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Soldier 76 from Overwatch 2 Just Got a Buff, But Players Aren't Happy

Overwatch 2's latest update has made quite a few changes to heroes which many players deem too powerful.

By Inspiring YouTuber and GamerPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
Image by Victoria_Regen from Pixabay

So, I've talked about Overwatch in some past stories. You can find the links to those at the end of this post. But today, let's dive into Overwatch 2 and all the cool heroes. There's just one problem, though: the recent tweaks to these heroes have got players pretty upset. We'll discuss all the drama in this post. Hang tight!

Who is Soldier 76?

Alright, buckle up and prepare for the rundown on Soldier: 76, the grizzled old man of Overwatch. This guy is like your favorite action hero from the '90s movies. He's got that rugged, "I've seen it all" look with a gruff voice to match. Picture Clint Eastwood mixed with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and you've got yourself Soldier: 76.

First off, he's packing some serious heat with his trusty pulse rifle. This thing fires rapid bursts of bullets that'll turn your enemies into Swiss cheese faster than you can say "I need healing." It's got just the right balance of power and accuracy, making him a real force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

But what sets Soldier: 76 apart from the rest is his Tactical Visor. This bad boy is like a cheat code from back in the day. When he pops it, it locks onto enemies automatically. No need to worry about aiming or missing shots. It's like he's got a personal aimbot installed in his head. Just point, shoot, and watch those kills rack up.

On top of that, Soldier: 76 is no slouch when it comes to mobility. He's got a sprint ability that lets him zip around the map like he's late for the last call at the bar. Need to reposition quickly or escape a tight spot? Just hit that Shift key, and he's off like a greyhound chasing a rabbit.

But don't mistake him for a one-trick pony. Soldier: 76's got some healing abilities up his sleeve too. He can toss out biotic field generators that heal himself and his teammates within the area.

It's like having your own mini health pack on demand. Plus, it's a great way to keep your squad in the fight and make sure everyone's in tip-top shape.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "He sounds like an unstoppable killing machine!" Well, yeah, he kinda is. But even the best heroes have their limits. Soldier: 76 might not have the flashiest abilities or the most intricate strategies, but he's reliable. He's the guy you want covering your back when things get hairy.

What changes did Overwatch make?

The new patch for Overwatch 2 has a bunch of bug fixes and changes to heroes, including some major improvements to Soldier 76. These changes have made Soldier 76 a force to be reckoned with in matches, causing chaos left and right.

He used to be one of the easier heroes to play and learn, but now his damage output is off the charts compared to other heroes in the game. This has made fans even more skeptical about how balanced the heroes are in Overwatch 2.

Soldier 76 is actually the first character new players get to try out in the game's tutorial. He's armed with an automatic rifle that's great at various ranges, making it his standout feature. He's also the only character who can sprint without any cooldown, and he can drop a healing canister to help himself and his teammates.

His Ultimate ability lets him automatically target enemies for a short time. While Soldier 76 was considered well-balanced before, the recent update to Overwatch 2 has made some changes that fans aren't happy about.

The latest patch not only increased Soldier 76's primary fire damage but also made his Helix Rockets and Biotic Field more powerful. Although going from 18 to 19 damage per bullet may not seem like a big deal, it's actually made a significant impact on how quickly he can take down enemies.

As a result, he's become a popular choice for Damage players. The Overwatch 2 community has had a lot to say about this update, with fans flocking to Reddit to discuss the changes made to Soldier 76. Many players are puzzled by how such a small increase in damage per bullet can make such a huge difference in gameplay.

However, when you consider headshot bonuses and damage boosts from heroes like Mercy or Zenyatta, it's no wonder that Soldier 76 is now a go-to pick for players who want high damage output. Even this slight damage boost adds an extra 30 points of damage per clip, which can be emptied pretty quickly.

Final Words

It's not just Soldier 76 who got adjusted in the update. Other heroes like Torbjorn and Symmetra also received controversial changes.

Blizzard shifted power from their turrets to their weapons, and this has some fans worried that these heroes will lose their unique playstyles in the future.

As a result, players are feeling even less confident about Blizzard's balancing decisions than before.

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With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here is everything I wrote last month:

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to Marvel I believe you will enjoy:


Overwatch 2 players "can't believe" Soldier 76 buffs that upgrade all abilities.

Overwatch 2 Players Aren't Happy With Soldier 76 Buffs.

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Inspiring YouTuber and Gamer

I specialise in Media, Design, and Filmmaking. I support Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium as an editor and YouTube coordinator. I also own two publications for Gaming and Podcasts.

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