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Cuties Is Just Sick And Wrong.

It Ought To Be Called Filth Because That Is Just What It Is!

By Halden MilePublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
I refuse to show any images from Cuties as it is very wrong on so many levels.

No...I refuse to watch Cuties.

Do not even ask me to! I do not care what is being offered in exchange, I still will not watch it. It is not worth it.

Believe me, I have seen countless videos of the worst sides of humanity. These include videos of suicide, murder, auto accidents, terrorist attacks, random acts of violence, even a lady who eats her own excrement and some from a guy calling himself Chris-Chan! Each one of those videos was just wrong in every way imaginable. Yet the Netflix film, Cuties just tops the list of the sickest things I have ever seen on the internet!

Cuties is about a group of eleven year old girls joining some dance team. Based on what I have read, it is because one of the girls discovers her own femininity the midst of this ordeal. Yet, there are scenes of these same eleven year old girls dancing in suggestive manners. THESE ARE CHILDREN MIND YOU! Any film depicting children moving about provocatively is NOT entertainment. It is absolute trash that ought to be discarded.

Whoever in the hell decided to create a film like this?! Cuties is a snuff film featuring children! It is sick and wrong on so many levels. I cannot believe that anyone would resort to creating such filth! There was a time when displaying children in such a way would warrant an FBI investigation and arrests. Personally, I believe the creators of Cuties should be taken out and beaten senseless.

I am also disgusted with Netflix for allowing such a depraved film to even air. Talk about shooting itself in the foot with that move. As a result, people are bailing out on Netflix and rightfully so. After all, who would want to be associated with a distributor of something as sick as Cuties?

It is only a matter of time before Netflix defending pedophilia. Oh wait, it already is! In this statement given to media outlets, Netflix said:

"Cuties is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children. It's an award winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up - and we'd encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie."

Oh Really!? If you were against the sexualization of children, you would not have used such filth, Netflix! Also, its highly doubtful anyone would want to watch Cuties. Nobody wants to be seen with that filth. Even worse is how Netflix calls Cuties an art film. Seriously, an ART film!? Are you out of your minds!? If that is art, then I gladly call for its destruction and censorship.

Just looking the poster, and watching the trailer to Cuties, was enough to make anyone puke. It was that wrong. I do not care what anyone says, Cuties is a sick film. THANK GOD lawmakers are petitioning Congress in creating a government hearing to look into Cuties. I hope there is enough sense in Congress to see this film done away with.

Seeing the internet go full throttle in its outrage against such a film is very pleasing. It goes to show that even the internet will not allow such filth to air. To illustrate this fact, even 4chan itself has expressed its disgust at Cuties! 4chan has even stated:

"Do not post any imagery from this show which sexualizes children. Anyone posting images or videos sexualizing children will receive permanent bans. Netflix may allow this crap, 4chan does not."

Now when 4chan speaks out against something, its has to be bad! I for one shall take a stand against Cuties and will sign any petitions against it. This is one film that should never see the light of day!

In closing, though it is cliché to say this, there is hope for humanity after all.

Even then, I will say it again: Cuties is SICK!


About the Creator

Halden Mile

I am am American actor, author, ASMRtist, Cosplayer, Novelist, Poet, and Screenwriter.

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