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6 Reasons Why Drive-In Movies Need to Make A Comeback

There's more benefits to drive-in theaters than just "nostalgia"!

By Jennifer ChildersPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Drive-in movies may still exist, but they are nowhere near as booming as they were back in "the good ole' days." But they should be, because there's actually a lot of things you can do at a drive-in movie, that you can't do at a regular movie theater.

1. You don't need to worry about going to the movies during cold or flu season

If the COVID-19 crisis did anything positive, it's that it changed the way most people tend to think about illness spreading, and made us more cautious about it. Having worked at a movie theater, I can tell you: There are plenty of opportunities to come into contact with other people's germs at a movie theater. That's not me trying to insult the clientele, it's just facts. I've caught many a cold from customers coming in and coughing all over. Well, guess what? At a drive-in movie, it's just you and whoever you brought with you in your car that you need to worry about. You don't need to worry about Betty Lou coughing up a lung in the next aisle, because cars are our shields!

2. You can talk during movies without disturbing anyone

Part of the fun of watching a new movie with friends, is being able to comment on it. My friends and I are those annoying people who purposely go to movies we think will be awful just so we can make fun of them. However, because we're also not inconsiderate jerks, if the theater is packed...we don't. And where's the fun in that? Well, sitting in your own car with the windows rolled up, you can talk as much as you want and don't need to worry about annoying anyone.

3. You can wear pajamas

While I suppose there's no law barring anyone from going to the theater in pajamas, it's not fun if you're the self-conscious type. But in a car, you can wear your PJs--making the movie watching experience as cozy as if you were in your own home.

4. You can bring your own snacks and blankets

What are the workers going to do? Shine a flashlight into every car to make sure you didn't bring any outside snacks? Make you pop your trunk so they can do a search before you head in? Nah, they don't have time for that. We all know how annoyed people get over concession stand prices. At drive-in movies, you can bring your own snacks without having to smuggle them in like Kinder Surprise Eggs over the United States border.

5. You can watch outside!

If it's a brilliant, beautiful night, you can sit on the hood of your car, or on the grass while watching the movie. That's an awesome experience you don't get at a regular movie theater!

6. Cuddling with your date at the movies is easier!

No, I'm not promoting "parking"--after all, you are in public and cars are not an invisible force field. Apart from being awkward for everyone around you, you could also get arrested for that! No, I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about actually cuddling at the movies! Sure, you can hold hands and put your head on your date's shoulder at a traditional movie theater. But, it's not very comfortable when you're separated by an armrest. Even if you can move the armrest, it's still not super comfortable because there's a gap in the seats. Well, at a drive-in movie, cuddling during a movie is super easy! Just slip into the backseat, and cuddle like you would on the couch at home.


About the Creator

Jennifer Childers

I just write thoughts on anime, games, music, movies, or other things that are on my mind. Occasionally a poem or short story might come up.

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