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Splinterlands: Season 112 Rewards!

Current season rewards in Splinterlands

By Sam BTCPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Another season of Splinterlands has come to an end and the quality of rewards continue to fall. I think I have become so used to of playing it everyday that I may keep playing it even if the reward value falls to $0 but this season was remarkably bad.

The competition seems to be getting tougher every season so it means people seem to be quite motivated for some reason. It might be to keep collecting the Soulbound NFTs even if they don’t have a $ value at the moment.

Why was this season Disappointing for me?

If I look at the summary of rewards I got this season the first thing I notice is that there were no Chaos packs received this season. Not sure that I got unlucky or they have been stopped completely. It’s a pity because those packs will be valuable in the future and I was planning to stock up on as many as possible. If it has been stopped permanently I think it would be hard to motivate players to keep playing just with Soulbound rewards. Another issue I noticed is that the amount of SPS being rewarded has fallen considerably. This coupled with the dropping $ price of SPS makes the overall reward value significantly lesser.

A clear indicator of reward value being much worse this season is when I look at the $/Chest this season it is $0.005 which is basically nothing and if I compare it to last season there is 10 times fall as it was $0.058 last season.

It also sucked that there no gold foil cards in the rewards. Considering I got 45 Gold chests and 29 Silver chests in total I find it hard to digest I did not get a single gold foil.

The only consolation is I got some summoners that I really wanted to level up my Nature and Dragon summoners.

I also managed to a Legendary Sorrel which was missing in my collection.

What will I change in my Strategy Next Season?

I was looking at the games which I lost this season and I found some recurring themes.

Lack of Legendary Summoners - Most of my losses were against opponents using Legendary summoners as they offer much better advantages compared to the Rare summoners I have. Legendary summoners are really expensive to buy in the market, I will keep a watch if I am able to get a bargain in the coming days.

Levelling up my Epic and Legendary monsters- Most of my Epic and Legendary cards are at level 2. They will get much more deadly at level 3 and above but it will cost a lot of $$ to get it done. Considering the liquidity crunch I have at the moment a big airdrop from zkSync or zkEVM, Scroll or Metamask (anything is possible in crypto) will be highly appreciated.

Improve my Weak Spots- Most of my good and levelled up cards are in Water, Life and Death elements with Dragon being average. My Fire and Nature cards are quite weak. When the battle condition only allows Fire or Nature I end up losing most of the matches. I need to slowly build up these elements so I have a more balanced deck.

On a positive note I have now started writing more regularly on HiveBlog and LeoFinance. The extra $ I get by blogging there might help me level up my cards if that airdrop I waiting for gets delayed.

I must appreciate the addictive nature of Splinterlands gameplay that despite the horrible rewards I got this season I still plan to continue playing. I am looking forward to the land expansion as I had picked up a plot few months back. I am wondering if I should pick up some more SPS considering the low price but I will probably eat and watch for a while.

How was your season, do let me know in the comments.



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