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Violence in Video Games

A Game Is Just a Game

By Kristina NagodePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I wasn't always into video games when I was a youngster, but when I got older, as I started playing them for the first time, then I saw how addicting it could be, even frustrating as well. I would soon realize that I would go from being competitive to aggressive. In those moments, it felt very stressful. Every time I get stuck or lose on a level, I would go from throwing the game controller at the TV or hitting myself with the controller, which ended up hurting me a lot.

Violence is one of the biggest concerns on the planet right now, especially nowadays; computer graphics and special effects become more and more realistic. Some parents and teachers blame school shootings and other aggressive behavior on media violence — that includes TV programs, movies, video games, etc.

Scientists are discovering that playing video/computer games, watching TV and movies can change the way we act, think, and feel. Whether these changes are good or bad has become a subject of intense debate.

One day, I was playing Wii sports on the Nintendo Wii with my stepsister and was really trying to win the game, but I kept losing every single time and it drove me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I just blew up and got so mad that I actually ended up throwing the controller at the TV. I then started to think maybe I was becoming somewhat violent, after awhile, I realized I was. I could've ended up hurting someone which thankfully didn't happen, the only thing that got damaged was the TV, and well, let's just say I wasn't able to have Wii of my own at the point.

Most of the research has been focused on TV and movie violence, mainly because TV and movies have been around much longer than video games have.

That still does affect me some days now, but not a lot. That's why I take long breaks from video games before going back to them. I'm that type of person/video gamer who, whenever I finish a video game, that's it. I don't go back and collect those secret collectibles/items, I'm done after that.

There are many connections between violent video games and violent behavior. People who repeatedly play violent games have aggressive thoughts and become less helpful and sociable. Physically, their heart rates accelerate.

There were times also where it wouldn't hurt me physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I would get so nervous that I could feel myself shaking, sweating, heart racing rapidly, and my stomach twisting all at once, especially when I would be playing the more difficult levels. My hands would turn into machines and would start to hurt after awhile of playing, too.

Although violent video games increase a person's heart rate and blood pressure, it doesn't necessarily follow that such games make a person more violent. It might not be fair to blame all or even a part of society's problems on media violence. There's more to video games than just violent content. In fact, a variety of studies are starting to show that playing video games can actually help people develop visual skills, learn about computers, and stay interested in school.

My point here is, for the people out there who repeatedly play all the time, look at the game before playing or buying it first, make sure it's worth buying and safe to play, too. Also, next time you plan on playing a violent video game, check your pulse just before and after each round as one way to see how the game will affect you.

Be careful what you play and watch you play, or else it could lead to more than just violence itself.


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