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Review and Defense

By Alexandrea CallaghanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The internet's reaction to Bros theatrical release is extremely sad. The box office most definitely does not reflect the charm, wit and heart of this movie. Most of the complaints i’ve heard are shallow and frankly, stupid. So here we go, the reality of the quality of this movie.

First of all, the humor in this movie was immaculate. It was witty, funny and relatable. The references to and about the LGBTQ community were relevant and perfectly placed. The general public of twitter seems to reject the movie simply on the basis that it is headlined by Billy Eichner. Now nothing Billy has ever done is problematic they just simply don’t like his attitude, which if you are a member of the LGBTQ community is a really stupid fucking reason to not see this movie. Your refusal based on nothing is so unbelievably counter productive. We scream for representation both on screen and behind the camera, we get it and you refuse to support it? Seriously? Dumbass move, the movie was brilliant and it was made BY gay people FOR gay people but all you wanna do is bitch about Billy being obnoxious.

This movie also took care of some big emotions. Billy very clearly poured himself into this script and that made the writing so strong and vulnerable. Billy’s character struggles in his relationship with being good enough, and hot enough he also struggles with being “too much” and is quite literally told to tone it down and be less himself. Now if you’ve followed anything I do you may have inferred that this is also something that I have experienced. The scene where Bobby and Aaron are fighting after Aaron cheats and Bobby tells him how painful it was for him to be forced to be less himself made me cry.

Bobby and Aaron’s struggle to define what they were to each other, overcome internal prejudices and finally admit to each other that they were in love was all too real and it deserves reverence and praise. The back and forth of their relationship really does justice to the struggle of getting into a new relationship, especially with someone who doesn’t necessarily fit the picture you have in your mind of who you should end up with.

Now one of the other major criticisms of the internet was that no one goes to see Rom Coms in the theater and that this film would have been better suited for a streaming service. Now here's the deal, people go to the theater to experience something, feel deeply and feel a sense of community at least that's why you SHOULD go to the theater. That is the purpose of film, that is what it's for. So if you are only going to the theater to watch violence, gore or horror maybe you should reevaluate your life and your emotional state. If you aren’t going to the movies to feel joy, love and hope then why are you going?

Through the twitter bullshit is a ray of sunshine, Guy Branum gives us behind the scenes insight into the production of the film that further supports why this movie deserves more than its box office numbers.

Overall I think this is a classic rom com with brilliance, wit and heart. Bros is a beautiful depiction of love, insecurities and accepting yourself. Everyone should go see this movie and praise it publicly. That is the only way that the LGBTQ community is going to continue to get films that are made for them without making them a joke. When I saw it the theater was packed and the reactions were all positive, we all laughed and cried our way through the film and it was truly a touching experience.

entertainmentmoviepop culturereview

About the Creator

Alexandrea Callaghan

Certified nerd, super geek and very proud fangirl.

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