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from Manuscript to Market

A Quirky Writer's Guide to Self-Publishing Success

By Inner State BooksPublished about a year ago 5 min read
from Manuscript to Market
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular option for writers in recent years. Thanks to the rise of digital technology and online marketplaces, it's easier than ever for authors to get their work in front of readers without going through traditional publishing channels. In this article, we'll explore why self-publishing is a great option for writers, and we'll offer some tips on how to get started.

Why self-publishing?

There are many reasons why you might choose to self-publish your work. Here are just a few:

Control: One of the most liberating aspects of self-publishing is the unparalleled level of control you have over your work. When you decide to self-publish, you become the sole arbiter of your book's destiny, with the power to make all of the critical decisions about its presentation and marketing strategy. This includes having the final say on cover design, formatting, and pricing.

Unlike traditional publishing, where authors are often at the mercy of publishers' decisions, self-publishing allows you to make changes to your book whenever you want without needing anyone's approval. You have the creative freedom to bring your vision to life exactly as you see fit, without any outside interference or constraints. The level of autonomy afforded by self-publishing is one of its most significant benefits, as it allows you to retain ownership of your intellectual property and ensures that your unique voice and artistic vision are preserved in every aspect of the publication process.

Royalties: In traditional publishing, authors often have to work with publishers to get their work out to readers. When a traditional publisher agrees to publish a book, they will typically provide an advance payment to the author, which is an upfront payment that may be used to help the author cover their living expenses while they write the book. Once the book is published, the author receives a percentage of the book's sales, which is called a "royalty."

This royalty is typically around 10% of the book's sale price. For example, if a book is sold for $20, the author may receive $2 for each copy sold. This may not seem like a lot, but it is important to remember that traditional publishing often involves significant investment in the production, marketing, and distribution of the book, which can eat into the publisher's profits.

On the other hand, with self-publishing, the author is responsible for all aspects of the book's production, marketing, and distribution. While this can be more work for the author, it also means that they get to keep a larger percentage of the book's profits. Depending on the platform that the author uses to self-publish, they may be able to earn up to 70% of the book's list price.

For example, if a self-published book is sold for $10, the author may receive up to $7 for each copy sold. This is a significant increase compared to the 10% royalty that is typically earned through traditional publishing. This extra income can make a big difference for authors, particularly those who are just starting out or who are trying to make a living as a writer.

Of course, it's important to keep in mind that self-publishing does come with its own set of costs and challenges, such as the need to cover the costs of editing, formatting, and cover design. However, for those who are willing to put in the effort, self-publishing can be a great way to take control of their work and earn a larger share of the profits.

Speed: One of the major advantages of self-publishing is the speed at which you can get your book in front of readers. Traditional publishing can be a notoriously slow process, with authors often waiting months or even years to see their work in print. This is because traditional publishers have a lengthy and involved production process that can involve multiple rounds of editing, design, and marketing.

On the other hand, self-publishing allows authors to bypass many of these traditional steps and streamline the publication process. With self-publishing, you can set your own schedule and get your book to readers as soon as you're ready. You don't have to wait for a publisher to review your manuscript or for a publishing slot to become available.

In addition, many self-publishing platforms have simplified the production process, making it easier and faster for authors to prepare book for publication. For example, some platforms offer pre-designed book templates, so authors don't have to worry about formatting or design. They also offer easy-to-use online tools for uploading and publishing, which means that authors can get book on the market quickly without the need for specialized technical skills.

Ultimately, the ability to get your book in front of readers quickly can be a significant advantage for authors who want to build momentum and gain exposure for their work. With self-publishing, you can take control of the publication process and get your book out to readers on your own timeline.

How to self-publish

If you're interested in self-publishing, here are the basic steps you'll need to follow:

Write your book: This is obviously the first step! Make sure your book is well-written and well-edited before you move on to the next step.

Design your cover: Your book cover is the first thing readers will see, so it's important to make it eye-catching and professional. You can hire a designer, or you can use a platform like Canva to create your own cover.

Format your book: You'll need to format your book for the platform you're using. Most platforms will have guidelines that you can follow, or you can hire a formatter to do this for you.

Choose a platform: There are many platforms you can use to self-publish your book, including Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Press, and Kobo Writing Life. Each platform has its own pros and cons, so do your research to find the best fit for you.

Set your price: You'll need to decide on a price for your book. Look at what other books in your genre are priced at, and consider the length of your book and your target audience.

Publish your book: Once you've completed all the steps above, you're ready to publish your book! Make sure to promote it on social media and to your email list to get the word out.


Self-publishing can be a rewarding and profitable way to get your work out into the world. With a little bit of research and hard work, you can make your dream of being a published author a reality. Just remember to take your time, do your research, and have fun with the process! Good luck, and happy writing!

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Inner State Books

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