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Guilty Pleasure Binge Watching with L.A. Moore

By L.A. Moore - NashPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 2 min read

We all do it, except for those strange few that do not. And we all feel a little guilty about doing it too. I am one of those people. I could be categorized as one of those lazy goths, and I watch some pretty un-goth-omable shows that ordinary people would watch. LOL. I like watching my psych-thriller shows and godless heathen shows, but there is something feel-good about the shows I guiltily binge-watch when I am a Debbie Downer.

These shows I am sure everyone has either heard of or seen. And boy, had you better strap in because I have a HUGE list.

1. Daybreak

It is the most recent binge-watch I have had. I am a little guilty to say that I love young adult shows. This one was a hilarious kick of feel good and like whoa. It was also a nice mix of Zombieland feels mixed in with BBC's The Tribe (I LOVE this show.)

2. The Tribe

This show is the 1995 BBC America show that was extremely popular at that time. I grew up watching it as a teen, and I loved it. Teen drama and angst, here I come! This show even had the added effect of getting me out of my head and made me forget about the issues I was having or helped me relate easier. Feel good stars for this show!!

3. Hannibal

I am currently binging as it is terrific. I cannot watch it around the small one, though, as it has an immense amount of gore and blood and is hyperactively thriller-esque. It is a bit of a guilty pleasure because I am so hyper fascinated by serial killers and how they think and why they think the way they do. Fun Fact: a majority of the serial killers we hear about are white.

(Race Among Serial Killers) And they are also primarily male, possibly because women are harder to catch.

4. Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra

Well, this one is embarrassing. As a young adult, I was barely getting into this show, and now that I have a child, I can exploit my justification of why I watch it. They have become almost yearly binge-watches with my mini-me.

5. Tokyo Ghoul

I am one of those people that love anime. This is almost at the top of my anime list. Sword Art Online is at the top of that list. They both are, in their way, psychological thrillers and have been able to stand the test of time easily.

6. New Girl

I know; it is a random addition to a mostly psych/thriller/horror theme with spatterings of animated shows. This one is an excellent feel-good show. I had been binging it for a while now and have yet to finish it because my ADHD brain likes variety. LOL.

7. Jane the Virgin

This one... Ah. This one made the list simply because of the relatable-ish drama in it. I have been through all of the emotions with this one, I think. It is not hard to see why it is such a good show, though. From all of the drama to the pregnancy fantasies to huffing through being an excellent writer, having her baby stolen from her by crazy people, and then going full protective mother mode... I can relate. But who doesn't in some small amount of way?

Those are my top seven for now. I have tons more, but I will stop here for the moment.


About the Creator

L.A. Moore - Nash

Mom of two great small people.

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