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Book one

The end of the begging

By Luca CampbellPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Chapter one

The End of the Beginning

No one can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. I thought to myself. And well they say a lot of things. And as I sat here floating in that very vacuum I question where it all went wrong. And maybe what i could have done differently. And where it all started. And... “ Oxygen critically low please return to a docking bay immediately. ” The lovely AI voice of Sandra Parks, the Milky Way’s most famous singer and this month's free sample voice on my com.

“Well Sandra, that's gonna be a little difficult. CAUSE WE'RE OUT HERE IN THE FU*KING MIDDLE OF GOD KNOWS WHERE.” I scream, agitated, scared and almost alone except my AI.

“I didn't scream at you Rail. I ask that you treat me the same way” Samanth comes in my ear piece with a hurt parent's tone Samantha continues “ Our distress signal has been pinged and a ship will arrive in the next forty-seven earth minutes.”

“Well, Do i have enough oxygen to last forty-seven minutes?” I respond much calmer. “Was that better?” I throw in with a snort.

In her singing voice she comes back loud and in tune with her new hit song. “NOOOO YOOOUUUUU DOOO NOT. You have thiiiiirty ooooone.” Then in her lovely voice she says “Was that better? “

“Just give me a min.” I exclaimed quickly.

“I'll give you thirty-one.” She replies.

“I'll give you thirty-one.” I mimicked back in a baby-like voice.

I start to lose myself in thoughts again. Where were we? We were on an Empire ship (Now I know what you're thinking, and no it's not the same Empire I saw in those classic movies ). What was it called The Celestial Two War Barge? “Samantha How long was I out?” I exclaim like I just came out of a trance .

“Two and a half hours.” She cheerfully chirps back.

“Damn!” I say mostly under my breath.

“WAIT WHAT SHIP IS COMING TO PICK US UP?” I blurted out having a realization.

“Oh. The Celestial Two War Cruiser. The one you were just ejected from by The Admirals Second.” she chimed back.

Now my mind starts to race. I can feel myself going into a panic. Why would they be coming back? He’s had to of come up with a cover story by now or atleast found a way to pin Bob Crafters murder on me. Then it hit me that I still have the map. I'll be searched, everything will be processed and recorded and decontaminated. Fuc*king space herpes. “I notice a large increase in your heart rate. Which in turn means you are burning more oxygen than calculated and now have twenty-eight minutes of air left.” Samantha cuts into my frantic thoughts.

“Ok you need to calm down. Think of your training. Think of your breath. In. out. In .out.” I state this out loud and after a minute or so Samantha chimes in. “Good to see you've brought your breathing back to acceptable limits. You now have twenty-five minutes of air.”

“Great and how long till the cruiser can get to us now.” I replied

“Forty-four minutes. This should be fun. What was it you said your dad always said to you when you were a kid? Where's the fun Rail? Where's the fun Rail?” She answers far more jolly than I was in the mood for but I answer anyway just like I did every time my dad Said it.

“In the danger. The fun is in the danger.” I say this very un-enthusiastically.

I go back to my thoughts this time with a little more controle. I slow my breathing just like we are taught as children learning to use our suits. I figure I've bought five to six minutes still around ten to twelve short. I sure hope Samantha's math is off. I tell myself to give myself some false hope. But I'm figuring that this false hope is better than none. I go into a brainstorm mode and start shouting out ideas.”What if we turn off the suit's heat? And um.... I hold my breath for thirty or so minutes at a time. I cou..”

Samantha Interupst “ You wouldn't survive long without the heat generators on; they also help to recycle the air and water you use and the oxygen your waist while the heat comes back would be counterproductive. As for holding your breath. Not only would you be amazing if you could hold your breath for thirty minutes at a time. I'd prefer you to do it more often.” She jokes while I'm about to suffocate. “But you may be able to buy some of the time you need .” I figure something is wrong. I'm not thinking clearly. I must still be groggy. But from what? Remember Rail . For heaven's sake remember. BEEP! BEEP! Alarms start going off in my suit.

“What is it now?” I say defeated

“There's a tear in your suit. I've located it behind your left knee. I've already begun the repairs and it should only take a few seconds but the air loss I have not calculated yet..” Sam replies.

I hold my breath for what feels like forever. I suck in another big gulp of air and hold that till I almost pass out. It feels like ten minutes have gone by when Samantha chirps in “You’ll be fine just hold your breath for thirty minutes....... By the way, the suit was repaired and it took longer than expected. And for that I apologize.. “ I let out a huge gasp and suck in air. “Thanks..” That's all I can think of to say. I sit well, float and wait for the bad news. Then as expected.

“Oxygen remaining three minutes..Sorry Rail.” She Says sounding sad. I don't hear anything else Samantha says. I start to drift off into thoughts about what I maybe could have done differently and where I went wrong.......


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