjoys it because of the power it gives her over men. The power that may have been taken from her by men. She found herself truly empowered by this. All that internalized hate and anger, all that jealousy and rage would now be of use. Even with all of her flaws, Jennifer isn't the bad guy. She is only an example of how not to be.

The real Villains:

Just like in the real world a lot of the real villains go free. In this film the real villains in the band cult. I swear if I hear that “into the trees” song I’m gonna lose my shit! Regardless of the fact that the band’s only song they ever play was trash, that’s not the reason they're the bad guys. Every single person in this film represents an idea. Being that Jennifer isn't the bad guy because of what she represents, it's what band member's did to her, and what that all represents. In a way the band members sacrificing her reminds me of a rapist. They had the power to choose what they wanted to do with her body. Also they pretty much got way with the crime, just like some rapists do. People for some reason will focus on the person that was raped, and ask “ Well, what were you wearing?” as if to say that it may have been their fault. Similar to Jennifer, she attracts a lot of people because she is very beautiful. Except it isn’t her fault she’s beautiful and attracts so much attraction. The way she dresses is just her sense of style though she may use it to lure men, not every time is it because she wants to “get some”. In fact every time she lured men, she didn’t have sex with them. She pretended like she was going to and then killed them. Though she does act really rude, with her smart alec remarks. To the point where some have the opinion that she got what she deserved because of how much of a bitch she is, again dehumanizing her. Because nobody deserves to be sacrificed to the devil and then get killed by their best friend on top of that.


When you put all that together , it makes sense that killing Jennifer fits in with the idea and what she represents. We all need to kill that side of us that wants to please the male ego, that side of us that is shallow and broken, the side of us that is evil and ugly. So that we can fully live our lives freely and actually enjoy life. Even if that means rejection. Also at the same time representing this way of thinking that pleasing someone else all the time can deform a person. Jennifer was still a person at the end of the day but she had to kill the ugly demon inside that wanted revenge. That man chasing, eating side of her that was ruining her life and dehumanizing her. So not that it's bad to be empowered by the fact that you're a woman, but what makes it bad is that she was being an empowering woman to empower men and not herself. I think it's the film's way of saying that a lot of women do when it comes to feminisnist. And how even if you aren't trying to woo a man, and simply turning to be yourself, some men can think it's towards them and then act on that. I imagine that must have been hard for Jennifer, and that maybe at first she was doing it for herself, but eventually gave in. A little down the way she must have lost her sense of worth and confidence. All in all this movie is a whirlwind, and I think I have a headache. But I'm glad I solved the case.

Rue Bennett from "Euphoria

Now that I have, I'm gonna go realize, and eat some rotel dip and binge "Euphoria"! <3 <3 <3


About the Creator


Hi, I'm Hine


i <3 to write poems, trying other forms of writin

questions about writing? dm

go to ''''

[email protected]


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