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GOAL3 Lockdrop Airdrop: 5 Days Left!!

Latest Airdrop announcement

By Sam BTCPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Airdrop season seems to be getting hotter by the day with new projects being rumoured to be planning airdrops. The project I will be covering in this post has structured their airdrop in a different way from other projects. While most airdrops come as a surprise and the criteria for token allocation is not disclosed before the snapshot is taken. Goal3 has already announced the timelines for participating in their airdrop and you can see on their site how many tokens of the 25 million total have been allocated to you. This allocation is dynamic and keeps getting updated as more people join the airdrop.

What is Goal3?

Goal3 is a Sports betting platform running on zkSync blockchain. They have running on testnet for quite a while and they had been planning their airdrop for some time now. I would like to make it clear that personally I am not a fan of sports betting and do not engage in betting of any form. I get my kicks from degen aping in crypto. I am still getting involved with this project as I am aware that the market for sports betting globally is huge.

How to Join the Lockdrop Airdrop?

As the name suggests Lockdrop form of Airdrop involves locking some funds into the site to be eligible for Airdrop tokens.

You need to lock some amount of USDC to be eligible for the airdrop. There are 3 categories of lock depending on the duration- 3, 6 and 12 months. The longer you lock and the more USDC you lock the bigger will be your airdrop allocation. It is pretty obvious that no one should invest more than what he is comfortable willing to lose. I have personally just locked $10 of USDC.

There is a catch that this airdrop is only on referral basis and you can not participate directly if you don’t have a referral code. I have put the link and code at the end of this post. I will recommend to read about the project and double check the links before taking any action as even if you are familiar with my previous blogs, end of the day I am just a random stranger on the internet.

An additional bonus of participating in this lockdrop is that it will involve making transaction on the zkSync blockchain which will add to your eligibility for the zkSync airdrop which is expected to happen soon.

What are the Timelines for the Lockdrop?

The airdrop will run till 16th April 2023, so at the time of publishing this post there are 5 days left to join the airdrop. Once you join the lockdrop you will receive your own referral code which you can use to invite your friends. More people that join your group would mean that you will get a higher airdrop allocation and also everyone in your group will also get a bit extra. So bigger the group higher is the token allocation. Yeah, I know it sounds like a typical Ponzinomics but the control is that there is a set amount cap of 25 million tokens to be distributed so the people who join late will get a smaller allocation compared to people who have already joined the party.

I repeat that as always Do Your Own Research before taking any action and don’t play with amounts you are not comfortable to lose.

Will There be More Airdrops by Goal3?

Disclaimer that this is total speculation and is just my opinion and not something confirmed. As Goal3 has been running on Testnet for a long time and there is a big user base betting regularly on the testnet I strongly think they will do another airdrop later to reward the testnet users and maybe people who joined the lockdrop will also get extra allocation in the later airdrop. We can only wait and watch at this stage.

Lockdrop Details

Airdrop link -

Lockdrop code- 0x31140C451C98048Ec82780eC6148CF69d45bC459



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My Post will be focused around Spirituality, Mythology and Blockchain proejcts which are the topics that interest me the most.

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