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Dudeism: It's a Real Thing, Man

“Dudeism” is a real religion that has sprouted because of the cult-classic film “The Big Lebowski.” But what is it exactly?

By Joe MertensPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Jeff Bridges as The Dude in the 1998 film "The Big Lebowski"

When The Big Lebowski came out in 1998, not many people went to see it. But in the past couple of decades, it’s gained a huge following. The film follows slacker Jeffrey Lebowski, who goes by the Dude, or Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. Anyway, the Dude here gets mistaken by a couple of thugs for a different Jeffrey Lebowski, this one being a millionaire. It seems this millionaire Lebowski has a wife named Bunny, and she owes a lot of people money. When the thugs realize they’ve got the wrong Lebowski, they scram. But not before peeing on the Dude’s rug, which really tied the room together, man. This sets up an odyssey of comic mayhem, as the Dude tries to get some compensation for his rug.

The whole film is full of insanely quote-able lines and unique characters, which is part of why it’s maintained an immense following over the years. But a certain section of this fandom has gone so far as to have started their own religion, called Dudeism, and it’s based on the Dude himself. But how did this religion start? And just what does it all entail?

Oliver Benjamin, Founder of Dudeism

Dudeism was founded in 2005, by Oliver Benjamin, a journalist and writer based in Thailand. Benjamin co-founded The Church of the Latter-Day Dude with fellow writer Dwayne Eutsey. Dudeism was founded not only because of their love for the movie but also because of what the Dude represents to them. In the movie, the Dude is a pretty carefree guy, except for when some German nihilists threaten to cut off his Johnson. But most of the Dude’s problems are brushed off with a simple “Ah fuck it,” or “Let’s go bowling, man.”

Even when things get rough for the Dude, he always seems to find a way to work it out. This relaxed way of living is at the center of what Dudeism is all about. When life’s got ya down, take a page out of the Dude’s book and relax. Maybe light some incense and take a bubble bath while listening to whale noises. Try laying down on your favorite rug while listening to some music. Go bowling with your buddies, but make sure you don’t step over the line. There are rules, y’know.

The Abide Guide, a book written by Oliver Benjamin and Dwayne Eutsey

There are more than several books written on Dudeism and how every single one of us can begin to take it easy. Pictured above is one of those books. It’s a pretty interesting read that’s filled with references to the movie itself, along with some genuinely good advice. At the end of the book, you can even become an ordained Dudeist priest by simply reciting a couple of lines. That’s pretty cool, man.

In this stressed-out, high-strung world we live in, Dudeism teaches us to take a breather for a moment. Look at the big picture. Chill out. You’ve got to learn how to be Dude-like. This doesn’t mean you have to grow out your hair and start drinking White Russians. It just means you can’t let the small things ruin your day. Be kind. Be tolerant. If somebody does or thinks something that you don’t like, screw it. That’s, like, their opinion, man. Who cares?

What Dudeism is truly about, is just being a laid-back, overall good person. That isn’t that hard, now is it? Anyways, as Jeff Bridges famously says in the movie: “The Dude Abides.” And you should too.

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About the Creator

Joe Mertens

Filmmaker - Writer - Enjoyer of Life - Officially the same height as Tom Cruise.

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