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REVIEW: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 wraps up character arcs, and manages to tell a compelling story

By Benito RamirezPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Mass Effect 3 wraps up character arcs, and manages to tell a compelling story. Warning: I will be discussing the fate of some characters and the divisive ending in this review. Also, if you haven't read my Mass Effect 1 & 2 reviews, I really recommend them before starting this one.

The third game begins immediately with a Reaper attack against Earth. These creatures were familiar to us, and we had seen them in the first and second games. However, seeing them invade Earth puts into perspective just how terrifying and large these creatures are. They manage to escape via the Normandy as the world crumbles around Shepard. They are a band of people who want to unite all races against the Reapers.

Mass Effect 3Feels incredibly large, and that's not just for the Galaxy Map.EveryoneIt's back. This entry will be influenced by all the characters from previous games. Did you see the Smash Brothers Ultimate trailer that said "everyone's here"? That's exactly what it is.Mass Effect 3What it looks like. While it's great that characters such as Wrex can return, it also means that new characters like Javik don't get the chance to really develop.

My favorite mission and fight is "Priority Tuchanka", where you can cure Genophage, a disease that renders Krogan infertile. This is an amazing story. It is so well-written how Mordin has evolved from being the one who spread Genophage and modified it to becoming the only one capable of curing it. It's quite heart-wrenching to see him sing while knowing he will not make it out alive. It's also great to see the mission on Tuchanka. We learn so much about the Krogan's past and fight the Reaper boss. It made me feel like I was playing a God of War video game. It was extremely satisfying.

Other moments in the game are very difficult, mostly because of the characters. I had to pause my game in order to take a moment and look around the room before I could make a decision between the Quarians or the Geth. These choices are difficult because you have gotten to know your squadmates from the previous two games. You don't want them to be hurt or killed.

The game also added a fun feature: you can now call other characters from your ship by walking into their characters. This makes the game feel more natural, and it's much more fun to listen to. Joker calling Liara and asking her questions about her head or Garrus talking politics with Adrien Victus, are just some of the many things you can do while walking in. It makes the ship feel alive.

And I must mention the Citadel DLC, because great character writing is not complete without it. It's like reading an incredible fanfic. It's insane, but it's the best. If you haven’t already, please go and play it.

Mass Effect 3 ends the Trilogy in a slightly sour note

The ending is what Mass Effect 3 can be discussed. The final mission was the one that made me anxious. I did however, complete all other missions on the map before I started the final mission. Since I had enough War Assets, this opened the door to the secret cutscene. Your squad and you will be fighting the Reapers for Earth with the Crucible. This weapon can destroy them. You can then say goodbye to all your friends. While some were more heartbreaking than others they were all perfect. My only gripe is that some love interests won't say goodbye in a hologram.

The final mission begins. It's more like a mission.Call of DutySetpiece is better than aMass EffectIf I'm honest, it was a tough fight. However, this is the last fight and I can accept it. You are separated from your squad towards the end. If you bring your lover, you will be treated to more heartbreak. You arrive at Citadel.FinallyThank God, you have the opportunity to shoot The Illusive Man.

It's all going well, but Shepard is injured and he sits next to an Anderson who is dying while looking at Earth. It felt like the perfect ending, and the conversation between them made me weep. But it is not the end. Five minutes into the game, it feels like a fever dream. The Reapers appear in the dreams of a child who appears in your dreams. You have three options: destroy them, control them, or combine the Reapers with you. This is a big decision, but the end result will be the same regardless of what you do. Because I wanted to see the secret cutscene, I chose to destroy.

Other than the ending, I have other issues with this game. This introduced weight to weapons and this was very frustrating for me as someone who had invested in the Black Widow, the best sniper in the game. Because some pistols were too heavy, it also restricted the guns I could carry with me. A scanner was also installed between the warroom and the bridge. This meant that whenever I needed to check my War Assets I had to stand awkwardly for a few seconds. It was extremely frustrating, especially since the Citadel has scanners that you can just walk through. I miss the hacking minigames of the previous installments.

Mass Effect 3 is a great example of how the journey matters more that the destination. This has the benefit that the characters are well written and are familiar, which adds to the enjoyment. Although the ending was disappointing, it didn't really matter. I will always remember my first experience with this trilogy. This is one of those stories you have to see for yourself at least once.

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