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Christmas is not something you buy in a store

December 25 will come and go without all the trappings of previous years. The Grinch had been telling us this since 1966.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Who’s celebrate without any gifts or tree.

In December of 1966 children everywhere and their parents were introduced to the animated television version of the popular Dr. Seuss book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” Those who have enjoyed this classic for over 5 decades know that Christmas came in spite of the fact that the Grinch removed all the Christmas trees, gifts and food from The Who’s down in Whoville. The green goblin could not steal the holiday and thankfully he realized why. The story says that “He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before”.

The Grinch processed that Christmas doesn’t come from a store and is something much much more. This year many people are disappointed because they feel that COVID-19 is the Grinch who has hindered their traditional holiday trappings. Those who can’t shop in stores as years past are depressed , distressed, dissilusioned, and disappointed and rightly so. School plays, church pageants, stage productions, performances of The Nutcracker and A Christmas Carrol have all been cancelled. There are no parades and some businesses where people shop have been closed. There is sickness and death all around because of the coronavirus and large family gatherings are out this year.

The Grinch does not hear the sound he was expecting.

Many are not necessarily caught up in commercialism but simply want the choice to give to those they love in the spirit of the season. Millions have lost jobs and are standing in food lines. There are adults whining like babies because they cannot do what they have always done during the month of December. Christmas Eve services and Mass have been cancelled or will be live stream only. Everything is different but don’t give up because there is good news. Christmas can never be cancelled or stolen because it’s not about the things you purchase or how you decorate or celebrate. Perhaps you have a loved one in a hospital or long term care facility.

If so be thankful that you are not visiting them in a cemetery as so many others are this year. Christmas is a state of mind and what’s in your heart and spirit. Once you get this you can smile and maybe she’d tears of joy as you watch the Grinch, Mr. Scrooge, Tiny Tim. or George Bailey on Its A Wonderful Life. Perhaps you enjoy Dolly Parton’s message in her movie Christmas of Many Colors. Begin considering what you have instead of what you don’t. Sing your favorite carrolls and recite along with Linus as he tells Charlie Brown what he believes to be the true meaning of the holiday. You already know deep down that the outward trappings are not what makes this season bright.

Instead of lamenting all that is wrong or different try reflecting on what the season and the day mean to you personally. Make at least one new memory because you can if you try. When the true meaning hit the Grinch he gained the strength of 10 Grinches plus two and his heart grew three sizes that day. You can sulk like Scrooge and the Grinch initially did or open your heart as happened to them in the end. Find your project like Charlie Brown’s little Christmas tree and brighten up someone’s day or encourage yourself. Believe that peace in earth and good will to man is still possible.

Unlike the Grinch, COVID-19 cannot return all that it has stolen but you have the ability to choose to sing a Christmas song like The Who’s in spite of it all. The Gtinch waited to hear the sound of disappointment because he had taken everything from The Who’s. Instead he heard rejoicing and singing and this confused the gremlin. When he realized that he did not stop Christmas he said these words to his dog Max. “ It came without ribbons, it came without tags, it came without packages boxes and bags”. Whatever your state this season just remember that nothing stops Christmas from coming as long as it’s in your heart.

pop culture

About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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