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Chelsea continues to manipulate Rey on 'The Young and the Restless'

Blinded by hatred for Adam, Detective Rosales crosses a line and Ms. Lawson tries to keep him from the dark side.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Just one kiss is all it took to set things in motion to destroy the life of a once dutiful detective. On The Young and the Restless, Rey Rosales is being driven to the brink of insanity by his jealousy towards Adam Newman. Chelsea is lying to him, pushing his buttons and pulling his strings but on Monday he will go too far and she will tell him to back off. Rey is visiting Chelsea when he gets a call that Adam is nowhere to be found. In desperation, he pushes Ms. Lawson to use her son as bait to get his father out in the open.

Rey begs Chelsea to bring Conner home from boarding school so he can help them catch Adam. Rey suggested that Chelsea allow Adam to think that his son is very sick so that he will risk all to see Conner. Chelsea becomes angry and tells the detective no, at least 3 times. She points out that Conner is smart and will know he is being used as bait. She also does not desire her son to be traumatized by watching his father get arrested.

Spoilers had suggested that Rey and Chelsea were going to agree to use Conner to trap Adam but at the end of Monday's episode, this had not happened. Chelsea tells Detective Rosales that he is the one with principles and morals and not like everyone else. She asks him if he is allowing his obsession with her husband to cloud his judgment? Rey admits that Adam is taking up space in his head and Chelsea says she understands because she also has been obsessed with Adam.

Chelsea set this whole thing up by pretending she was still paralyzed when she had recovered. She framed Adam for poisoning Rey and now she is acting as if she feels sorry for the detective. Rey is not using his instincts and has let his guard down around the grifter. He is vulnerable and not thinking clearly and really should be nowhere near this caser. Many Y&R viewers are wondering why the writers have taken Rey down this dark path? Some fans are demanding that Paul Williams be brought in and Rey be taken off of the case.

Victor is pressuring Michael Baldwin to investigate Chelsea and exonerate his son. He knows Adam was framed and is determined to prove that Chelsea is the mastermind behind the entire scam. Chloe walked out on her friend so right now Rey is the only one Ms. Lawson can trust to bring down Adam. She was stunned that he wanted to use her son but so far she has stood her ground about keeping Conner out of harm's way.

When the full truth is revealed, Rey Rosales should resign from the police force. He never should have been investigating his own poisoning and there is a conflict of interest because of his biased views about Adam. Victor wants Michael to take Rey off of the case and perhaps he might. If he does Chelsea loses leverage as well as the man who is her biggest pawn.

Spoilers say Adam will eventually be cleared of all charges but there have been no details on how or when it will happen. Once this happens Rey will feel he has lost everything. He walked out on Sharon and his marriage is most likely over. He must watch Adam be set free and live with the fact that Chelsea played him like a fiddle. He has not been using sound judgment and seems to have lost all objectivity. This will be difficult for him and he might even lose his job if things are done properly.

Both Sharon and Victor warned the detective about Chelsea and he did not listen. He will soon have to live with the fact that they were right and he was wrong. Rey also never should have let his guard down and shared his innermost feelings with Chelsea. Rey is blinded by his hatred for Adam and it might just cost him everything he holds dear. Spoilers indicate that this charade will soon be over so stay tuned to The Young and the Restless to find out how and when.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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