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Observer: System Redux Review

Many horror fans wait for Bloober Team’s next game, The Medium, to arrive in January

By Fernanda ReyesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Many horror fans wait for Bloober Team’s next game, The Medium, to arrive in January. However, they just released an updated version one of their older games. Observer: System Redux was an improved version of Observer released by the team in 2017. The new version adds visual enhancements to the consoles and touches up some gameplay elements. It also includes new content. This is your chance to rectify any mistakes you made in the original game.

Observer: System Redux, a first-person cyberpunk thriller in which you play as Daniel Lazarski, is now available. Rutger Hauer, who you may know from Blade Runner, is the voice actor for Daniel. It's 2084, and people are stuck at home due to a virus called nanophage. Daniel receives a call from his son, who appears to be in serious trouble. However, the call is cut short before Daniel can obtain all details. When you arrive at Daniel's apartment, all that is left is a severely disfigured corpse. This is only the beginning of what you will see in this game.

Daniel is known for being an Observer, and as such he uses special tools to conduct investigations in his apartment. These tools include night vision and bio vision as well as electromagnetic vision and the Dream Eater. This apartment complex feels like a character in itself, as the entire game is played inside it. While you can talk to other residents through the intercom, you don't really meet anyone else in the game. Talking to the characters is how you will gather clues and piece together the mystery surrounding your son's death.

Daniel has many tools that allow him to see the hidden world, such as blood and hidden compartments. But the Dream Eater is his most fascinating tool. This tool allows Daniel to access the memories of the deceased and discover what happened during their final moments. This will not only provide valuable information, but it can also lead to some horrifying events. The game is very good at presenting different environments to you with haunting imagery and scary sounds. You don't know what to expect. The story Observer: System Redux tells, is captivating. I recommend that you not let it go by and check out the other next-generation launch titles.

You might be curious if you have played this game before and what might make it more enjoyable. There are a few side cases you can solve that were not in the original game. Many other aspects of the game have been improved to make it more enjoyable, such as the stealth sections and the mini-games. The original was released in 2017, and the System Redux improvements made it a much more enjoyable experience. This game was reviewed on the PlayStation 5. Bloober Team also included Dualsense functionality. If the door is locked, you will feel resistance when you open it. Some of the sounds within the game can also be linked to haptic feedback. These are not game-changing features, but they did make the game a little more immersive. That is something I appreciate.

Observer's new consoles have many upgrades, including visuals. The game runs at 4K resolution with 60 frames per second, which makes it more responsive and smoother. Textures have been improved, animations enhanced, character models are more detailed, and HDR lighting has been added. Ray-tracing support was also added. Despite the fact that the world is quite depressing, I found this one of the most beautiful games on the PlayStation 5. It is also a great experience thanks to the music and sound design. Rutger Hauer's voice acting is great, but the lines of some characters didn't sound very good. There are 24 trophies available for those who are interested, including a Platinum. Although it's an easy list, one of the methods for finding all the collectibles seems to be broken at the moment.

Over the years, I have played all of Bloober Team games. Observer: System Redux has been my favorite. This game is very different than most others because of the way they tell their story through gadgets like the dream eater. This version has graphical enhancements and gameplay changes that make the world both fascinating and terrifying. While there isn't much new content for people who have already played the original, anyone who is yet to become an Observer should not miss the opportunity.

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