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An Ironsworn Tale Chapter 1

By Craig WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

This comes from my journal for the solo RPG Ironsworn and tells the tale of my character, Rhodri. As such, it is not presented as a typical story, but more as a narrative of events during a play session. (Game moves, results, and random decisions generated by oracles within the game will be listed in brackets.) Actions (called Moves) are resolved by rolling 3 dice: one 6-sided and two 10-sided.

To succeed in a Move, the character takes the result of the 6-sided die, adds relevant bonuses representing their abilities and skills, and compares it to the 10-sided dice. If the result is greater than one of the 10 sided dice, it is a Weak Hit (success, but often with a price). If the result is greater than both 10-sided dice, it is a Strong Hit. Failing to beat either die is a Miss.

And now, the story....


Chapter One

After nearly two years of travel Rhodri has made his way back to Cinderhome, but what he anticipated to be a happy occasion quickly turns sour when he discovers that his friend Samael has been replaced as Overseer, while their mutual companion Eilif has gone missing.

Rhodri sets to (Gather Information: Weak Hit) about what has transpired while he was away.

Rhodri learns that the new Overseer, Maura, is a fanatical follower of the Iron God and has been seeking to enforce her views on the nearby communities of Elkfield and Elderwatch, creating serious tension that is on the verge of turning bloody.

Samael informs Rhodri that Eilif left Cinderhome several days ago to meet with the overseer of Elkfield in an attempt to calm things down. Given that Elkfield is just under a day's travel from Cinderhome, he should have returned by now.

Rhodri sets out to discover what happened to his friend. (Undertake a Journey: Troublesome. Weak Hit)

Several hours into his journey, he comes across the site of a battle-- nearly a dozen men lying dead and forgotten. Taking a moment to examine the bodies (Gather Information: Miss) he finds little to reveal who they are or what transpired. Their corpses have mostly been picked clean (Resupply: Weak Hit) but he does manage to find a few small supplies that might come in handy.

Continuing on (Undertake a Journey: Strong hit) he reaches a small hill that seems to have been the site of another battle. No bodies lie here, though a few discarded makeshift weapons can be found. Though everything seems normal at first glance, Rhodri feels an unnatural cold seep into his bones. Magic? He is uncertain, but something unnatural occurred here.

Hurrying past this dark place (Undertake a Journey: Weak Hit), Rhodri finally reaches Elkfield with only a sliver of sunlight remaining (Reach Destination: Weak Hit).


Approaching the bridge that crosses the river north of the village, he sees a group of three men armed with spears at the ready. "Hold," they call. "Where are you from and what is your business?"

"I am called Rhodri. I come from... north of here, I seek a friend who journeyed to your village some days ago. I wish to cause no trouble, only to know if he is still here."

One of the men steps forward, eyeing him suspiciously (Disposition: Suspicious). "If you aren't seeking trouble, then perhaps you'd best move on."

"Night is falling," Rhodri says, gesturing casually at nothing in particular. "At least let me rest until morning. If my friend is not here, I will be moving on." (Compel with Heart: Weak Hit)

"We'll let you stay if you hand over your weapons. If you aren't planning trouble, you won't need them."

Rhodri sighs, eyeing the spears that the men carry. His own twin swords would make a prize for any man. "I will enter without weapons," he says, slowly, "but I will not leave them with you."

"Oh? And what do you plan to do with them?"

"I'll return shortly without them."

Not waiting for a response, Rhodri turns and heads back into the trees (Do the guards follow? Unlikely, as it is getting dark and they don't know if there is an ambush. Roll result: Yes) with two of the guards following. Irritated, Rhodri attempts to lose them (Secure an Advantage with Shadow: Weak Hit).

Moving quickly and expertly, Rhodri slides into the lengthening shadows, losing the guards, whose sounds of dismay and confusion can be heard falling behind him. Knowing they are likely to catch up momentarily, he scans his surroundings and finds a secure spot to hide his equipment. Doubling back, he steps onto the trail behind the two surprised Wardens. "Looking for me?"

Visibly startled, the two brandish their spears in his direction, one, in particular, looking more than ready to use it. (Will they choose to attack? Unlikely. Roll result: Yes) As the man advances, Rhodri's eyes narrow and he assumes a fighting stance. "Think this through. I came in search of information only. Attacking me while I am unarmed will not go well for you." (Compel with Iron: Weak Hit)

The Wardens hesitate, seeing the steely resolve in Rhodri's eyes and hearing the edge in his voice. "We'll take you straight to the Overseer," says the calmer of the two. "He'll decide if you stay or not."

Keeping their spears at the ready, the two Wardens lead Rhodri back to the village. Crossing the bridge, the third guard seems surprised, as if expecting that his two companions would have returned alone, newly armed with the stranger's swords. He seems about to stop them, but a glance at the nervous expression on their faces deters him.

The two Wardens lead Rhodri through town, traveling west from the bridge until they arrive at what is easily the largest home in the village. One of them moves forward and knocks on the door. A moment passes before it is opened, revealing a dark female figure against the well-lit interior.

Entering the building, Rhodri nods in greeting at the young woman holding the door. No more than 16. she is clearly pregnant. She steps away, shy or frightened, he cannot tell. "Away from him girl," a voice calls out as a hunched older man enters the room. "You'll end up dead like your fool brother."

The man brushes long, wispy grey hair out of his eyes as he glares at Rhodri. "Why is this man here?" he asks the Wardens without looking at him. "You idiots invite danger into my home." (Disposition: Hostile)

"He came along the north road," one of the Wardens mumbles. "He says he seeks a friend."

"You'll find no friend here." The Overseer sneers at him. "You come from Cinderhome, yes? You have that look about you. I should kill you here and now. I have lost a number of good men to your Overseer's foolish quest."

"The current Overseer is no friend of mine," Rhodri says. "I barely know the woman." (Is this Overseer willing to listen to Rhodri? 50/50. He is hostile but curious. Roll: Yes, with a Match) Seeing that the Overseer is listening, Rhodri continues quickly. "I am not here on her behalf. I'm seeking a friend named Eilif who came this way some days ago. He intended to meet with you."

"I’ve had no other visitor," the Overseer says, anger still evident in his voice, "save for those who came to fight." (Is he being truthful? 50/50 Roll:No)

"Perhaps I could ask around the village? Maybe someone else saw him?"

"There is no place for you here. Go back to your Overseer and tell her that we are free people in Elkfield and we have no interest in her new god. Halting trade was one thing, but if she continues to send armed men to 'convince us of our folly,' we will answer with blood." He motions for the guards to take Rhodri away.

Reluctantly, Rhodri follows as the guards lead him back toward the bridge, considering his options. Perhaps he could sneak back in under cover of night? He was certain that the Overseer was lying; Eilif had been here.

As he reaches the bridge, Rhodri is shoved violently by one of the Wardens. Stumbling forward, he mages to catch his balance before falling. "Don't let us see you here again." (Does the Warden follow Rhodri to attack him? Likely; he wants those swords. Roll: Yes)

Walking calmly and slowly, Rhodri makes his way back to the hiding spot, sensing the Warden following behind him. At the last moment, he dashes into the trees, moving quickly to (Secure an Advantage with Edge: Strong Hit Take +2 Momentum).

Briefly losing the Warden, whom he hears cursing loudly, Rhodri retrieves his weapons before doubling back and coming up behind his pursuer. "You don't learn, do you?" The Warden jumps with surprise, turning toward Rhodri, weapon raised. "Last time I was unarmed and there were two of you. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'll have those swords!" the Warden yells, leaping forward. (Enter the Fray with Heart: Weak Hit, Take Initiative)

"Alright then," Rhodri says, stepping forward confidently, dual swords flashing in the light of the rising moon. (Strike: Strong hit with a match 10 Harm. End the Fight Roll: Strong Hit) The blades move faster than the eye can see, cutting the tip from the spear, then sending the remains of the weapon flying from the Warden's hand. Driving his elbow into his hapless foe's jaw with a resounding crunch, Rhodri knocks him from his feet and stands over him, one foot on his chest, swords at his throat.

"Tell me about my friend." (Does the Warden know what happened? Likely. Roll: Yes)

"He... he arrived days ago... We challenged him at the bridge. We... He was armed like you, with a sword..."

"And you wanted it." The Warden nods.

"We... all of us, we attacked him to take his weapons, not to kill him!" Rhodri feels a chill run down his spine. "He was skilled, like you, but there were too many of us. He was injured and fell from the bridge and was swept away. We lost the sword..."

Rhodri grimaces. "Dead?" The Warden merely shrugs. "Tell your Overseer what happened her," Rhodri says. "Tell him which one of us was ready to kill and which refrained." He steps back, sheathing his swords. "Most of all, pray."


"Pray that my friend yet lives."

Even in the shadows, Rhodri sees the man's face grow pale before he rises and runs back to the safety of his village. Rhodri watches him go, contemplating his next move.


About the Creator

Craig Williams

I have always wanted to write, but I let myself be talked out of it for far too many years. Now, I am trying my hand at it again. If you see anything you like, a ❤️, a follow, or comment would let me know it's worth continuing.

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