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How Harry Potter taught me to protect my energy.

Hidden Messages We All Missed In the Harry Potter Series

By Amaya PollardPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”

Harry Potter was a staple in the non-fiction movie and book realm throughout the 2000s, drawing in record breaking sales with every movie release. It’s innovative fiction telling capability about spells, wizards, and sci-fi narratives shot its viewers into an imaginatory world of good vs. evil, and wands that could kill with a movement, along with cloaks that came with invisibility. This fantasy world came to be immersive for so many readers and watchers in America, but what if I told you it held gems inside of some of its fantasy-driven narrative?

What on Earth could one credibly source as a life lesson from the fantasy world that is the Harry Potter series? Energy preservation. Yes, that’s right, I’d picked up on the potential of protecting my energy not as an after-effect of social media’s latest trend, but through a short bit in one of the Harry Potter movies. I’m sure we all remember the moment when, while on a train with friends, the main character, Harry, was involved in somewhat of a third dimension encounter with entities he later on learned to be “dementors.” These creatures served no other purpose than to suck energy from others, specifically those who were young, hopeful, and still full of life. These entities could not create their own energy, and therefore had to settle for the secondhand energy of others. To most watchers of the series, this was just another addition to the sci-if creations of the authors imagination, and merely another made-up creature to add to the list. But for me, this interaction was nothing less than metaphorical for real-life instances we all would inevitably find ourselves in. I began to find myself in instances where this metaphor successfully proved applicable.

Have you ever encountered someone that genuinely seemed to derive satisfaction from hateful, negative interactions? This person was never truly content until they had negatively impacted someone else. I have, and I have encountered those types of people quite often. I began to understand these beings as dementors of sorts over time, they were never fulfilled until they had taken away from someone else fulfillment, because they either couldn’t, or didn’t know how to fulfill themselves on their own.

Once I began to understand these people as low vibrational entities, I began to understand their purpose within the battle for evil and good within the physical realm, and that their presence was inevitable as long as evil roam the Earth. One could compare it to God and the devil ,or Dumbledore and he who shall not be named(Voldemort, for the fans who are jaded). I reminisced on how the presence of these entities in the movie were part of the process of Harry realizing his power and stance in the battle of good and evil, and realized that this same way of thinking was applicable in real life. So I ask you, which side (or House) are you fighting for?


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    APWritten by Amaya Pollard

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