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Enduring life

We are the protagonists of our lives

By Barnabas PayamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It is very difficult to comfort those who have lost everything and are grieving. But trying to console them would be a great task. When a person is surrounded by those who comfort him even when he has lost everything, it is a great comfort to him and lays the foundation for another new life.

Even those who have many relatives and friends around to comfort them but find solace in themselves can easily take courage in life.

It is a great thing for the orphans who have no one to comfort them and bring comfort to themselves because they have no one to comfort them. To appreciate their courage, they are a role model for many.

An ideal person attracts everyone. They are attracted because they are sincere in everything they do.

In the lives of exemplary people, many difficulties, hardships, pains and sorrows were faced by them but it seems strange how they overcame them. If we want to go on the path of ideals, it will be very difficult and we will not be able to go. Because we don't want what happened to them to happen to us, we have to live our own lives and dare to live our own lives.

It can be said that he who comforts himself with courage without anyone is braver than having relatives around him. Such people fear nothing in life and travel their paths gracefully and quickly reach their destination.

The words of Jesus Christ in the 6th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the Christian Bible - Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is life better than food, body better than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not reap seed or sit in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them, are you not better than them? How many of you can bend over backwards for worrying? Why should you worry about clothes? Think of how wild flowers bloom. They are not toilsome, unadorned, nor adorned like Solomon in all his glory. If the grass of the forest, which is thrown into the furnace from today to tomorrow, is decorated like a god, will you, O disbelievers, surely be clothed with clothes? So – don't worry about what to eat, what to drink, what to wear. It was said.

The thought of how to live depresses a man. It makes a person lose his height by running. Therefore man is filled with fear and grief at the thought of things to come. This is an inner battle that no one can see. It is time to fight within yourself. If you want to win this battle, you must use the words of Jesus Christ as a weapon, otherwise you will lose the battle within yourself. If you lose, you become a slave to that idea in yourself, then you seek the approval of others and the approval of others.

If you are weak in the day of labor, you will be powerless. It is said in the book of proverbs in the Bible. If you are powerless, you are equal to one who has not conquered you, wherever you are, you have to live in fear, fear enslaves you. It is a truth said by the survivors that it is better to fight and die than to live as a slave.

Truth makes man free. A free man enjoys freedom. History says that many fought for freedom for their region, country and race. Independence gives freedom to man. A free man is happy and long suffering. If you have obtained freedom from yourself, then you have obtained freedom. This is the beginning of true freedom. This is the basis of length.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the foundation is told in Matthew chapter 7. He who builds a house on rock is wise. The rain fell, the floods came, the wind blew and beat the house, but it did not fall because its foundation was laid on rock.

A foolish man built a house on sand, rain fell, floods came, the wind blew and beat the house and the house was gone. Jesus Christ said.

Since we are the protagonists of our life, we should keep our affairs in our own affairs and govern ourselves. Only then can we make others patient and ourselves and give patience to our life and live patiently.


About the Creator

Barnabas Payam

I write my writings humorously, poetically and artistically about the changes in the spiritual condition of human beings to live peacefully and cheerfully.

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