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Anime I Will Be Watching During the Fall 2019 Season

A list.

By BoblobV2Published 5 years ago 4 min read

This is going to be a brief list of the anime that I will be watching this season, starting with.

Special Crime Investigation Unit - Special 7

One of the main reasons why I am interested in this show is because of the concept behind it. The story is simple enough, a special unit is put together so that they would be able to find the culprits behind the recent string of chaos in Tokyo. The caveat is that it is an alternate Tokyo where elves, dwarves, and other fantastical creatures exist. The culprits themselves are worshippers of the dragons that one existed in the world. This reminded me of Bright on Netflix as far as the premise is concerned, and I am always willing to give the idea of fantastical creatures in modern day society a try.


This is a show based on a novel, and despite reading the summary and watching the trailer, I am still not completely sure what the show is going to be like. The reason why is because it seems as if there are multiple facets that make up the core narrative. Another show that is based around the idea of investigating a shadowy organization. A University, a Drug Company, and Archeology are all involved. This combination of organizations combined with the idea of it being an investigative show makes me quite intrigued about what is to transpire. Perhaps the idea of using the genetics of the people in ancient Babylon? (A personal guess based on the name and organizations present.)

Kabukichou Sherlock

The third show in a row that involves the idea of investigating a crime. Unlike the prior two shows, there is a sense of aloofness that is present in the presentation of this show. While the others seem to be the serious thriller type shows, there is a sense of whimsy to this show. The posters exude a sense of positivity and lightheartedness, while the summary also makes hints to the—at times—comic nature of the show. Based on the characters that are listed in the cast, it seems like a Sherlock Holmes story set in Japan in modern day Shinjuku. How could I not give it a try?


This is a curious show. On the surface, it has the themes that are shown off by Disney’s Zootopia; however, reading up on it a little more, this is a far more personal story that speaks to the individual rather than highlighting a societal prejudice. However, that is also present. The idea of herbivores and carnivores both attending high school is a fascinating concept; however, there are two things that make me quite skeptical despite wanting to watch it. The fact that it is a completely 3D show—while there are examples of it working out, the examples of things not working out are far larger, and having seen a few of the stills from the manga. I am curious how it translates. The fact that it is a… Netflix licence show means that there is the very real possibility that I might not get to see this for another three months.

No Guns Life

Studio Madhouse, and a lead character is a guy with a giant gun for a head… What more could you want in a show?


To be perfectly frank, this is a show that grabbed me purely by the design of the poster. There is a warped, otherworldly, and incredibly imaginative feeling that emanates from the poster, so much so that I was determined to watch it. When reading about the story and the idea that people can go into others' minds and alter/destroy memories at great personal risk to themselves, it only increased my desire to watch it all the more.

From this point on, there are new seasons to already established shows.

Shokugeki no Soma: Shin no Sara

We are getting more of Soma cooking food, and fighting people by way of cook-offs. It is very much the basic battle manga/anime; however, it is presented with so much personality, energy, and unashamed fanservice that I cannot help but like the show.

My Hero Acadamia Season 4

What I would like to call Sky High made use to its full potential. This is a show with fantastic character writing, steady power escalation, and incredibly emotional highs and lows. Having already read much of what is to come in this season, I cannot wait to see it brought to life in animation.

Psycho-Pass 3

This is a show that has always fascinated me with the themes that they choose to explore within the narrative, and these themes are quite heavy indeed. Set in a dystopian future that is quite reminiscent of Equilibrium, with some fascinating concepts as far as technology, morality, and justice are concerned, this is a show I loved. In addition, the characters, the world, and the visual aesthetic are all things that I am drawn to. What I am worried about is the fact that it is reported to only be eight episodes long. If that is the ideal length of the story that they want to tell then it is fine; however, the reduced time of Season Two definitely hurt the standard of storytelling compared to Season One, and I hope it is not hurt further.


About the Creator


Writing about anime, and anything else I find interesting.

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