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Clubhouse: how does the new social network work?

If you follow the universe of digital marketing , you've noticed that new social networks or updates to existing ones are very common. Instagram brings news all the time and, recently, the eyes of professionals in the area have turned to the Clubhouse.

By Victor LawrencePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Clubhouse: how does the new social network work?
Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

So, for those who work with marketing strategies for social networks , the last few months have marked many doubts regarding the Clubhouse: is it really worth it? What will I find there?

Know that the proposal of the new network is to add a feature that has been gaining space even on other platforms — such as sending audio messages on WhatsApp — in an environment with more people. But how does it work in practice? What features are offered? Keep reading this article and learn all about the Clubhouse!

What is the Clubhouse?

The Clubhouse is a social network that uses only audio communication to promote interaction between users. People can join rooms as listeners or join discussions by sending audio messages. It is a very dynamic platform in which multiple conversations take place simultaneously on the most different topics.

By William Krause on Unsplash

The social network was created in March 2020, but the app, until then, was only available to iOS users. In May 2021, the platform was made available to Android users, with record downloads: 1 million in about a week .

What are the Clubhouse dynamics and functionalities?

Want to better understand what Clubhouse features and functionality are? And what can be done in an audio-only community? Let's find out!


Just as Facebook has its groups feature, and the late Orkut was very successful with communities, the Clubhouse has its own version of these segmented environments: the Rooms. These are rooms — which can be open or private — for users to exchange information.

Within them, there are the moderators, who manage the interactions. They make invitations and even decide who is allowed to leave their opinions on audio. It is possible to enter rooms only as a listener, participating in the conversation without being able to send the audios themselves.

Anyone who wants to participate can use a feature to ask the moderator for permission to submit their submissions as well. In summary, the dynamic works very similar to that of other better known social networks.


During social isolation, it has become very common to make an appointment, for example, to chat with your friends or family via video call, isn't it? The Clubhouse also offers a similar feature, allowing users to set a time to chat, with name, start date and time. That way, everyone is programmed and doesn't miss the meeting.


As well as the Instagram feed is constantly updated with new posts, the user inside the Clubhouse can also check which Rooms are highlighted, for example. The indications appear according to the user's preferences and behavior, directing each one to the conversations that would be most interesting for him.


Another curiosity of the Clubhouse is the limit of users within the platform. Especially as it is in the beginning of its operation, new users can only enter the social network based on the indications of those who are already part of it. Once signed in, the new participant can make two invitations. But you can earn more as you contribute and participate within the platform.

How to use it in marketing strategies?

By Merakist on Unsplash

It is also important to understand how the Clubhouse can contribute to your marketing strategies . Here are some tips that you may find useful to take advantage of the platform's benefits!

Connecting with your audience

The Clubhouse doesn't have a specific role for businesses yet, but that doesn't mean a brand can't connect with its audience. A company CEO or an expert can participate in a more relaxed conversation — or formal, always according to their audience's preferences — with users who have an interest in the products, services or subjects that are part of the company's reality.

Event resource to answer questions

Imagine that your company has launched a new product and consumers have many questions about the item. Why not bring these users together in an event created within the Clubhouse? Set a time, a date and invite all users who might be interested to have a closer and more humane conversation with a representative of your business.

Understanding your audience

Knowing your target audience is essential for any business, isn't it? The Clubhouse can be used precisely as an efficient tool to reduce barriers between brand and consumers. It is possible to build an exclusive Room so that a brand representative can talk in a humane way with consumers, who will have the freedom to give their feedback , for example, about new ideas and projects of the company.

With so many changes in user behavior , it is necessary to keep an eye on news and identify opportunities to further strengthen your brand in a competitive environment. Even an option that doesn't seem as attractive to your brand initially can become another excellent strategy in the future. So, check out what's new and study the platforms that can help your business the most — like the Clubhouse.

It is just one of the many platforms that exist and should be explored by your brand. Currently, these are essential channels for your brand to be present in the digital universe. So, it's worth finding out all about social networks and how to use them in your digital marketing strategy !

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About the Creator

Victor Lawrence

Victor is a content creator and love to share his thoughts across the web.

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