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Top 10 Hardest Overwatch Trophies (Updated)

Full roster, full challenge

By Morgan DaviesPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

Over four years ago I wrote a list of the 10 hardest trophies to obtain in Overwatch. Back when I wrote the original list, there were 26 heroes, people were still trying to get used to Mercy's rework, Moira had just been released, and people were still actually playing the game. Several bad decisions and multiple controversies later and here we are with the release of Overwatch 2 somewhere in the fog. So, with the roster complete and the full 32 heroes post-reworks and major changes, I've decided to rank most difficult trophies to obtain once again, especially four years on from when I'd first achieved the platinum trophy. Like any article, everything in this list is my own opinion and if you managed to get 'The Floor is Lava' with your eyes closed whilst holding the controller upside down and only using the D-pad to move then good for you.

Honourable Mentions: Hack the Planet, Event Horizon, Adaptation, Does That Sting?, Smooth as Silk

10. Hog Wild - Knock 2 enemies to their deaths with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog.

Roadhog is the tanky counterpart to Junkrat and this trophy is almost equally as annoying, except it's more dependent on the map you're playing on. Whole Hog is Roadhog's ultimate ability wherein his gun shoots wildly and violently knocks enemies backwards when hit. The damage isn't amazing but the knockback is incredible. The main issues with this trophy is that 1.) The deaths must be via falling and not killing them mid air with the ultimate, and 2.) Not every map has a way the heroes can fall to their death. While the ultimate doesn't deal excessive damage on its own, it's still very possible to accidentally kill an enemy while they're still in the air, which then makes the trophy void. The easiest map to obtain this trophy is on Ilios, where there's a lot of space for players to fall to their deaths, but since the map choice is random, you could be waiting a while to actually get a chance at this trophy.

9. Slice and Dice - Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade.

Arguably the most popular hero in the game, Genji is everyone's favourite glass cannon and a sure fire way to snatch Play of the Game. He's fast, has good damage output, he's slippery with his small frame, ability to double jump as well as deflect and a dash to boot. His ultimate ability, Dragonblade, dons Genji a deadly sword that can slice through enemies in a single hit or two. For this trophy, the player has the six seconds the ultimate lasts for to secure four kills with the ultimate. While this seems like it might be pretty easy, and I'm sure for some it is, with Genji's low health as well as it often being rare for four or more enemies to be in one place, this trophy can be annoying when you've reached three kills and a fourth enemy is nowhere to be seen. It's a task in itself to even play as Genji as his popularity means anyone else playing the damage role is often likely to pick him too.

8. Mine Sweeper - Destroy 10 turrets or traps using Winston's Tesla Cannon without dying.

Winston is a character that I've always been useless at but everyone else seems to find good. He has low damage output, he's pretty defenceless outside of his beefy 500 health and a pitiful shield that stays active for only six seconds with a hearty cooldown and he's slow except for a jump ability that also has a cooldown. His trophy requires him to destroy 10 turrets or traps with his primary weapon without dying. "Turrets or traps" include Torbjorn's turret, Symmetra's turrets, Junkrat's steel traps and mines, and Widowmkaer's venom mines. This sounds like quite a wide selection, right? It would be if the forced role queue didn't restrict teams to only two damage characters per team, and with all of the above mentioned being in the damage category, this lowers your chances of encountering 10 traps or turrets in an entire game by quite a bit. Symmetra is the best character to obtain this trophy from as her turrets have low health and they can be sent out very frequently. However, since her rework with her number of turrets being reduced from six to three, this makes an already difficult trophy even more so.

7. The Path is Closed - Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single game.

Some may argue about the placement of this trophy but I think it's warranted due to the scarcity of actually finding a Symmetra player. This trophy used to be harder to acquire as Symmetra's teleporters used to only be her ultimate ability, but since her rework, the teleporters were moved to be a regular ability with a cooldown. However, this trophy becomes difficult due to 1.) the lack of Symmetra players, 2.) A lot of Symmetra players don't use the teleporters at all, and 3.) If they do use them, they're only usually placed at the enemy's spawn (a place you don't want to be) to save a few seconds getting to the objective. This trophy is a little more forgiving by giving the player the entire game to achieve it and with there being no penalties for dying, but the stars have to align greatly for this trophy to even be possible in the first place.

6. Adaptability - Use 2 other heroes' ultimates without dying as Echo.

Echo was the final hero added to Overwatch before Blizzard decided to stop adding heroes to the game in order to work solely on Overwatch 2. She was pretty long awaited, being shown in concept art long before she was announced as a playable character. Her design is one of the best in the game and she also boasts some unusual abilities, most of which is her ultimate, Duplicate. This ability allows Echo to transform into another hero for 15 seconds. During this time, the ultimate charge is rapid meaning that you can easily use another hero's ultimate within the short timeframe, maybe even twice depending on who you duplicate. However, this trophy asks for the player to use an ultimate from two heroes without dying, meaning that the player must live through two ultimate charge cycles, as well as actually using the duplicated hero's ultimate. While the player could opt to play cautiously to built her ultimate then back out as soon as her ultimate ends, Echo's ultimate is one of the longest charging abilities in the game, meaning it can take a pretty long time if you're not actively fighting.

5. Rapid Discord - Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds.

Rapid Discord is one of the most infamous trophies in the game. It requires either you being a great player or your team being a great team, or a decent mix of the two. Orb of Discord is one of Zenyatta's abilities wherein he throws a purple orb onto an enemy that sticks to them permanently until they break the player's line of sight or the player throws one onto another enemy, and while it's on them, they take increased damage from everything. This trophy requires you to throw the orb onto four enemies and have every one of those enemies die, all within six seconds from the first to last, which isn't very long at all. Some people get this trophy unintentionally (like myself) after having an intense battle for the objective, but for others, it can take hours and hours of playing to unlock this.

4. Cratered - Hit 6 enemies with a single use of Doomfist's Meteor Strike.

I feel like Doomfist is one of the more forgotten heroes in the roster. It's not that he's bad; on the contrary, he can actually be pretty great. He is, however, difficult to play and therefore it's hard to not die over and over again as his abilities are quite combo based and they must be used more or less at the same time, but once they've been used, he's completely defenceless for a few seconds. His ultimate ability is Meteor Strike, wherein he jumps into the air and the player can move around and choose where he drops back in, inflicting damage in a fairly wide radius. Hitting six enemies like that seems like it would be fairly easy, right? No, as his ultimate has a few drawbacks. When you've decided where you want to drop in, there's a delay and a red marker that appears to the enemy team that indicates the area of damage. While the radius of the attack is quite large, it's pretty easy to get out the way of. The only way to get this trophy is to have a Zarya grab all of the enemy team with her own ultimate, or sneaking in with it while the enemies are busy in a fight. It's quite rare that all six members of a team are alive and together so this diminishes your chances of getting it even further.

3. Window of Opportunity - Amplify 2500 combined damage and healing without dying as Baptiste.

Baptiste is the hero that everyone forgot. His arrival was unceremonious and he's only really used for his unique immortality field ability, but his trophy is brutally difficult. Baptiste's ultimate ability is Amplification Matrix, wherein he creates a transparent wall that, when shot through, doubles all damage and healing. To obtain this trophy, you and your team have to put 2500 points worth of damage or healing through this ultimate without you dying at all. For a healer with an immortality ability, Baptiste is surprisingly easy to kill. He can't heal himself without wasting one of his abilities and he has no mobility outside of a spring-like jump ability that I think most people forget even exists. His ultimate takes a while to charge and you're very unlikely to amplify the required damage/healing with one use, so your chances of living for two, maybe even three ultimate cycles is pretty low, making this one of the hardest trophies in the game.

2. Halt State - Pull enemies into 1000 damage with a single use of Orisa's Halt!

This might seem like an odd placement as Orisa's trophies are often overlooked, but this trophy has been a thorn in my side and one that I still haven't been able to get after almost five years of playing the game. Halt! is a simple ability: it's a ball that clings onto nearby enemies and drags them towards it. It's grabbing range is very short and it only pulls enemies in for a seconds, which makes this trophy a pain to get. The most likely way to obtain it is by pulling enemies into a Hanzo ultimate, but the enemies have to be so close together in order for Halt! to grab them, that it becomes a Herculean task to even group them up together. It definitely helps if you manage to grab both tanks in a team, but I feel like this trophy requires the stars to align in order to work.

1. The Floor is Lava - Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lucio without dying.

Ahh, the most infamous trophy in the game. There isn't a soul who's gotten this trophy with ease. Lucio is a healer with great mobility as he can ride on any wall with pretty impressive speed. However, this ability is very awkward when playing on console as you have to hold the jump button (X or A depending on what console you're on) to stick to a wall, as well as turn the camera and fire at enemies. It's also made harder by the fact that there aren't many flat walls in the game, and while Lucio can ride over bumps and the like on the walls, it doesn't take much for him to come flying off the wall, and the kill only counts towards the trophy if the kill is executed whilst riding the wall. Most people opt for waiting for a map like Ilios or Nepal then knock people off the edges via Lucio's Soundwave ability, which is definitely an easier method. Another good method is to remap your controller to set the jump button to one of the shoulder buttons so it makes aiming and shooting a lot easier. Regardless of how you try it, this trophy definitely earns its spot as the hardest in the game.


About the Creator

Morgan Davies

21 years of age from the UK. Finished university last year and I'm trying to prove that getting a degree in English wasn't a mistake. I like writing about my interests which mostly include video games and films.

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