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Drama Treasure Trove - #3: Itaewon Class

An Exciting Drama Recommendation Series

By Subin @vocalPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Itaewon Class is a popular South Korean television series that first aired in 2020. The drama is based on a webtoon of the same name and is set in the diverse neighborhood of Itaewon in Seoul.

The first episode of "Itaewon Class" opens with a flashback to Park Sae-ro-yi's high school years. He is a straight-laced student who is always seeking to do the right thing. However, he finds himself in a difficult situation when he stands up to a bully who is picking on another student. In the ensuing fight, Park Sae-ro-yi breaks the bully's wrist, which sets off a chain of events that leads to his expulsion from school.

Fast forward to the present day, and we see that Park Sae-ro-yi has just been released from prison after serving time for assault. He immediately sets out to achieve his dream of opening a bar-restaurant, despite having no experience in the food industry. He enlists the help of his friend Jo Yi-seo, played by Kim Da-mi, who helps him with the business plan and scouting for the perfect location.

After much searching, they finally settle on a location in Itaewon, a neighborhood in Seoul known for its vibrant nightlife and diverse population. However, they quickly find out that the location they have chosen is owned by Jangga Group, a powerful and corrupt conglomerate that has a monopoly on the food industry. Jangga Group is owned by Jang Dae-hee, played by Yoo Jae-myung, a ruthless businessman who will stop at nothing to crush anyone who opposes him.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Park Sae-ro-yi remains determined to achieve his dream and stand up to the corrupt Jangga Group. He and his small team work tirelessly to transform their bar-restaurant into a successful business, with Park Sae-ro-yi leading the charge. He hires a talented chef, Ma Hyun-yi, played by Lee Joo-young, who is transgender and faces discrimination from some of the customers.

The first episode of "Itaewon Class" sets up the main conflict of the series and introduces viewers to the key characters. Park Sae-ro-yi is a relatable protagonist who viewers will root for as he seeks to achieve his dreams and take down the corrupt Jangga Group. Jo Yi-seo is a fascinating character who provides much-needed levity with her quirky personality and sharp wit. The chemistry between the two leads is evident from the very beginning, setting up a potential romance that viewers will be eager to see unfold.

The first episode also tackles important social issues, such as discrimination against transgender individuals and the power dynamics at play in the food industry. These themes are woven seamlessly into the story, adding depth and nuance to the characters and their struggles.

The first episode of "Itaewon Class" is a strong start to a compelling drama that is sure to captivate viewers. With its engaging characters, high-stakes conflict, and thought-provoking themes, the series is a must-watch for fans of Korean dramas and anyone who loves a good underdog story.

In terms of production value, "Itaewon Class" is visually stunning, with well-choreographed action scenes and beautiful shots of Itaewon's vibrant streets. The show also features a fantastic soundtrack, with a mix of classic and modern Korean music.

The drama was a commercial and critical success, with high ratings in South Korea and a large international following. It also received praise for its diverse cast and representation of marginalized communities, which is a refreshing change from the predominantly homogeneous casts often seen in Korean dramas.

Overall, "Itaewon Class" is a well-written, well-acted, and beautifully shot drama that is not to be missed by fans of Korean television.

Available on NETFLIX


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Subin @vocal

Not a Regular Blogger. But loves to share my thoughts, movie and drama recommentations.

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    Subin @vocalWritten by Subin @vocal

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