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Books to Check Out: April 2021 Reads

More interesting books to kick off your spring

By SamPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I had another lovely time reading this month, and I got through a couple of wonderful reads. It was hard to pick out of the bunch, but there were three books that I thoroughly enjoyed. As usual, they were quite diverse, and I’m more than happy to recommend them here.

The Red House by Mark Haddon

This book was nothing short of fantastic. The Red House tells the story of a family, two siblings, their spouses, and their children, and how they interact while on a short holiday. It’s a lot of familial tension over relationships, personal demons, and past traumas that will keep you turning the pages fast.

What I adore about this book was just how tightly written it was. The metaphors and word weaving was just so stellar and descriptive. I always knew how everyone was feeling and how they felt about each other. Haddon could write out all sorts of incredible imagery that just swept me off my feet immediately. Though none of the action is exactly huge or groundbreaking, the emotional consequences of the small actions will be just as devastating as any grand scale action you can imagine. It’s a well-rounded story with remarkably fleshed out characters. There isn’t a weak aspect to this book, and it was wonderful to read something so strong at every twist and turn.

Pick this book up, you won’t regret it.

The Little Book of Otter Philosophy by Jennifer McCartney

Another wholesome, easy, feel good coffee table book! This little guy will give you all the tips and tricks to live a fun, wholesome, healthy lifestyle like an otter would. Otters are playful, curious, go with the flow, and their behavior can give us humans a few pointers on how to live our lives.

There are the cutest little drawings and sayings, tons of puns, adorable lists, and overall just a healthy dose of fun. It’s a very quick read and a totally uplifting one. What I also enjoy about this book is that it can be read by people of all ages. Give it to a teenager or a full grown adult, it’s a book they can love and learn from.

Basically, the book wants you to embrace that vibrant, energetic side of life. This is a fun little book to bring to the beach, on vacation, or really anywhere you go really. It’s small and sweet and belongs on anybody’s bookshelf.

Parasite: A Graphic Novel in Storyboards by Bong Joon Ho

Listen, Parasite is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. All those Oscars it won last year? Totally deserved. It was the best Oscars ever, in my opinion, specifically because Parasite was so awarded. When the storyboard book for this dropped, I was so thrilled to read it, and after finishing it, I’m even happier I did.

This is a must read for any movie fan. The storyboards for Parasite detail the movie and will help you relive the amazing plot points like you were watching the movie again. It’s wonderful to see behind the scenes illustrations sketched out on every page. You can take a look at the scenes that changed and all the ones that remained the same. It’s a fun peek into Bong Joon Ho’s creativity and how he likes to plan out his shots. There’s also a lovely forward by him at the start of the book, and that alone is worth a read.

Bottom line, go appreciate Parasite, both the movie and this book.

With another round of some interesting and diverse book choices, there’s sure to be some fun, refreshing reads to carry you into the warmer weather. So check these entertaining books out and happy reading! Be sure to check out my March picks here.


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